Equipment and Calibration History

History for Vaisala PTB110 E1330045

Rec No.DateLoc FromTitleLoc ToNotes
3998 2019-05-23 Mayberry Barrometer Removed Lab none Reading dropped down to 50, so removed and brought back to the lab for inspection.
1895 2015-05-21 Lab none Installed Mayberry Barrometer Installed in the box with the CR23X. Last one was removed due to high reading.
1342 2014-06-12 Twitchell Rice Barometer Removed Lab none The sensor was giving bad reading so we replaced it with sn H0160093.
1324 2009-05-21 Lab none Installed Twitchell Rice Barometer Installed at Twitchell Rice on May 21st 2009.