Equipment and Calibration

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Equipment Entry

Instrument:Solar Panel
Model No:SP75
Serial No:020854E-6-03-02-06905
Tag No:
Acquisition Date:
Location on 2025-01-06:Loaned,
Notes: 75W, 4.4A, 17-22V


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Rec No.DateLoc FromTitleLoc ToNotes
7076 2025-01-06 Lab none Loaned Loaned none Loaned to Patty for increased winter power at their Chico inter-comparison site. Picked up by Arshdeep and Rich.
5820 2022-05-04 Lab none Repair Lab none This panel had been under (salt) water at Yampah. The junction box on the back was all rotted out. I scraped the box off and the four junctions to the two 6V cell strings were still good. I soldered wires to the junction pads and added a screw terminal with two diodes. The panel was 20V and 4.5A in the sun. I cut the structure out of the junction box and reglued it to the back on the panel to protect the wiring and screw terminal. I think this panel is good to go.
5740 2022-03-21 Loaned none Returned Lab none Returned from temporary setup on the Yampah Marsh at Elkhorn Slough.
5578 2021-11-12 Lab none Loaned Loaned none Loaned to Adina Paytan at UCSC for temporary setup on the Yampah Marsh at Elkhorn Slough.
5547 2021-10-26 Vaira Solar Panel SoilCO2-A Removed Lab none Removed from Vaira - not in use, was for old soil co2 system.
5545 2012-02-16 Lab none Installed Vaira Solar Panel SoilCO2-A Installed to provide 24V power for soil CO2 system but mistakenly wired for 12V - fixed on 3/19
5543 2012-02-09 Tonzi Solar Panel Floor G Removed Lab none Removed from the Floor solar system. This panel has not been connected to the system since at least August 2008