Field Notes
<--2008-07-15 15:00:00 | 2008-07-25 11:20:00-->Phenocam link: Searching...
Sherman Island: 2008-07-23 09:00:00 (DOY 205)
Author: Dennis Baldocchi
Others: Ben
Summary: Download Sherman Island data; take TDR soil moisture readings; take spectrometer reflectance readings; sample water table ports; sample LAI and plant height.
When: Date: 7/23/2008 , Day: , Watch Time: . Where: Sherman Island Methane Study Who: Dennis Baldocchi and Ben Runkle Weather: clear, windy and warm temperatures. Phenology Pepperweed is in full blossom. The plants came back after mowing. Tasks
Installed the soil temperature sensors, a 50 cm probe (#1) and a 32 cm probe (#3). The sensors were tested in the lab before installation by comparing outputs in a water bath. All agree well. Expoxy was put over the soldered tcs. Blue is positive and Red is negative. Important to remember. Used fence post pile driver to install the soil sampling tube, which is about the same diameter as the soil TC probes. Need to wait a few days for them to re equilibrate Sherman Island Pasture Site
i. Sample rate: 10Hz?:__yes__ ii. Methane ppm Hi flow: iii. Methane ppm, low flow (remember to put back in high flow: iv. Pump status??:__ok__ v. Filter Status:___clean___ vi. Check Water in tube:clean
Closed gate and set up fence. Cleaned KZ net radiometers. Lots of peat dust on the windward side of the lower portion of the domes. Is obscuring some radiation inputs! Met conditions Cr 10x volts 12.12 Tair = 30.57 RH 30% Wter P= 0.29 Pressure 101.1 kPaa Ben took soil moisture measurements separate |
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7 sets found
No data found for SI_mp.
10 SI_met graphs found
Can't check SI_mixed
2 SI_mixed graphs found
4 SI_flx graphs found
No data found for SI_soilco2.
Can't check TWSI_mixed
Can't check SIMBTWEE_met