Field Notes
<--2017-06-27 16:00:00 | 2017-07-03 11:01:00-->Other sites visited today: East End | West Pond | East End
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West Pond: 2017-06-27 17:26:00 (DOY 178)
Author: Sam Chamberlain
Others: Tyler, Heather, Summer
Summary: Soil iron sampling
We arrived at ~9am to begin Fe sampling. The plan was to sample 3 transects, 5 locations/transects, two depths (surface much, 15cm hard sediment), with each transect heading different headings from the tower to cover the footprint. Sticking to the exact transects was near-impossible due to the thickness of the vegetation. Instead, we followed the boardwalk out and did three locations into the center of the wetland from 5 distances down the boardwalk, effectively running three parallel transects, but again, distances in were somewhat haphazard due to thickness of the wetland. Depths were complicated bc there is essentially no soil until 0.7m depth at which point the undecomposed cattails/tules give way to a mucky soil layer that is thin and mostly water. We sampled the very surface soil, as there is some muck at the water surface, and also bored holes to sample below the 0.7m muck layer. For the first point in all transects we also sampled the cattail/tule detrital layer so we could have some values for this layer. Breaking through the detrital cap led to large and extended ebullition events. Soils were bag and extracted immediately in the field in (1) HCl solution to measure Fe(III) and Fe(II) and (2) citrate ascorbate to measure poorly crystalline iron. |
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