Field Notes
<--2018-08-23 12:25:00 | 2018-08-27 10:20:00-->Other sites visited today: West Pond | East End
Phenocam link: Searching...
East Pond: 2018-08-24 16:27:00 (DOY 236)
Author: Alex Valach
Others: Sophie, Julia, Wes
Summary: Allometric measurements and other poking around
We arrived at 9:15am and started on two transects going from the Eastern corners diagonally across the flux footprint. Each transect took 10 allometric measurements of leaf diameter and height, as well as water table height, veg. composition, dead/live litter estimate, and surface water samples. I did another transect only taking water table height every 5m from the flux tower going 50m west. The water table decreases going away from the tower, as more cattails have filled in those areas and deposited a fair amount of litter. The western part of the pond is evenly filled in and there are lots of new cattails growing. Just before leaving I checked the thermocouples around the tower (couldn't find the middle one). The outer two were all submerged in the water. The water pump was on. We left around 12:30pm. |
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