Field Notes

<--2009-11-19 10:00:00 | 2009-12-01 12:00:00-->
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Sherman Island: 2009-11-24 10:00:00 (DOY 328)
Author: Joe Verfaillie
Others: Abhinav

Summary: Met Juan Mercado about levee location for LGR trailer


Arrived about 10am with Abhinav to meet with Juan Mercado about the levee location for the LGR trailer.

Weather was warm, hazy-sunny, probably was foggy earlier. No wind, maybe a little from the east, southeast. Lots of wild life about, king fisher, otters, white pelican.

We looked at locations along the levee for the LGR trailer. We looked at two locations, but likely these were too far to the east. A lot of the levee further west has been recently repaired. Most of the levee face down to the water has been scrapped and is no covered in anti-erosion matting and straw and is currently being irrigated by sprinklers. Juan indicated that they are still monitoring the repair job maybe it would be better not to get in the way. However, we returned later without Juan to take photos and discovered that the locations to the east that we discussed with Juan probably are not good locations due to footprint and we explored a little further into the repaired section. There we found a better spot that seems to have a lot of room and better footprint. I think it would be worth checking again with Juan about possible location further west.

See photos and maps at:

Around 11am we checked on the Sherman towers. CH4 was above 3.2ppm and CO2 was above 430ppm. Again almost no wind.

Then we left to setup the generator at Twitchell.

We returned about 12pm to Sherman. We extended the heating element to the very ends of the isotope tubing. The heater now loops around the inlet funnel before following the tubing and runs to the fitting in the roof of the trailer.

I also added the LED NDVI sensor sn LED-02 to the CR10X1_met data logger. This required updating the data logger program. Internal memory was completely download before program upload. A copy of the final storage output labels is below.

I forgot the box for the LED NDVI circuit board, so this went into the fast radiation box, but this meant that the cables weren't long enough to mount where I had hoped to. The sensor head is mounted to the west near the rain bucket. Eventually it will be out at the end of the boom near the other radiation sensors.

Trailer LGR stats
12:35pm, 2.24ppm, 410ppm, 10000ppm, 20.68C, 140.12Torr, 15.09usec

Permanent tower LGR stats
1:05pm, 2.164ppm, 23.42C, 137.9Torr, 15.15usec

I adjusted the bypass vales in both analyzers to bring pressures back to 142Torr.

Final Storage Label File for: SI_CR10X1_v170.csi
Date: 11/24/2009
Time: 07:55:21

170 Output_Table 30.00 Min
1 170 L
2 Year_RTM L
3 Day_RTM L
4 Hour_Minute_RTM L
5 Ref_Temp_AVG H
6 CR10_Volt_AVG H
7 Precip_mm_TOT H
8 Wetness_AVG H
9 Pressure_AVG H
10 Air_Temp_AVG H
12 WaterPres_AVG H
13 TC1_2Cm_AVG H
14 TC1_4Cm_AVG H
15 TC1_8Cm_AVG H
16 TC1_16Cm_AVG H
17 TC1_32Cm_AVG H
18 TC1_50Cm_AVG H
19 TC2_2Cm_AVG H
20 TC2_4Cm_AVG H
21 TC2_8Cm_AVG H
22 TC2_16Cm_AVG H
23 TC2_32Cm_AVG H
24 TC2_50Cm_AVG H
25 TC3_2Cm_AVG H
26 TC3_4Cm_AVG H
27 TC3_8Cm_AVG H
28 TC3_16Cm_AVG H
29 TC3_32Cm_AVG H
30 SHF_1_AVG H
31 SHF_2_AVG H
32 SHF_3_AVG H
33 Net_Rad_AVG H
34 ParSol_AVG H
35 ParTerr_AVG H
36 Wetnes_29_AVG H
37 Pump_Temp_AVG H
38 Theta_P1_AVG H
39 Theta_P2_AVG H
40 Theta_P3_AVG H
41 Batt_Volt_AVG H
42 Shelter_T_AVG H
43 Red_in_AVG H
44 Nir_in_AVG H
45 Red_out_AVG H
46 Nir_out_AVG H
47 Ref_Temp_STD H
48 CR10_Volt_STD H
49 Precip_mm_STD H
50 Wetness_STD H
51 Pressure_STD H
52 Air_Temp_STD H
54 WaterPres_STD H
55 TC1_2Cm_STD H
56 TC1_4Cm_STD H
57 TC1_8Cm_STD H
58 TC1_16Cm_STD H
59 TC1_32Cm_STD H
60 TC1_50Cm_STD H
61 TC2_2Cm_STD H
62 TC2_4Cm_STD H
63 TC2_8Cm_STD H
64 TC2_16Cm_STD H
65 TC2_32Cm_STD H
66 TC2_50Cm_STD H
67 TC3_2Cm_STD H
68 TC3_4Cm_STD H
69 TC3_8Cm_STD H
70 TC3_16Cm_STD H
71 TC3_32Cm_STD H
72 SHF_1_STD H
73 SHF_2_STD H
74 SHF_3_STD H
75 Net_Rad_STD H
76 ParSol_STD H
77 ParTerr_STD H
78 Wetnes_29_STD H
79 Pump_Temp_STD H
80 Theta_P1_STD H
81 Theta_P2_STD H
82 Theta_P3_STD H
83 Batt_Volt_STD H
84 Shelter_T_STD H
85 Red_in_STD H
86 Nir_in_STD H
87 Red_out_STD H
88 Nir_out_STD H

Estimated Total Final Storage Locations used per day 8256

0 photos found

Graphs display:
7 sets found

No data found for SI_mp.
10 SI_met graphs found

Explore the graph:Solar Radiation in a new window

Explore the graph:Energy in a new window

Explore the graph:Soil Temperatures Set 1 in a new window

Explore the graph:Soil Temperatures Set 2 in a new window

Explore the graph:Soil Temperatures Set 3 in a new window

Explore the graph:Soil Temperature at -16cm in a new window

Explore the graph:Solar Radiation from CNR1 in a new window

Explore the graph:Sherman Island Rain in a new window

Explore the graph:Sherman Well Level in a new window

Explore the graph:Box Temperatures in a new window

Can't check SI_mixed
2 SI_mixed graphs found

Explore the graph:Theta Probes in a new window

Explore the graph:Sherman Island Air Temperatures in a new window

No data found for SI_flx.
No data found for SI_soilco2.
Can't check TWSI_mixed
Can't check SIMBTWEE_met