Equipment and Calibration History

History for Gill WM 1590 124215

Rec No.DateLoc FromTitleLoc ToNotes
2583 2017-01-17 Lab none Installed East End Anemometer Installed on East End tower to replace sn 153804.
2573 2017-01-06 Lab none Upgrade Lab none Upgraded firmware to correct for W bug.

Old SN: Y124215
New SN: X124215
Upgrade file: Y074417-Y124215-m.gcu, Y012345-s.gcu, X120908 X124215-m.gcu
Old firmware: 2329-114
New firmware: 2329-116-01

All Checksum fields report PASS.

There are multiple upgrade .gcu files. During the initial upgrade using file "Y074417-Y124215-m.gcu," the sensor was set at 57,600 baud rate. This baud rate caused an error in the upgrade, so the SN reset to Y012345. Gill sent me the second upgrade file, "Y-12345-s.gcu," which reset the sensor to SN X124215. Finally, I used the third upgrade file, "X120908 X124215-m.gcu," to upgrade the firmware.

Log file: WMUpgradeLog_X124215_170106_123318.txt

Config file below. If there are two entries in a field, the first entry is the old setting and the second entry is the new setting.



Baud Rate : 19200
Baud Rate : 57600
Output rate : P1 1 Hz
Output rate : P8 20 Hz
Output Channel 3 : W output (full range = 30m/s)
Output Channel 3 : W output (full range = 5m/s)


==== DETAILS OF DETECTED ANEMOMETER========================

Serial Number : X124215

---- SW VERSION --------------------------------------------
Anemometer Firmware Version: 2329-116

---- HW DETAILS OF ANEMOMETER------------------------------
Detected Anemometer Class : WindMaster 20Mhz
Number of AXIS on this unit : 3
DAC resolution of attached unit : 14
Number of DAC channels : 4
Maximum sampling rate : (8) P8 20 Hz

---- USER CONFIGURATION OF ANEMOMETER----------------------
Baud Rate : 19200
Baud Rate : 57600
Output Message Format : M1 UV(W)
Output Message Velocity Units : m/s
Output Message Terminator :
Retries : ON
Instantaneous Sampling : OFF
Factory Calibration : ON
Physical Communications : Auto
Resolution settings : High resolution
Alignment settings : North to spar
Averaging settings : Averaging inactive
Output rate : P1 1 Hz
Output rate : P8 20 Hz
Polar angle minimum magnitude: 0.050 m/s
Power-On Message : Display Power On Message
ASCII Format : Comma Separated (CSV)
SOS and Sonic Temperature display : SOS
Analogue output mode : -5V to 5V
Unit Identifier : 'Q'
Output Channel 1 : U output (full range = 30m/s)
Output Channel 2 : V output (full range = 30m/s)
Output Channel 3 : W output (full range = 30m/s)
Output Channel 3 : W output (full range = 5m/s)
Output Channel 4 : Speed of Sound

2547 2016-12-19 Lab none Maintenance Lab none This was outputting sonic T instead of SOS. I changed its settings to output SOS. Everything else looked okay. Its firmware is 2329-114 - so far not update tool to fix w bug for this version.
2485 2016-10-06 Bouldin Alfalfa Anemometer Removed Lab none Removed from the Bouldin Alfalfa tower. This sensor was installed to test the system. Replaced by sn 153806.
2437 2016-08-31 Lab none Installed Bouldin Alfalfa Anemometer Installed on the Bouldin Alfalfa tower to replace sn 153806 that has a spiking problem.
2145 2016-01-12 East End Anemometer Removed Lab none Removed from tower for calibration. The SOS was reading unexpectedly low.
1911 2015-07-20 Lab none Installed East End Anemometer Installed on the East End Tower to upgrade the eddy system - replacing older equipment
1890 2015-06-09 Loaned Returned Lab none Stephen Chan returned this sonic that he had borrowed to test the LI-7550 analog inputs.
1889 2015-02-13 Lab none Loaned Loaned Loaned to Stephen Chan at Ameriflux at LBNL for testing of LI-7550 analog channels.
1617 2014-10-09 Mayberry-Portable Removed Lab none Removed with the rest of the portable tower equipment. End of the portable tower campaign.
1288 2014-04-28 Lab none Installed Mayberry-Portable Installed on the Mayberry portable tower.