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<--2021-03-04 12:30:00 | 2021-03-30 14:40:00-->Other sites visited today: Sherman Wetland | Mayberry | East End | Bouldin Corn | Bouldin Alfalfa | Hill Slough
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West Pond: 2021-03-16 14:10:00 (DOY 75)
Author: Daphne Szutu
Summary: Regular data collection/cleaning, inlet on, RH/AirT sensor laying on boardwalk since March 6, swapped 7500 for calibration
2021-03-16 West Pond I arrived at 14:10 PDT. It was a cool day with a cold breeze. The inlet was on, but it must have just been turned on because I didn’t see any sharp changes in the water level data. The staff gauge read 15cm. The HMP155 sensor had fallen out of its shield again and was laying on the upper boardwalk. I tied up the sensor cable so there’s less tension pulling the sensor down. I put the sensor back in the shield. This sensor has a threaded collar (no grooves) with a skinny plastic set screw. Maybe I’ll bring a different collar next time. From the data and the camera photos, the sensor fell out in the early morning of March 6. The conductivity sensor was clean and above the water. I downloaded met, camera, and USB GHG data. I cleaned flux and rad sensors. There was a big bird poop splat on the lower 7700 mirror, which is why the RSSI has been so low for a few days. The reservoir was 2/3 full; I refilled it. I swapped LI-7500s for calibration: sn 0042 came off and sn 0073 went on. This site is running 7550 with v8.8.32 firmware, so the new sensor was also calibrated with the same firmware in the lab, although I’m not sure it makes a difference. After the swap, I uploaded a new config file and updated the pressure coefficient. I reset the 7550 box and checked that the USB was logging, the 7700 was connected, and the clocks still looked good. LI-7500 readings (sn 0042 --> sn 0042 after cleaning --> sn 0073): CO2 420ppm --> 421 --> 421 H2O 310ppm --> 303 --> 267 T 16.9C --> 17.2 --> 17.0 P 101.8kPa --> 101.8 --> 101.7 SS 101--> 102 --> 98 LI7700 readings: CH4 2.0ppm RSSI 26-->81 after cleaning I left at 14:40 PDT. |
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