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Field Notes

<--2017-06-28 09:45:00 | 2017-07-03 15:25:00-->
Other sites visited today: Sherman Wetland

Sherman Wetland: 2017-06-28 10:00:00 (DOY 179)
Author: Patty Oikawa
Others: Max Burnham, Ankit Srinivas, Kyle Hemes, Joe Verfaillie, Mitch Craig, Niket Kundariya

Summary: Installed LGR, line power and added boardwalk near tower

We arrived at the site and Kyle and Joe were already working on the boardwalk. They added a bit of boardwalk to the end near the tower to put the LGR box on. Meanwhile, Max Ankit and I unrolled 1000ft of 10 gauge electrical wire and cut into 2 500ft pieces. These were threaded through metal conduit, enough to protect the wire along the levee and ground. The conduit going across the levee was buried a couple of inches below the surface. The wire along the boardwalk out to the tower was not put in conduit, but the wire is heavy-duty and meant for outdoor use so it should be ok.
*note-last 15 ft of wire along the levee were left exposed b/c we ran out of conduit--need to address this next time
Joe connected the wiring up to power. Both lines worked.
We carried the refrigerator-turned-LGR-box out to the end of the boardwalk and installed the LGR there (Carbon Dioxide Isotope Analyzer CCIA-38; model # 912-0003-0000-0000) . We installed the ACunit/heat pump in the box as well and set temp at 75F. The LGR turned on fine and specs looked normal. I hooked up the hotspot and remote access via team viewer appeared to be working well.
We installed 1 inlet to the LGR from the top of the tower near the sonic.
*note-I need to take measurements of inlet location next time
We put a swagelok filter on the inlet to prevent bugs from being pulled into the LGR.
Flow rates into the LGR were not measured, and need to be measured on the next visit to make sure flow is high enough for eddy covariance. Sample cell =200cc at 1 hz sampling rate meaning flow rates need to be ~12L/min.

Meanwhile the Geology team from CSU EB, Mitch and Niket, ran a seismic line on the other side of the levee at SW and then moved to the alfalfa field near MB tower to run another line.

LGR specs:
gas temp=44.8C
gas P=119.76 torr
laser response time=12.9 micros
CO2=401.88 ppm
D13C=-4.05 per mil
D18O= 60.75 per mil

2 photos found

view of field site
20170628SW_PattyMaxJoe.jpg ( 2017-06-28 14:54:55 ) Full size: 1280x960
view of field site

view of field site
20170628SW_PattyKyleLGR.jpg ( 2017-06-28 16:24:08 ) Full size: 1920x1440
view of field site

Graphs display:
7 sets found

Can't check MBWPEESWGT_mixed
Can't check MBEEWPSWEPGT_cam
15 SW_met graphs found


Water Temperature Profile A

Water Temperature Profile B

Soil Temperature Profile C2

Soil Heat Flux

Four channel Radiometer

Sherman Wetland PAR

PRI Channels

NDVI Channels

Water level and Rain

Dissolved CO2

Air Pressure

Battery Voltage and RH

Soil Temperature Profile C1


4 SW_flux graphs found

CO2 and H2O



Data Counts

Can't check SW_Temp
14 SW_Temp graphs found


CO2 and H2O



Data Counts

Temperature Profile A

Temperature Profile B

Temperature Profile C

Soil Heat Flux

Four-channel radiometer

NDVI Channels


Air Pressure and Water Level

Air T and RH

No data found for SW_arable.


Select Notes:

This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation and US Department of Energy. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in the material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the supporters.