Field Notes
<--2015-04-23 11:45:00 | 2015-05-21 11:15:00-->Other sites visited today: Sherman Island | Mayberry | Twitchell Rice | West Pond | Twitchell Alfalfa
Phenocam link: Searching...
East End: 2015-05-07 15:05:00 (DOY 127)
Author: Cove Sturtevant
Others: Sara
Summary: Data download and site check. Need wooden blocks for rad boom.
East End Wetland 2015-05-07 We arrived around 15:05 PDT. Cool, breezy, cloudy. Downloaded data, including both cameras. Radiometers covered in shit. Still need wooden blocks to cap ends of rad boom. Readings: CO2 = 16.2 mmol m-3 (16.6 after cleaning) H2O = 440 mmol m-3 (416 after cleaning) p = 100.8 kPa t = 21 C diag: 248 (247 after cleaning) sos: 342.7 m s-1 CH4: 2.02 ppm RSSI: 49% (75% after cleaning) Topped off reservoir. |
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11 sets found
14 EE_met graphs found
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1 EE_mixed graphs found
8 EE_flux graphs found
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5 EE_Temp graphs found
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1 EE_minidot graphs found
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