Metadata and Data Sets
| Bouldin Alfalfa || Bouldin Corn || DWR Corn || East End || East Pond || Eden Landing || Gilbert Tract || Hill Slough || Mayberry || Rush Ranch || Sherman Barn || Sherman Island || Sherman Wetland || Tonzi || Twitchell Alfalfa || Twitchell Rice || Vaira || West Pond |Summary
| Soils || Water Level || Lidar || Dist & Mgmt || Leaf Level || Spectra || Report || Isotope || Harvest || LAI || Ground Penetrating Radar || Soil Moisture || Tree Survey || Water Potential || Porewater || Chamber fluxes |
Id | Type | Site | Dates | Frequency | Title | Description |
1 | Soils | SI | 2007-11-08 | Once | Sherman Island Soil Profiles | Soil profiles six location from 0-60cm, Carbon, Nitrogen, Bulk Density, pH, Cation Exchange Capacity, Volumetric Water Content Method: Used trencher to dig ~6m trench on north side of enclosure, Dug 2 parallel 3" trenches about one foot apart and dug out space between them with a shovel. The profiles are about 1 m from each other, and there are five in total. Yit took 0-10 cm surface samples with his sampling apparatus (un-even volume precision). From field notes, samples were taken on several dates by Ben Runkle from 2007-10-11 to 2007-12-18. |
29 | Soils | SI | 2010-04-29 | Once | Sherman Island Levee Soil Sampling | Jacyln took soil samples from tidal area at the levee location. Not sure where the data is. |
23 | Soils | TZ | 2011-05-03 - 2012-05-04 | Once | Soil cores for C:N and root samples | Soils and roots were sampled near five trees and two clusters. 16 locations per site were sampled for roots with a 3.2cm corer in 10cm increment profiles to 60cm. 14 locations per site were sampled for C:N with a 3.2cm corer in 10cm increment profiles to 50cm. For more details see: Koteen, L. E., N. Raz-Yaseef, and D. D. Baldocchi (2014), Spatial heterogeneity of fine root biomass and soil carbon in a California oak savanna illuminates plant functional strategy across periods of high and low resource supply, Ecohydrology, doi: 10.1002/eco.1508 |
35 | Soils | WP, MB | 2013-08-30 - 2013-10-14 | Once | Delta-wide soil survey by JGI Susannah Tringe | Soil samples collected by Wyatt Hartman and Susie Theroux from Susannah Tringe's group at LBL. Sites were sampled for bulk density, C/N/anions/elements in the soil and porewater, and microbial communities. Soil samples were incubated in the lab to measure greenhouse gas fluxes. |
27 | Soils | EE | 2013-12-16 - 2013-12-16 | Once | East End preflood soil sampling | 107 samples for C/N, 20 samples for Fe, 88 samples for bulk density. Single depth, 107 spatial locations with high precision GPS. Higher density in EE tower footprint and two other possible portable tower locations. |
28 | Soils | SW | 2016-01-01 - 2016-05-30 | Once | Sherman Wetland preflood soil sampling | Dennis remembers Tyler Anthony take a whole bunch of samples (including bulk density measurements) right before we set up the tower in May 2016. Not sure where if we have the data or if Tyler has it. |
30 | Soils | SB, BC, Bouldin 1, Staten | 2016-08-01 - 2018-03-15 | Once | %C, %N sampled by Tyler Anthony | Tyler Anthony (Whendee Silver's lab) analyzed %C and %N from shallow soils: -Sherman Barn (Tyler refers to it as "Sherman Pasture"), 0-10cm, probably sampled in Spring 2018 -Bouldin Corn, 0-15cm, sampled 2017-05-16 -Bouldin 1 (Tyler's alfalfa auto-chamber site by the barn), 0-15cm?, sampled 2016-08-01 -Staten ("taken from a corn field west of the road), 0-10cm, sampled 2018-03-15 |
39 | Soils | SW | 2018-01-01 - 2024-02-12 | Once | Soil accretion at Whale's Mouth (Hydrofocus) | 17 sedimentation erosion tables (SET) were installed across Whale's Mouth wetland in 2017. 1 SET was sampled in 2023 and 7 SETs were sampled in 2024. 8 of the sites could not be found. The average elevation change was 0.58 to 2.33 cm/yr with an average of 1.25 cm/yr. |
25 | Soils | SB, BC, EP, EE, BA, SW, MB | 2018-08-27 - 2018-08-28 | Once | Soil cores for C:N and microbial community | Soil samples were collected to be analyzed for soil moisture, bulk density, C:N, and microbial community. Generally at each site, two transects were sampled (T1 to the north, T2 south), starting near the tower and going to the west. Each transect had 5 sampling locations each (P1-P5), each location about 5m apart. At wetland locations (SW, MB, EE, EP, WP), soils were collected at 0-15cm depth. At agricultural locations (BA, BC, SB), soils were collected at 3 depths: 0-15cm, 15-30cm, and 30-60cm. For more information, see the field notes from each day. 2018-08-27 -Sherman Barn: The water table was around 50-60cm. -Bouldin Corn: Transects starting from the first corn rows running parallel away from the tower. Dry peat layer around 60 cm. -Bouldin Alfalfa: Transects starting roughly 5m from the tower. A smaller subsample was taken for microbial analysis. -East End: Transects starting 5-10m from the tower, going west/southwest through dense veg with the T2P4 and T2P5 taken from veg near the open water section. A smaller subsample was taken for microbial analysis. -East Pond: Transects starting about 7m from tower to the west (T1) and southwest (T2). (i.e. after the big open pond section by the solar panels). A smaller subsample was taken for microbial analysis. T2P5 was taken from the more uniformly vegetated area to the west. Other samples were mostly from fairly open water areas near clusters of veg. 2018-08-28 -Mayberry: Two transects (T1 in veg, T2 near the open water) each going northwest of the tower and took microbial subsamples from each core. -Sherman Wetland: We took two transects (T1 to the north, T2 south) going west from the tower starting where the water was about 20 cm deep and following the low vegetation. |
24 | Soils | TZ, VR | 2019-04-30 - 2019-04-30 | Once | Soil cores for C:N and microbial community | Soil samples were collected to be analyzed for soil moisture, bulk density, C:N, and microbial community. At each sampling location, soil samples were taken with a narrow corer at four depths: 0-10, 10-20, 20-30, 30-40 cm. At Vaira, samples were taken in six locations surrounding the tower site. At Tonzi, samples were taken in twelve locations in open locations and near trees. |
38 | Soils | HS | 2021-07-07 - 2021-07-08 | Once | Preflood base line sampling | 2021-07-07 to 2021-07-08. Soil cores were collected from nine locations at Hill Slough. At each location, three short cores (up to 30 cm) and one long core (up to 60-99 cm) were collected. Two of the short cores were cut into approximately 2.5 cm sections, and one at 1 cm thick intervals in the lab. Long cores were sliced at 5 cm intervals in the field. Soil samples were analyzed for delta13C, delta15N, C, N, and organic matter content. Additionally, at locations 1, 2, and 4, soils were analyzed for Pb-210. Scott Jones from USGS conducted vegetation and RTK-GPS (Real Time Kinematics with centimeter resolution) measurements for the sample locations and additional points in between sample locations on 2021-07-20. Regarding the post-fixes on the sample names: N denotes North, E = East, S = South, and L = Long. The long core at each plot was collected at the center of the triangle formed by N, E, and S (with approximately 2 meters distance between cores). Due to a shortage of acrylic short tubes, from site 5 to 9, we collected N, E, and L cores. |
40 | Soils | HS | 2024-06-12 - 2024-06-26 | Once | Postflood sampling | Soil cores were collected from eight locations at Hill Slough, redoing the same locations as preflood sampling in 2021. HSM_1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 were sampled. We skipped HSM_5 because it was mostly levee construction soil, not wetland soil. At each location, three short cores (up to 30 cm) were collected. Two of the short cores were cut into approximately 2.5 cm sections, and one at 1 cm thick intervals in the lab. Soil samples will be analyzed for delta13C, delta15N, C, N, and organic matter content. Some soils will also be analyzed for Pb-210. |