Equipment and Calibration History

History for YSI EXO3S 23H107001

Rec No.DateLoc FromTitleLoc ToNotes
6941 2024-10-23 Lab none Installed Gilbert Tract EXO Installed in the GT channel
6925 2024-10-17 Gilbert Tract EXO Removed Lab none Removed from GT channel and brought back to the lab for calibration
6825 2024-08-16 Lab none Installed Gilbert Tract EXO Installed in Gilbert Tract channel, co-located with the ADCP and channel miniDOT
7050 2024-07-24 Lab none Calibration Lab none Depth (m), Last cal:
EXO sn 23H107001
EXO/Sensor Firmware: 1.0.86/3.1.3
Pt1,0.000 m,10.280 m,0.000 m,0.000 m,20.652 °C
Note: First calibration on new sensor. Calibration time 2024-07-24 15:22 so 0 is set to barometric pressure in Hilgard 205 at that time.