Equipment and Calibration History

History for Campbell Sci. CS547A 7157

Rec No.DateLoc FromTitleLoc ToNotes
5032 2020-12-09 Lab none Installed Mayberry Conductivity Sensor A Installed at MB with interface sn 547-02 to replace sn 5688, which was brought back to the lab for testing.
4980 2020-11-19 Mayberry Removed Lab none Removed sensor and factory A547 interface from MB after concluding the conductivity sensor comparison. Brought back to the lab to test a homemade A547 board.
4943 2020-11-03 Sherman Wetland Conductivity Sensor Moved Mayberry none Moved from SW to MB for a temporary intercomparison because there was no water at the SW tower and sn 5688 at MB was giving high temp number
4499 2020-05-26 Sherman Wetland Conductivity Sensor Calibration Sherman Wetland Conductivity Sensor Cleaned and calibrated in the field with DI water (0 mS) and a YSI solution (10,000 uS). These are the temperature-corrected mScm readings from the datalogger, where the temperature correction occurs in the datalogger program.
In DI water: 0.56 mScm
In 10,000 uS calibration soln: 10.6 mScm
Calibration: (Corrected mScm) = 0.996 * (Sensor mScm) - 0.558
2646 2016-05-24 Lab none Installed Sherman Wetland Conductivity Sensor Installed at Sherman Wetland