Metadata and Data Sets

| Bouldin Alfalfa || Bouldin Corn || DWR Corn || East End || East Pond || Eden Landing || Gilbert Tract || Hill Slough || Mayberry || Rush Ranch || Sherman Barn || Sherman Island || Sherman Wetland || Tonzi || Twitchell Alfalfa || Twitchell Rice || Vaira || West Pond |


| Soils || Water Level || Lidar || Dist & Mgmt || Leaf Level || Spectra || Report || Isotope || Harvest || LAI || Ground Penetrating Radar || Soil Moisture || Tree Survey || Water Potential || Porewater || Chamber fluxes |

IdTypeSiteDates FrequencyTitle Description
44 Chamber fluxes MB, GT, EL 2023-12-06 - 2024-08-15 Twice CH4, N2O, CO2 chamber fluxes in wetlands Part of Kuno's global quest to measure as many wetland chamber fluxes as possible.

We used homemade dark floating chambers for most of the samples, although we also experimented with homemade clear floating chambers and the Smart Chamber if it was dry enough. We measured water quality parameters (temperature, pH, DO, conductivity, turbidity, ORP, WTD), took 10cm deep soil samples at some points, took dissolved gas samples from the water (December samples only), and recorded each point with GPS.
6 Lidar SI, MB, SB 2007-02-01 Once Sherman Island part of DWR Delta wide 2007 Lidar flight These data are from LIDAR flights of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta conducted during late January and February of 2007. The work was conducted under contract issued by California Department of Water Resources to URS Corporation. All data are registered to UTM Zone 10, NAD83, vertical datum NAVD88. The elevation units in the point files are in meters. The elevations for the ESRI grids are in decimeters (done to allow integer type grids to save file size).

The bare earth grid is of one meter resolution.

The accuracy specifications are as follows:

Vertical accuracy: 95% at 0.6’ (<18.5cm) and 90% at 0.5’ (15cm)
Horizontal accuracy: 1.0’ (30cm), 1 sigma.
26 Lidar BA, BC, EE, MB, SB, SW, TA, WP 2016-12-01 - 2017-03-07 Once Delta-wide USGS Lidar flight Winter time Lidar flight commissioned by the USGS and flown by Woolpert. Horizontal datum: NAD83 (NSRS2007) Epoch 2017.95, UTM Zone 10N, meters. Vertical datum: NAVD88, GEOID12B, US Survey Feet, Orthometric. Includes classified point cloud, features shape files, bare earth DEM, orthometric imagery (0.3-meter16-bit 4-band RGB-IR tiles in TIFF format with World Files). The entire Delta is covered by 8 points per m2, 0.5m DEM.
3 Lidar BA, BC, WP, EP, EE, TA, TW, MB, SB, SW 2018-09-20 Once NCALM Lidar Flight Lidar flight data collection from Kyle Hemes NCAL project: Ecosystem Structure as a Driver of Climatic, Habitat, and Hydrological Services in Heterogeneous Restored Wetlands. Point clouds (*.las files), 1m resolution DEM and DSM (arcgis GridFloat files), visible imagery (*.tif files) of Sherman, Twitchel and Bouldin Islands. UTM Zone 10N, meters, NAD83(2011) epoch 2010.00 / NAVD88 (GEOID12B)
41 Porewater MB 2023-05-01 - Present Monthly Porewater salinity sipper profiles Kyle Delwiche installed various sipper profiles at Mayberry to measure porewater salinity. All profiles had depths 10cm, 20cm, 30cm, 40cm, and 50cm below the soil surface.

From 2023-05-09 to 2024-01-30, there was one profile installed in the tules by the boardwalk, maybe 1m south of the tower. This is the same location as the later Veg-black profile that was installed.

On 2024-02-12, three "vegetated" profiles were installed in the tules by the boardwalk. Data is labeled
Veg or Open - whether profiles was in vegetation or in open water
Blk or Blu or Red - color label of profile
Yellow or Red or White or Black or Green - color label of depth

Blue profile – under radiometer boom on west side of tower
Black profile – about 1m south of Blue profile, on west side of boardwalk walkway
Red profile – on east side of boardwalk walkway, directly across from the Black profile and about 50cm from the staff gauge

Yellow depth = 10cm
Red depth = 20cm
White depth = 30cm
Black depth = 40cm
Green depth = 50cm

On 2024-04-23 and 2024-04-25, Kyle installed a total of three sipper profiles in the open water of the channel, just north of the tower. These profiles are also named Red, Blue, and Black, but I don't know the detailed position. They were within 2m of each other. The depth colors are the same as the vegetated sippers.
35 Soils WP, MB 2013-08-30 - 2013-10-14 Once Delta-wide soil survey by JGI Susannah Tringe Soil samples collected by Wyatt Hartman and Susie Theroux from Susannah Tringe's group at LBL. Sites were sampled for bulk density, C/N/anions/elements in the soil and porewater, and microbial communities. Soil samples were incubated in the lab to measure greenhouse gas fluxes.
25 Soils SB, BC, EP, EE, BA, SW, MB 2018-08-27 - 2018-08-28 Once Soil cores for C:N and microbial community Soil samples were collected to be analyzed for soil moisture, bulk density, C:N, and microbial community. Generally at each site, two transects were sampled (T1 to the north, T2 south), starting near the tower and going to the west. Each transect had 5 sampling locations each (P1-P5), each location about 5m apart. At wetland locations (SW, MB, EE, EP, WP), soils were collected at 0-15cm depth. At agricultural locations (BA, BC, SB), soils were collected at 3 depths: 0-15cm, 15-30cm, and 30-60cm. For more information, see the field notes from each day.
-Sherman Barn: The water table was around 50-60cm.
-Bouldin Corn: Transects starting from the first corn rows running parallel away from the tower. Dry peat layer around 60 cm.
-Bouldin Alfalfa: Transects starting roughly 5m from the tower. A smaller subsample was taken for microbial analysis.
-East End: Transects starting 5-10m from the tower, going west/southwest through dense veg with the T2P4 and T2P5 taken from veg near the open water section. A smaller subsample was taken for microbial analysis.
-East Pond: Transects starting about 7m from tower to the west (T1) and southwest (T2). (i.e. after the big open pond section by the solar panels). A smaller subsample was taken for microbial analysis. T2P5 was taken from the more uniformly vegetated area to the west. Other samples were mostly from fairly open water areas near clusters of veg.
-Mayberry: Two transects (T1 in veg, T2 near the open water) each going northwest of the tower and took microbial subsamples from each core.
-Sherman Wetland: We took two transects (T1 to the north, T2 south) going west from the tower starting where the water was about 20 cm deep and following the low vegetation.