Equipment and Calibration History

History for YSI EXO Central Wiper 24A100660

Rec No.DateLoc FromTitleLoc ToNotes
7011 2024-11-08 Lab none Tested Lab none Yesterday in the field, I saw an error message that said something like "the sensor on port 7 is drawing too much power," (central port where the wiper was installed). The wiper and depth data were 0 since our last data download, although the water quality parameters (fDOM, turbidity, conductivity, temperature) had reasonable data.

Today I plugged the EXO2 in in the lab and all connected fine for about 10 seconds, until the Kor software had a pop-up window that said the instrument was disconnected. I tried disconnecting the wiper and leaving the three water quality sensors connected: the red LED on the sonde displayed the expected steady 1Hz blink and the Kor software can detect the instrument.

When the wiper was installed, the red LED on the sonde flutters ~1Hz (not a distinct blink) and the Kor software cannot detect the instrument. I tested both the central port and another port on the side but the result was the same.

I'll e-mail YSI tech support to see what they say.
6964 2024-10-24 Lost none Installed Hill Slough Wiper EXO Installed in the HS channel after calibration
6932 2024-10-21 Lab none Notes Lost none I'm not sure where the serial number "13A100277" came from. It shows up in one field note when it was first installed at Hill Slough on 2024-04-10. However, Hill Slough should have the wiper that was sent as a warranty replacement for sn 22E103340. The correct serial number of the warranty replacement is 24A100660.
6937 2024-10-17 Hill Slough Wiper EXO Removed Lab none Removed from the Hill Slough channel and brought back to the lab for routine calibration
6894 2024-04-10 Lab none Installed Hill Slough Wiper EXO Reinstalled at the HS channel after regular lab cleaning and calibration
6770 2024-03-06 Factory none Lab none Received from YSI as a warranty replacement for sn 22E103340. Came with an extra brush and a small allen key for installing the brush. The factory inspection reported that water had leaked into the probe housing and all internal components were corroded. They replaced the wiper under warranty. YSI recommends sending the wiper back to the factory every year to have wiper motor o-rings replaced and lubed to prevent water leakage.