Field Notes
<--2000-12-26 00:00:00 | 2001-01-05 10:30:00-->Other sites visited today: Tonzi
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Vaira: 2001-01-03 10:00:00 (DOY 3)
Author: Dennis Baldocchi
Summary: Fixed md9 systems and fixed communications between computer and data loggers; the sonic was dead.
Jan 3, 2001 10-1400 Clear day, solar panels working well. Its been dry and we need rain. We debugged the MD_9 Campbell systems and fixed how the computer talks to the data loggers. The scheme on the PC 208 software had to be changed We needed the port to talk to the MD_9, which identifies its code and then it links to the data logger. The new set up is com3=== MD9_2 === cr10x2== task 1 == === MD9_3 === cr23x3 == Task 2 The old program did not have the md_9 statements. Ironically the 'bad' programmed had worked until recently. This approach is better as we identify the id number of the md 9 and the program that is being used. The tasks were being called either. They are instrumental in changing the generic dat file to a named one at the end of the day, eg VR_md9_yrday_.23x. Data were downloaded. We are starting new subdirectories for Vaira_2001 and Vaira_2000. The protocol is to write data to Vaira and when data are copied and downloaded to bring home, those files are moved to Vaira_2001. This way we know what has been copied. It also keeps the working file from getting too huge (it is hard see the screen in the field and manipulate the mouse, a practical find). The sonic is dead (?). We are down and need to go back tomorrow and swap it out. We turned off the flux system around 1400 hours (on looking at the old data it seems the sonic was going offscale around miday lately. Not sure why, but temperature was getting warm. Plants were sampled for growth and height. The plant matter is in the fridge in 205. 33 cows were on the range and near the flux system Went to Tonzi ranch and set up solar panels. One solar panel was broken. The Flux program is gillsonic.exe It is on the c:\vaira subdirectory. There raw, flx and met data are written to that directory |
Veg Height (cm): Tape measure from ground to top of plant - New green sprouts
5, 3, 6, 1, 3, 5, 8, 2, 3, 2, 6, 4, 5, 3, 3, 2, avg = 7.6, stdev = 5.82
Field Data
No tank data
No VR Well data found
No TZ Moisture Point data found
No VR Moisture Point data found
No TZ grass heigth found
No VR grass heigth found
No VR Tree DBH found
No water potential data found
No VR Grass Biomass data found
No VR OakLeaves Biomass data found
No VR PineNeedles Biomass data found
0 photos found
9 sets found
16 VR_met graphs found
2 VR_flux graphs found
No data found for VR_soilco2.
No data found for VR_pond.
Can't check TZVR_mixed
No data found for VR_fd.
No data found for VR_processed.
No data found for VR_arable.
No data found for VR_soilvue.