Field Notes
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Hill Slough: 2022-08-31 14:30:00 (DOY 243)
Author: Joe Verfaillie
Others: Daphne, Carlos
Summary: Low tide, standard fieldwork, power for water measurements looks okay, sipper water sample stored
Hill Slough 2022-08-31 Daphne, Carlos and I arrived at 14:30 PDT. It was clear, sunny and mild with a nice breeze. Tide was low and I didn’t notice any flow in the channel. Water level was 3.42ft at 13:50 PST (7” below the staff gauge). Carlos cleaned the staff gauge. Carlos and Daphne checked on the EXO and downloaded data since 8/4. Battery was still 75% and memory had 98% free. The 23x was sending data to the CR1000 okay, but the salinity (17,000) is beyond the range of the 23x so the salinity data saved on the 23x was showing all 6999. Need to use high precision storage for that value. The CR1000 is storing it okay so it can wait for the next visit to be fixed. The Li power pack was fully charged and the battery data from the 23x looked fine. I drilled holes in the boardwalk and zipped tied the SDI-12 cable from the 23x to the CR1000 to the edge of the boardwalk. I added a couple of eye bolts near where the water sensors hang but the configuration there still needs to be sorted out. We might add pipes to help keep the sensors from swinging in the current. At the tower Daphne downloaded the data The 7500 read: 401ppm CO2, 433mmol/m3 H2O, 31.1C, 101.4kPa, 99SS before and after cleaning The 7700 read: 2.0ppm CH4, 55RSSI – 73 after cleaning The 7500 clock was adjust by +15 sec and logging restarted. Daphne took a sipper water sample which will need to be stored until the conductivity sensor comes back from UCSC. Sample, temperature-compensated conductivity, temperature, notes Porewater, 22 mS,, Sample stored in fridge before being measured 14:00 PST We left at 15:05 PDT |
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