Equipment and Calibration

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Equipment Entry

Instrument:PAR Sensor
Model No:LI-190/R
Serial No:Q100420
Tag No:
Acquisition Date:2015-06-11
Project:USDA Oikawa
Location on 2021-10-21:Mayberry,


Calibration: cal_Licor_LI-190R_snQ100420_20150508.pdf
Report: Hill Slough - Radiometer Calibration 2021 - 2021-06-22


Rec No.DateLoc FromTitleLoc ToNotes
5555 2021-10-21 Lab none Installed Mayberry PAR Sensor Diffuse PAR Installed as part of the rotating shadow band for diffuse PAR - not working until 11-04
5431 2021-08-25 Hill Slough PAR Sensor Diffuse Removed Lab none Removed from Hill Slough dfPAR and brought back to the lab for testing because it was mostly NAN or 0 with some sporadic data. It was replaced by sn Q100421.
5254 2021-04-27 Lab none Installed Hill Slough PAR Sensor Diffuse Installed at HS as part of the rotating shadow band diffuse PAR setup. This senor has a Licor supplied 604 Ohm resistor to convert from uA to mV.
5385 2015-05-08 Factory none Calibration Factory none Initial factory calibration: 7.06 uA/(1000 mmol/m2/s). If using with 604 Ohm mV adapter: -234.54 (umol/m2/s)/mV.