Field Notes
<--2017-01-17 10:10:00 | 2017-01-31 12:30:00-->Phenocam link: Searching...
Mayberry: 2017-01-26 09:25:00 (DOY 26)
Author: Daphne Szutu
Others: Joe Verfaillie
Summary: Re-wired sensors to CR1000, installed 4-way radiometer, swapped sonic
We arrived around 9:30am. It was sunny, clear, with occasional wind. Joe replaced the folding radiometer boom over the cattails and installed a 4-way radiometer (Huskeflux NR01 sn 1720). It is mounted over the cattails on the W side of the tower. The new boom still needs a pin or latch to lock it in place. The remains of the LED sensor were removed. The incoming PAR was moved out onto the boom. Joe swapped the Gill sonic anemometer: sn 074417 came down and sn 153804 went up. The new anemometer has upgraded firmware to correct for the W bug. The N-orientation of the anemometer should be very close to the old but should be checked. He replaced the old bolts/nuts with new more common size hardware. After switching, the sonic readings were reasonable: u: -2 m/s v: -1 m/s w: +/- 0.5 m/s SOS: 341.4 The 7700 had dirt on the top mirror, and RSSI was very low. Joe cleaned the mirrors. The 7700 self cleaning ran twice while we were there. The spray is weak and there are some small leaks in the tubing that need to be taped. The 7700 read (~17:00): CH4 1.9 ppm RSSI 8.4 --> 75 after cleaning The 7500 read (~17:00): CO2 403.2 ppm H2O 373.6 mmol/m3 T 16.25 C P 102.91 kPa SS 88.35 I re-wired sensors to a CR1000 datalogger, AM16/32, and AM25T. The CR23X datalogger was getting unreliable. Datalogger: CR1000 (sn 38212) went up, CR23X (sn 2143) came down AM16/32: sn 1430 went up, sn 3052 came down AM25T: sn 2424 remains at the site. All three datalogger/mux are now in one, new enclosure (no bug guts!) on the NE corner of the tower. Joe extended two cables so that they could reach the new location of the enclosure, the cable for the precip tipping bucket and the cable for the camera power. The camera was restarted. After powering up, we fixed some wiring and programming issues, and the data starting ~18:00 make more sense than the data from 16:00-18:00. The grounding cable is connected but needs a to be tightened. The Rnet sensors (NR-Lite) are wired in the last AM16/32 channel so that they can easily be removed without leaving empty mux channels. We left around 5:30pm. |
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