Equipment and Calibration History

History for Gill WMP 1352 000022

Rec No.DateLoc FromTitleLoc ToNotes
6410 2023-09-18 Lab none Loaned Loaned none Loaned to Gracie Pearsall at UCSC for a informational display at Elkhorn Reserve
4457 2020-05-20 Lab none Notes Lab none I was preparing sonics to loan the LBL and had problems with this sonic. It spit data for a while but then seemed to hang up consistently after several restarts.
3915 2019-04-17 Loaned Returned Lab none Returned from David R. Cook at Argonne National Laboratory by way of LBL Ameriflux. Apparently David forgot who loaned them the sonic. Also it was reported that the sonic wasn't working. I had left a "serial output problem" note on its side but it seems to be spitting 10Hz binary data at 9600 baud.
3485 2018-06-19 Lab none Loaned Loaned Loaned to David R. Cook at Argonne National Laboratory for a year or so. Two other sonics sn 000019, sn 000023 and a PSU sn 000193 went too
403 2011-08-29 Factory none Returned Lab none Returned from Gill factory by way of PP Systems. Gill fully tested the unit for problems in communication and tolerance of low input voltage and found no problems. They fixed a a seal where the shaft goes into the main body.
4762 2011-05-06 Lab none Shipped Factory none Sent by Fedex to PP Systems for evaluation and repair.
349 2011-04-26 Mayberry Tower Removed Lab none Removed from the Mayberry tower, because it seemed to quit sending data.
234 2010-10-14 Lab none Installed Mayberry Anemometer Installed as part of a new tower at the new Mayberry wet land site.
220 2010-09-29 Moffett Field Removed Lab none Removed with portable tower from the zero flux study at Moffett Field.
213 2010-09-23 Lab none Installed Moffett Field This sonic was installed with a portable tower at Moffett Field for a zero flux study. The center of its measurement path is 250cm above ground and it is oriented to 306 degrees true.
351 2009-05-26 Factory Returned Lab none Returned from PP Systems after being repaired by Gill. The head was bent and had to be replaced and then tested to spec.
350 2009-02-17 Lab none Shipped Factory none Sent to PP Systems for repair.
4752 2004-11-02 Tonzi-Tower Anemometer Tower Removed Lab none Removed from Tonzi Tower to be replaced with freshly tested sonic sn 000021
4750 2004-10-07 Tonzi-Tower Anemometer Tower Location Tonzi-Tower Anemometer Tower This sonic is currently on the Tonzi Tower. Tried to swap it out for sn 000023 recently returned from Gill but 23 didn't work
4835 2002-04-18 Tonzi-Tower Anemometer Tower Location Tonzi-Tower Anemometer Tower Location noted in fieldnotes
4826 2002-04-11 Lab none Installed Tonzi-Tower Anemometer Tower Installed at Tonzi-Tower to replace sn 000020 for calibration.