Equipment and Calibration

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Equipment Entry

Manufacture:Texas Electronics
Model No:TE525
Serial No:48132-611
Tag No:
Acquisition Date:2018-06-26
Project:OSU AirMOSS
Location on 2021-10-06:Tonzi,
Notes: Acquired from the OSU AirMOSS project, Location SP02-22


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Rec No.DateLoc FromTitleLoc ToNotes
5476 2021-10-06 Tonzi Calibration Tonzi none Tested with our new method using the peristaltic pump and 237ml of water which should result in 50 tips. 1/2 turn of the screws (CW+, CCW-) should adjust the number of tips by 2-3% (1-1.5 tips). Got 52 tips – I turned the screws one turn CCW.
4143 2019-11-07 Tonzi Calibration Tonzi Plug tipping bucket into the calibration CR23x and dripped 475ml of water through the bucket which should result in 100tips. Got 103 tips and did not adjust the bucket.
3738 2018-10-17 Tonzi Calibration Tonzi Got 134 of 100 tips - adjusted screws 4 turns CCW
3637 2012-01-09 Lab none Installed Tonzi Installed on the ground at SP2 near the Tower. This is the initial setup of the site by Richard Cuenca and Yutaka Hagimoto of Oregon State Univ.