Equipment and Calibration History

History for METER Group HYDROS21 H21G20001202

Rec No.DateLoc FromTitleLoc ToNotes
6729 2024-05-16 Lab none Installed Hill Slough Water Level Installed at the HS channel to replace CTD sn H21G200002433 that was removed previously. Tied to the same hook as the eosGP and I tried to match the eosGP height.
6664 2024-04-18 Lab none Tested Lab none I cut the chewed portion of the cable off and stripped the wires. I connected it to a CR1000 and changed its address from 0 to 6 to match the program I had. It seemed to work fine. No obvious water in the vent tub but the broken part of the cable was under water. We will have to put a desiccant tube on this because the fancy Teflon filter can't be reattached easily.
6661 2024-04-16 Gilbert Tract Water Level Removed Lab none Removed from GT and brought back to the lab. Its cable was chewed and totally broken in at least 2 places.
6047 2022-10-19 Lab none Installed Gilbert Tract Water Level Installed at GT off of the boardwalk where it is co-located with the eosGP and Campbell conductivity sensor. When the staff gauge read 21cm, the bottom of the sensors was 19cm below the water.