Field Notes
<--2017-09-26 12:30:00 | 2017-10-19 14:40:00-->Other sites visited today: East End | Sherman Wetland | Mayberry | Twitchell Alfalfa
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West Pond: 2017-10-13 09:15:00 (DOY 286)
Author: Joe Verfaillie
Others: Elke
Summary: Swapped both 7500 and 7700 for calibration, added moth balls to boxes.
West Pond 2017-10-13 Elke and I arrived at 9:15. It was sunny and mild – much less smoke than the bay area but we can see smoke on the horizon to the north and west. The cattails are beginning to turn yellow, but still mostly green. The water inlet was not running but the water level was fine. Bryan said they will raise the water level by about 10cm. We swapped both the 7500 (sn 0418 off, sn 75H-2150 on) and the 7700 (sn TG1-0223 off, sn TG1-0424 on) for calibration. We uploaded the config for the 7500 from the calibration in the lab on the 11th and changed the pressure coefficients. Initially we could not get the 7700 to connect. The 7700s IP address was and I thought to put the 7550 box on the same subnet, so I set its IP address to but that didn’t help. Then finally we discovered that you have to stop logging to connect the 7700. However, I’m not 100% sure I restarted logging before we left. 7500 off: 412.3ppm CO2, 380.0mmol/m3 H2O, 16.4C, 101.7kPa, 91.2SS 7500 on: 419.5ppm CO2, 328.9mmol/m3 H2O, 16.8C, 101.7kPa, 96.2SS 7700 off: 2.2ppm CH4, 60.2RSSI 7700 on: 2.2ppm CH4, 74.9RSSI We added moth balls to both the 7550 box and the met box. I cleaned the solar panels. Left at 9:55 |
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