Equipment and Calibration

Equipment history at Hill Slough

| ALL | | Anemometer || Battery Bank || Camera || CO2 Probe || Conductivity Sensor || Data Logger || DO Sensor || Fluorometer || Forced Diffusion || Gas Analyzer || Heat Flux Plate || Interface || Multiplexer || Narrow Band || Net Radiometer || PAR Sensor || pH ORP || Precipitation || Range Finder || RH & Temp || Soil Moisture Probe || Solar Controller || Solar Panel || Water Level || Wiper |

SELECT a.recno, a.eh_date, a.eh_loc1, a.eh_loc2, IF(a.eh_loc2=:loc, a.eh_locref2, a.eh_locref1) AS ref, a.eh_locref2, a.eh_title, a.eh_notes, a.eh_id, b.serialno, b.equip, b.modelno FROM equiphist a INNER JOIN equiplist b ON a.eh_id=b.recno WHERE (a.eh_loc1=:loc1 OR a.eh_loc2=:loc2) ORDER BY b.equip, a.eh_date, field(a.eh_title,'Calibration', 'Removed', 'Installed')

DateSerial No.ModelActionRefNotes
2021-03-11 120907 WM 1590 Installed Anemometer Installed at Hill Slough with site setup.
Battery Bank
2021-03-11 BB-HS BB-Fab Installed Battery Bank We put the battery box from SW on the west side of the platform and installed the five group 31 flooded batteries from the SW temporary tower. The solar controller sn 11400080 and breakers from the SW temporary site were also installed in the battery box. The wiring is not optimal and should be cleaned up. Also because the drill battery died we could not mount the solar controller or bolt the battery box to the platform.
2022-04-20 BB-HS BB-Fab Maintenance Battery Bank There has been some power losses a couple weeks ago but okay for the last two weeks. All the screw terminals seemed tight. One of the battery terminals had some corrosion - all the terminals should be cleaned and sealed before winter.
2022-07-13 BB-HS BB-Fab Maintenance Battery Bank We’ve been losing data overnight since mid-June, which is suspicious because the days are long and sunny. 2 batteries tested bad, 2 tested good, and 1 tested good but closer to weak. I removed the bad batteries from the system and wired up the 3 good ones. The good ones all needed water, about 3-4L each. We refilled them with DI water. I cleaned and sprayed all of the terminals.
2022-11-30 BB-HS BB-Fab Maintenance Battery Bank Removed 3 older, flooded deep cycle batteries. Added 4 new-ish Duracell flooded, deep cycle batteries with 04/22 tags. We purchased these batteries to run the BA advection experiment April-Oct 2022.
2021-03-11 RPI0W-004 RPI0W Installed Camera Installed at Hill Slough with site setup. Mounted onto the scaffolding and pointing ~WNW.
CO2 Probe
2021-11-04 GP20160127 GP-001 Installed CO2 Probe Installed near the miniDot on the SW corner of the platform. This sensor floats so that the sensor window is about 10cm below the water surface. There is enough slack in the cable so it can go down some more with a lower tide, but hard to say where it will be with higher tides.
2022-08-24 GP20160127 GP-001 Moved CO2 Probe Moved from the Hill Slough main tower to the channel about 40m east of the main tower. At the tower, the sensor was above water during low tide so we moved the sensor into deeper water where it will remain submerged during low tide.
Conductivity Sensor
2023-05-09 23D104030 EXO Wiped Cond/Temp Installed Conductivity Sensor Installed in the channel at Hill Slough (same height as before) after calibration
2023-08-24 23D104030 EXO Wiped Cond/Temp Installed Conductivity Sensor Reinstalled after quarterly cleaning and calibration
2023-10-11 23D104030 EXO Wiped Cond/Temp Removed Conductivity Sensor Removed for inspection in the lab because turbidy/fDOM/ph/ORP look weird
2023-10-18 23D104030 EXO Wiped Cond/Temp Installed Conductivity Sensor Installed in the Hill Slough channel after calibration in the lab. The whole sonde was raised about 20cm to keep it out of the mud.
2024-01-18 23D104030 EXO Wiped Cond/Temp Removed Conductivity Sensor Removed from HS channel and brought back to the lab for routine calibration
2024-01-25 23D104030 EXO Wiped Cond/Temp Installed Conductivity Sensor Installed in the Hill Slough channel after calibration
2024-04-04 23D104030 EXO Wiped Cond/Temp Removed Conductivity Sensor Removed from the Hill Slough channel and brought back to the lab for calibration (and to install the new auto wiper that arrived)
2024-04-10 23D104030 EXO Wiped Cond/Temp Installed Conductivity Sensor Reinstalled at the HS channel after regular lab cleaning and calibration
2024-07-16 23D104030 EXO Wiped Cond/Temp Removed Conductivity Sensor Removed from the HS channel and brought back to the lab for routine calibration
2024-07-23 23D104030 EXO Wiped Cond/Temp Installed Conductivity Sensor Installed in the Hill Slough channel after calibration. Sonde is in the air during low tide.
2024-10-17 23D104030 EXO Wiped Cond/Temp Removed Conductivity Sensor Removed from the Hill Slough channel and brought back to the lab for routine calibration
2024-10-24 23D104030 EXO Wiped Cond/Temp Installed Conductivity Sensor Installed in the HS channel after calibration
Data Logger
2021-03-11 50889 CR1000 Installed Data Logger Met Installed at Hill Slough with site setup.
2021-04-27 47253 CR10X Installed Data Logger Diffuse Installed at HS as part of the rotating shadow band diffuse PAR setup
2021-06-09 23865 CR1000 Moved none Moved from BC to HS as part of rad cal kit
2021-06-22 23865 CR1000 Moved Moved from HS to WP as part of the radiometer calibration kit at the conclusion of the 2-week intercomparison at HS.
2022-08-24 2299 CR23X Installed none Installed with a solar panel and lithium battery at the Hill Slough channel. This datalogger will collect data from water sensors installed in the channel.
DO Sensor
2021-11-04 931528 miniDOT-usb Installed DO Sensor Installed on a yellow chain near the SW corner of the platform. I think the sensor window is about 10cm above the ground
2021-12-01 931528 miniDOT-usb Removed DO Sensor Removed from HS and brought back to the lab to swap its batteries.
2021-12-02 931528 miniDOT-usb Installed DO Sensor I reinstalled the MiniDot that we removed yesterday due to dead batteries.
2022-09-29 931528 miniDOT-usb Removed DO Sensor Removed from the HS channel and brought back to the lab for cleaning. There are calcareous deposits (some sort of encrusting worm) on and around the sensing foil. I soaked it in distilled white vinegar for 3 days. The deposits came off easily with a soft toothbrush. I rinsed the sensor well under DI water.
2022-10-05 931528 miniDOT-usb Installed DO Sensor Installed after cleaning and measurement check in the lab.
2024-09-26 931528 miniDOT-usb Adjusted DO Sensor Set clock in the field +1628 seconds (+27.1 minutes) to match internet time (used my cell phone hotspot to connect the laptop to the internet)
2022-07-13 22E106072 EXO Turbidity Installed Turbidity Channel Installed as part of the EXO2 sonde at HS in the channel off of the boardwalk, about 30m east of the tower.
2022-07-13 22E100649 EXO fDOM Installed fDOM Channel Installed as part of the EXO2 sonde at HS in the channel off of the boardwalk, about 30m east of the tower.
2022-09-16 22E106072 EXO Turbidity Removed Turbidity Channel Removed as part of the EXO2 sonde deployed in the channel at HS. Brought back to the lab for cleaning and calibration.
2022-09-16 22E100649 EXO fDOM Removed fDOM Channel Removed as part of the EXO2 channel deployed in the channel at HS. Brought back to the lab for cleaning and calibration.
2022-09-29 22E106072 EXO Turbidity Installed Turbidity Channel Installed as part of the EXO2 sonde in the channel at Hill Slough.
2022-09-29 22E100649 EXO fDOM Installed fDOM Channel Installed as part of the EXO2 sonde in the channel at Hill Slough.
2023-01-03 22E106072 EXO Turbidity Removed Turbidity Removed from Hill Slough channel and brought back to the lab for calibration.
2023-01-03 22E100649 EXO fDOM Removed fDOM Removed from Hill Slough channel and brought back to the lab for calibration.
2023-01-06 22E106072 EXO Turbidity Installed Turbidity Installed in the channel at Hill Slough (same height as before) after calibrating in the lab yesterday.
2023-01-06 22E100649 EXO fDOM Installed fDOM Installed in the channel at Hill Slough (same height as before) after calibrating in the lab yesterday.
2023-04-25 22E106072 EXO Turbidity Removed Turbidity Removed from HS channel for routine calibration
2023-04-25 22E100649 EXO fDOM Removed fDOM Removed from HS channel for routine calibration
2023-05-09 22E106072 EXO Turbidity Installed Turbidity Installed in the channel at Hill Slough (same height as before) after calibration
2023-05-09 22E100649 EXO fDOM Installed fDOM Installed in the channel at Hill Slough (same height as before) after calibration
2023-08-24 22E106072 EXO Turbidity Installed Turbidity Reinstalled after quarterly cleaning and calibration
2023-08-24 22E100649 EXO fDOM Installed fDOM Reinstalled after quarterly cleaning and calibration
2023-10-11 22E106072 EXO Turbidity Removed Turbidity Removed for inspection in the lab because turbidy/fDOM/ph/ORP look weird
2023-10-11 22E100649 EXO fDOM Removed fDOM Removed for inspection in the lab because turbidy/fDOM/ph/ORP look weird
2023-10-18 22E106072 EXO Turbidity Installed Turbidity Installed in the Hill Slough channel after calibration in the lab. The whole sonde was raised about 20cm to keep it out of the mud.
2023-10-18 22E100649 EXO fDOM Installed fDOM Installed in the Hill Slough channel after calibration in the lab. The whole sonde was raised about 20cm to keep it out of the mud.
2024-01-18 22E106072 EXO Turbidity Removed Turbidity Removed from HS channel and brought back to the lab for routine calibration
2024-01-18 22E100649 EXO fDOM Removed fDOM Removed from HS channel and brought back to the lab for routine calibration
2024-01-25 22E106072 EXO Turbidity Installed Turbidity Installed in the Hill Slough channel after calibration
2024-01-25 22E100649 EXO fDOM Installed fDOM Installed in the Hill Slough channel after calibration
2024-04-04 22E106072 EXO Turbidity Removed Turbidity Removed from the Hill Slough channel and brought back to the lab for calibration (and to install the new auto wiper that arrived)
2024-04-04 22E100649 EXO fDOM Removed fDOM Removed from the Hill Slough channel and brought back to the lab for calibration (and to install the new auto wiper that arrived)
2024-04-10 22E106072 EXO Turbidity Installed Turbidity Reinstalled at the HS channel after regular lab cleaning and calibration
2024-04-10 22E100649 EXO fDOM Installed fDOM Reinstalled at the HS channel after regular lab cleaning and calibration
2024-07-16 22E106072 EXO Turbidity Removed Turbidity Removed from the HS channel and brought back to the lab for routine calibration
2024-07-16 22E100649 EXO fDOM Removed fDOM Removed from the HS channel and brought back to the lab for routine calibration
2024-07-23 22E106072 EXO Turbidity Installed Turbidity Installed in the Hill Slough channel after calibration. Sonde is in the air during low tide.
2024-07-23 24F104438 EXO fDOM Installed fDOM Installed in the Hill Slough channel after calibration. Sonde is in the air during low tide.
2024-10-17 22E106072 EXO Turbidity Removed Turbidity Removed from the Hill Slough channel and brought back to the lab for routine calibration
2024-10-17 24F104438 EXO fDOM Removed fDOM Removed from the Hill Slough channel and brought back to the lab for routine calibration
2024-10-24 22E106072 EXO Turbidity Installed Turbidity Installed in the HS channel after calibration
2024-10-24 24F104438 EXO fDOM Installed fDOM Installed in the HS channel after calibration
Forced Diffusion
2021-03-25 FD20190028 eosFD Installed Forced Diffusion A Installed at Hill Slough on the ground to the southwest of the Tower platform.
2021-07-20 FD20190028 eosFD Maintenance Forced Diffusion A Performance check done. Referenced reset to 400ppm. Average Flux: -0.0, 0.03 STDEV Average ATM: 172.2ppm, 34.6C Average Soil: 171.6ppm, 34.5C
2021-10-26 FD20190028 eosFD Removed Forced Diffusion A Removed after being underwater when tidal flooding began. The pump was still running.
Gas Analyzer
2021-03-11 TG1-0211 LI-7700 Moved Gas Analyzer CH4 Installed at Hill Slough with site setup. This sensor was removed from BA because our spare 7700 is currently at the factory.
2021-03-11 75H-2180 LI-7500A Installed Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed at Hill Slough with site setup. Initially installed with an older calibration file, but this will be fixed at the next site visit.
2021-06-15 75H-2180 LI-7500A Calibration Lab Last calibration: 2021-03-08 AGC=99.6 SDM= DAC1= DAC2= Ambient P=100.9kPa, Tair=23.5C, Tdew=10.3C Zero Air at 150psi, AMP CA04119 524.77 at 1800 Tdewspan=16.00 CO2 zero 0.9138 -> .9138 Offset: .14ppm CO2 span 1.0231 -> 1.0281 Offset: -3.25ppm H2O zero 0.8923 -> .8901 Offset: -13.4ppm H2O span 1.0243 -> 1.0164 Offset: .16ppm Notes:
2021-05-26 TG1-0211 LI-7700 Calibration Calibration Location: Hill Slough Last calibration: 2020-11-17 RSSI=70%, Optical RH=7% Ambient P=101.4kPa, Tair=22.3C AMP FB04161 at 1150psi, AMP CA04119 4.223 at 2100 CH4 Zero Offset: 0.077ppm CH4 Span Offset: -0.123ppm Notes: Zero gas was an AMP cal gas in a baby tank that we borrowed for the day. Zero offset and span are higher than I usually see on 7700s.
2021-06-09 75H-2180 LI-7500A Removed Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed from Hill Slough for calibration. Replaced by sn 75H-2667.
2021-06-15 75H-2180 LI-7500A Calibration Lab Last calibration: 2021-03-08 AGC=99.6 SDM= DAC1= DAC2= Ambient P=100.9kPa, Tair=23.5C, Tdew=10.3C Zero Air at 150psi, AMP CA04119 524.77 at 1800 Tdewspan=16.00 CO2 zero 0.9138 -> .9138 Offset: .14ppm CO2 span 1.0231 -> 1.0281 Offset: -3.25ppm H2O zero 0.8923 -> .8901 Offset: -13.4ppm H2O span 1.0243 -> 1.0164 Offset: .16ppm Notes:
2021-06-09 75H-2667 LI-7500A Installed Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed at Hill Slough to replace sn 75H-2180 for calibration.
2021-09-29 75H-2667 LI-7500A Calibration Lab Last calibration: 2021-06-07 AGC=101 SDM= DAC1= DAC2= Ambient P=100.5kPa, Tair=26.7C, Tdew=11.2C Zero Air at 1475psi, AMP CA04119 524.77 at 1700 Tdewspan=20.00 CO2 zero 0.9422 -> .9411 Offset: -4.00ppm CO2 span 1.0122 -> 1.0174 Offset: -3.75ppm H2O zero 0.8404 -> .8413 Offset: 5.3ppm H2O span 1.0198 -> 1.0281 Offset: -.18ppm Notes:
2021-09-23 75H-2667 LI-7500A Removed Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed from Hill Slough for calibration. Replaced by sn 75H-2176.
2021-09-29 75H-2667 LI-7500A Calibration Lab Last calibration: 2021-06-07 AGC=101 SDM= DAC1= DAC2= Ambient P=100.5kPa, Tair=26.7C, Tdew=11.2C Zero Air at 1475psi, AMP CA04119 524.77 at 1700 Tdewspan=20.00 CO2 zero 0.9422 -> .9411 Offset: -4.00ppm CO2 span 1.0122 -> 1.0174 Offset: -3.75ppm H2O zero 0.8404 -> .8413 Offset: 5.3ppm H2O span 1.0198 -> 1.0281 Offset: -.18ppm Notes:
2021-09-23 75H-2176 LI-7500A Installed Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed at Hill Slough to replace sn 75H-2667 for calibration.
2021-12-16 75H-2176 LI-7500A Calibration Lab Last calibration: 2021-09-21 AGC=99 SDM= DAC1= DAC2= Ambient P=100.8kPa, Tair=23.2C, Tdew=7.8C Zero Air at 1075psi, AMP CA04119 524.77 at 1650 Tdewspan=20.00 CO2 zero 0.867 -> .867 Offset: .04ppm CO2 span 1.0023 -> 1.0045 Offset: -1.43ppm H2O zero 0.8526 -> .8546 Offset: 12.2ppm H2O span 0.9091 -> .8249 Offset: -.39ppm Notes: Realized after H2O span that hood was only partly covering lens. Checked the zero again and it was off, so re-did the whole calibration again. These are the coefficients from this second calibration.
2021-12-01 TG1-0211 LI-7700 Calibration Calibration Location: Hill Slough Last calibration: 2021-06-01 RSSI=72%, Optical RH=38% Ambient P=101.6kPa, Tair=16.6C Zero Air at 950psi, AMP CA04396 1.9317 at 1500 CH4 Zero Offset: -.066ppm CH4 Span Offset: .0633ppm Notes: Relatively still day. After calibration, flushed out headspace until optics RH=10% and swapped out desiccant bottle for one with fresh drierite. Zero air tank pressure uncertain--wonky regulator.
2021-12-14 75H-2176 LI-7500A Removed Removed from Hill Slough for calibration and brought back to the lab. Replaced by sn 75H-2669.
2021-12-16 75H-2176 LI-7500A Calibration Lab Last calibration: 2021-09-21 AGC=99 SDM= DAC1= DAC2= Ambient P=100.8kPa, Tair=23.2C, Tdew=7.8C Zero Air at 1075psi, AMP CA04119 524.77 at 1650 Tdewspan=20.00 CO2 zero 0.867 -> .867 Offset: .04ppm CO2 span 1.0023 -> 1.0045 Offset: -1.43ppm H2O zero 0.8526 -> .8546 Offset: 12.2ppm H2O span 0.9091 -> .8249 Offset: -.39ppm Notes: Realized after H2O span that hood was only partly covering lens. Checked the zero again and it was off, so re-did the whole calibration again. These are the coefficients from this second calibration.
2021-12-14 75H-2669 LI-7500A Installed none Installed at Hill Slough to replace sn 75H-2176 for calibration.
2022-08-23 75H-2669 LI-7500A Calibration Lab Last calibration: 2021-12-09 AGC=95.8 SDM= DAC1= DAC2= Ambient P=100kPa, Tair=26.03C, Tdew=16.96C Zero Air at 300psi, AMP CA04119 524.77 at 1400 Tdewspan=20.00 CO2 zero 0.9186 -> .9188 Offset: .94ppm CO2 span 1.0133 -> 1.0083 Offset: 3.8ppm H2O zero 0.9008 -> .9040 Offset: 20.6ppm H2O span 1.0123 -> 1.0174 Offset: -.11ppm Notes: Calibration using AMP loaner 7550 sn AIU-1039
2022-04-20 75H-2669 LI-7500A Removed Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed from Hill Slough for calibration and brought back to the lab. Replaced by sn 0035.
2022-08-23 75H-2669 LI-7500A Calibration Lab Last calibration: 2021-12-09 AGC=95.8 SDM= DAC1= DAC2= Ambient P=100kPa, Tair=26.03C, Tdew=16.96C Zero Air at 300psi, AMP CA04119 524.77 at 1400 Tdewspan=20.00 CO2 zero 0.9186 -> .9188 Offset: .94ppm CO2 span 1.0133 -> 1.0083 Offset: 3.8ppm H2O zero 0.9008 -> .9040 Offset: 20.6ppm H2O span 1.0123 -> 1.0174 Offset: -.11ppm Notes: Calibration using AMP loaner 7550 sn AIU-1039
2022-04-20 0035 LI-7500A Installed Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed at Hill Slough to replace sn 75H-2669 for calibration.
2022-08-25 0035 LI-7500A Calibration Lab Last calibration: 2022-04-19 AGC=99.1 SDM=0 DAC1=- DAC2=- Ambient P=100.3kPa, Tair=20.5C, Tdew=13.9C Zero Air at 300psi, AMP CA04119 524.77 at 1400 Tdewspan=18.0 CO2 zero 0.9372 -> 0.9374 Offset: 0.7ppm CO2 span 1.0167 -> 1.0234 Offset: -4.57ppm H2O zero 0.8983 -> 0.8995 Offset: 7.4ppm H2O span 1.031 -> 1.0334 Offset: -0.05ppm Notes:
2022-06-08 TG1-0211 LI-7700 Calibration Calibration Location: Hill Slough Last calibration: 2021-12-01 RSSI=73%, Optical RH=21% Ambient P=100.7kPa, Tair=24.0C Zero Air at 550psi, AMP CA04119 4.2238 at 1525 CH4 Zero Offset: -.002ppm CH4 Span Offset: .0008ppm Notes: Very windy day of course. Did not change drierite or flush headspace with zero air. Changed the top/bottom heater to start at 18:00 instead of at 16:00 for summertime.
2022-08-24 0035 LI-7500A Removed Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed from Hill Slough for calibration. Replaced by sn 75H-2176.
2022-08-25 0035 LI-7500A Calibration Lab Last calibration: 2022-04-19 AGC=99.1 SDM=0 DAC1=- DAC2=- Ambient P=100.3kPa, Tair=20.5C, Tdew=13.9C Zero Air at 300psi, AMP CA04119 524.77 at 1400 Tdewspan=18.0 CO2 zero 0.9372 -> 0.9374 Offset: 0.7ppm CO2 span 1.0167 -> 1.0234 Offset: -4.57ppm H2O zero 0.8983 -> 0.8995 Offset: 7.4ppm H2O span 1.031 -> 1.0334 Offset: -0.05ppm Notes:
2022-08-24 75H-2176 LI-7500A Installed Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed at Hill Slough to replace sn 0035 for calibration.
2022-12-05 75H-2176 LI-7500A Calibration Lab Last calibration: 2022-08-23 AGC=101.0 SDM=0 DAC1=- DAC2=- Ambient P=100.6kPa, Tair=20.5C, Tdew=9.85C Zero Air at 1700psi, AMP CA04119 524.77 at 1325 Tdewspan=16.00 CO2 zero 0.8678 -> 0.8678 Offset: 0.0ppm CO2 span 1.0008 -> 1.0144 Offset: -9.57ppm H2O zero 0.8537 -> 0.8553 Offset: 9.8ppm H2O span 0.923 -> 0.9281 Offset: -0.12ppm Notes: Large offset in CO2 span. But this largely undoes some similar previous increases. Calibrated at the same time sn 2180 showed a similar CO2 span offset. This calibration was using 7550 box 0674 instead of the AMP loaner but I don't see how that should effect only CO2 span. Going to go with it.
2022-11-30 TG1-0211 LI-7700 Calibration Calibration Location: Hill Slough Last calibration: 2022-06-08 RSSI=71%, Optical RH=26% Ambient P=101.4kPa, Tair=10.3C Zero Air at 1650psi, AMP CA04396 1.9317 at 1100 CH4 Zero Offset: .005ppm CH4 Span Offset: .0003ppm Notes: After calibration we flushed headspace with zero air until optics RH = 8%. We swapped in fresh drierite. The current thermocouple assembly is missing an o-ring (has putty instead in the o-ring groove), so we swapped in a brand-new thermocouple assembly.
2022-11-30 75H-2176 LI-7500A Removed Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed from Hill Slough for calibration. Replaced by sn 0042.
2022-12-05 75H-2176 LI-7500A Calibration Lab Last calibration: 2022-08-23 AGC=101.0 SDM=0 DAC1=- DAC2=- Ambient P=100.6kPa, Tair=20.5C, Tdew=9.85C Zero Air at 1700psi, AMP CA04119 524.77 at 1325 Tdewspan=16.00 CO2 zero 0.8678 -> 0.8678 Offset: 0.0ppm CO2 span 1.0008 -> 1.0144 Offset: -9.57ppm H2O zero 0.8537 -> 0.8553 Offset: 9.8ppm H2O span 0.923 -> 0.9281 Offset: -0.12ppm Notes: Large offset in CO2 span. But this largely undoes some similar previous increases. Calibrated at the same time sn 2180 showed a similar CO2 span offset. This calibration was using 7550 box 0674 instead of the AMP loaner but I don't see how that should effect only CO2 span. Going to go with it.
2022-11-30 0042 LI-7500A Installed Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed at Hill Slough to replace sn 75H-2176 for calibration.
2023-06-13 0042 LI-7500A Calibration Lab Last calibration: 2022-11-29 AGC=100.3 SDM= DAC1= DAC2= AIU sn AIU-1569, Presure A0=58.004, A1=15.479 Ambient P=100.7kPa, Tair=19.8C, Tdew=11.0C Zero Air at 1150psi, AMP CA04119 524.77 at 1050 Tdewspan=16.01 CO2 zero 0.9478 -> 0.9486 Offset: 3.0ppm CO2 span 1.0145 -> 1.0184 Offset: -2.67ppm H2O zero 0.8472 -> 0.8461 Offset: -6.8ppm H2O span 1.0267 -> 1.039 Offset: -0.26ppm Notes: Calibrated with the IRGA vertical
2023-04-25 0042 LI-7500A Removed Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed from Hill Slough for calibration. Replaced by sn 0041.
2023-06-13 0042 LI-7500A Calibration Lab Last calibration: 2022-11-29 AGC=100.3 SDM= DAC1= DAC2= AIU sn AIU-1569, Presure A0=58.004, A1=15.479 Ambient P=100.7kPa, Tair=19.8C, Tdew=11.0C Zero Air at 1150psi, AMP CA04119 524.77 at 1050 Tdewspan=16.01 CO2 zero 0.9478 -> 0.9486 Offset: 3.0ppm CO2 span 1.0145 -> 1.0184 Offset: -2.67ppm H2O zero 0.8472 -> 0.8461 Offset: -6.8ppm H2O span 1.0267 -> 1.039 Offset: -0.26ppm Notes: Calibrated with the IRGA vertical
2023-04-25 0041 LI-7500A Installed Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed at Hill Slough to replace sn 0042 for calibration.
2023-09-18 0041 LI-7500A Calibration Lab Last calibration: 2023-04-24 AGC=99.9 SDM=0 DAC1=- DAC2=- AIU sn AIU-1569, Presure A0=58.004, A1=15.479 Ambient P=100.6kPa, Tair=23.7C, Tdew=14.2C Zero Air at 1750psi, AMP CA04119 524.77 at 1800 Tdewspan=16.0 CO2 zero 0.9968 -> 0.9965 Offset: -1.2ppm CO2 span 1.0202 -> 1.0192 Offset: 0.73ppm H2O zero 0.8222 -> 0.8236 Offset: 8.1ppm H2O span 1.0302 -> 1.0292 Offset: 0.01ppm Notes: Very dirty before calibration. I painted a bunch of dings with white nail polish.
2023-06-15 TG1-0211 LI-7700 Calibration Calibration Location: Hill Slough Last calibration: 2022-11-30 RSSI=73%, Optical RH=23% Ambient P=100.9kPa, Tair=17.0C Zero Air at 1200psi, AMP CA04119 4.2238 at 1000 CH4 Zero Offset: -.003ppm CH4 Span Offset: n/a Notes: Windy! Did not set the span because the sensor value would "stabilize" at different number that would vary by >0.25ppm. The "stable" value would change whenever a gust would blow through.
2023-07-11 TG1-0211 LI-7700 Removed Gas Analyzer CH4 Removed from Hill Slough for calibration. Replaced by sn TG1-0421.
2023-07-11 TG1-0421 LI-7700 Installed Gas Analyzer CH4 Installed at Hill Slough to replace sn TG1-0211 for calibration.
2023-07-24 0041 LI-7500A Removed Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed from Hill Slough for calibration. Replaced by sn 75H-2176.
2023-09-18 0041 LI-7500A Calibration Lab Last calibration: 2023-04-24 AGC=99.9 SDM=0 DAC1=- DAC2=- AIU sn AIU-1569, Presure A0=58.004, A1=15.479 Ambient P=100.6kPa, Tair=23.7C, Tdew=14.2C Zero Air at 1750psi, AMP CA04119 524.77 at 1800 Tdewspan=16.0 CO2 zero 0.9968 -> 0.9965 Offset: -1.2ppm CO2 span 1.0202 -> 1.0192 Offset: 0.73ppm H2O zero 0.8222 -> 0.8236 Offset: 8.1ppm H2O span 1.0302 -> 1.0292 Offset: 0.01ppm Notes: Very dirty before calibration. I painted a bunch of dings with white nail polish.
2023-07-24 75H-2176 LI-7500A Installed Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed at Hill Slough to replace sn 0041 for calibration.
2023-11-03 75H-2176 LI-7500A Calibration Lab Last calibration: 2023-07-20 AGC=101.1 SDM= DAC1= DAC2= AIU sn AIU-1039, Presure A0=58.372, A1=15.4 Ambient P=100.8kPa, Tair=25.1C, Tdew=9.77C Zero Air at 700psi, AMP CA04119 524.77 at 800 Tdewspan=20.00 CO2 zero 0.868 -> .8678 Offset: -.77ppm CO2 span 1.0095 -> 1.0116 Offset: -1.47ppm H2O zero 0.8525 -> .8552 Offset: 15.8ppm H2O span 0.9124 -> .9231 Offset: -.26ppm Notes: Using loaner AMP 7550 sn AIU-1039. Dewpoint generator had low flow; fixed one of the condenser tubing which had a crack and flow was back to normal. Vertical orientation.
2023-10-26 75H-2176 LI-7500A Removed Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed from Hill Slough for calibration. Replaced by sn 0418.
2023-11-03 75H-2176 LI-7500A Calibration Lab Last calibration: 2023-07-20 AGC=101.1 SDM= DAC1= DAC2= AIU sn AIU-1039, Presure A0=58.372, A1=15.4 Ambient P=100.8kPa, Tair=25.1C, Tdew=9.77C Zero Air at 700psi, AMP CA04119 524.77 at 800 Tdewspan=20.00 CO2 zero 0.868 -> .8678 Offset: -.77ppm CO2 span 1.0095 -> 1.0116 Offset: -1.47ppm H2O zero 0.8525 -> .8552 Offset: 15.8ppm H2O span 0.9124 -> .9231 Offset: -.26ppm Notes: Using loaner AMP 7550 sn AIU-1039. Dewpoint generator had low flow; fixed one of the condenser tubing which had a crack and flow was back to normal. Vertical orientation.
2023-10-26 0418 LI-7500A Installed Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed at Hill Slough to replace sn 75H-2176 for calibration.
2024-02-09 0418 LI-7500A Calibration Lab Last calibration: 2023-10-23 AGC=101.3 SDM= DAC1= DAC2= AIU sn AIU-1866, Presure A0=58.31, A1=15.48 Ambient P=100.68kPa, Tair=23.2C, Tdew=5.6C Zero Air at 475psi, AMP CA04119 524.77 at 700 Tdewspan=20.00 CO2 zero 0.9072 -> .9075 Offset: 1.41ppm CO2 span 1.0066 -> 1.0063 Offset: .14ppm H2O zero 0.9331 -> .9317 Offset: -7.5ppm H2O span 1.0052 -> 1.002 Offset: .08ppm Notes: Vertical orientation. H2O zero only took 10min to stabilize
2024-01-11 TG1-0421 LI-7700 Removed Gas Analyzer CH4 Removed from HS and brought back to the lab for calibration. It was replaced by sn TG1-0155
2024-01-11 TG1-0155 LI-7700 Installed Gas Analyzer CH4 Installed at HS to replace sn TG1-0421, which was removed for calibration
2024-01-18 0418 LI-7500A Removed Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed from Hill Slough for calibration. Replaced by sn 1594.
2024-02-09 0418 LI-7500A Calibration Lab Last calibration: 2023-10-23 AGC=101.3 SDM= DAC1= DAC2= AIU sn AIU-1866, Presure A0=58.31, A1=15.48 Ambient P=100.68kPa, Tair=23.2C, Tdew=5.6C Zero Air at 475psi, AMP CA04119 524.77 at 700 Tdewspan=20.00 CO2 zero 0.9072 -> .9075 Offset: 1.41ppm CO2 span 1.0066 -> 1.0063 Offset: .14ppm H2O zero 0.9331 -> .9317 Offset: -7.5ppm H2O span 1.0052 -> 1.002 Offset: .08ppm Notes: Vertical orientation. H2O zero only took 10min to stabilize
2024-01-18 1594 LI-7500A Installed Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed at Hill Slough to replace sn 0418 for calibration.
2024-04-16 1594 LI-7500A Removed Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed from Hill Slough for calibration. Replaced by sn 0035.
2024-04-16 0035 LI-7500A Installed Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed at Hill Slough to replace sn 1594 for calibration.
2024-07-19 0035 LI-7500A Calibration Lab Last calibration: 2024-04-15 AGC=100.2 SDM= DAC1= DAC2= AIU sn AIU-1866, Presure A0=58.31, A1=15.48 Ambient P=100.4kPa, Tair=23.56C, Tdew=14.79C Zero Air at 1700psi, AMP CA04119 524.77 at 350 Tdewspan=20.00 CO2 zero 0.9377 -> .937 Offset: -3.01ppm CO2 span 1.0226 -> 1.0211 Offset: .76ppm H2O zero 0.8987 -> .8999 Offset: 7.3ppm H2O span 1.0279 -> 1.0373 Offset: -.2ppm Notes: Used "524.65" as CO2 span point in the 7550 software
2024-07-16 0035 LI-7500A Removed Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed from Hill Slough for calibration. Replaced by sn 0042.
2024-07-19 0035 LI-7500A Calibration Lab Last calibration: 2024-04-15 AGC=100.2 SDM= DAC1= DAC2= AIU sn AIU-1866, Presure A0=58.31, A1=15.48 Ambient P=100.4kPa, Tair=23.56C, Tdew=14.79C Zero Air at 1700psi, AMP CA04119 524.77 at 350 Tdewspan=20.00 CO2 zero 0.9377 -> .937 Offset: -3.01ppm CO2 span 1.0226 -> 1.0211 Offset: .76ppm H2O zero 0.8987 -> .8999 Offset: 7.3ppm H2O span 1.0279 -> 1.0373 Offset: -.2ppm Notes: Used "524.65" as CO2 span point in the 7550 software
2024-07-16 0042 LI-7500A Installed Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed at Hill Slough to replace sn 0035 for calibration.
2025-01-07 0042 LI-7500A Calibration Lab Last calibration: 2024-07-12 AGC=101.8 SDM= DAC1= DAC2= AIU sn AIU-1866, Presure A0=58.31, A1=15.48 Ambient P=100.9kPa, Tair=26.2C, Tdew=2.35C Zero Air at 900psi, AMP FB04319 514.07 at 400 Tdewspan=20.00 CO2 zero 0.9482 -> .9479 Offset: -.96ppm CO2 span 1.0114 -> 1.0101 Offset: .74ppm H2O zero 0.8455 -> .8463 Offset: 5.4ppm H2O span 1.0264 -> 1.0236 Offset: .06ppm Notes: Used "514.00" as CO2 span point in the 7550 software. Touched up outside with white nail polish and glued the spike mounting disk back on.
2024-08-07 TG1-0155 LI-7700 Calibration Calibration Location: Hill Slough Last calibration: 2024-01-10 RSSI=81%, Optical RH=4% Ambient P=101.1kPa, Tair=27.2C Zero Air at 1750psi, AMP CA03923 3.3865 at 1900 CH4 Zero Offset: .005ppm CH4 Span Offset: 0.0235ppm Notes: Breezy, not too windy for once. Try to come first thing in the morning to avoid afternoon winds.
2024-11-06 0042 LI-7500A Removed Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed from Hill Slough for calibration. Replaced by sn 75H-2176.
2025-01-07 0042 LI-7500A Calibration Lab Last calibration: 2024-07-12 AGC=101.8 SDM= DAC1= DAC2= AIU sn AIU-1866, Presure A0=58.31, A1=15.48 Ambient P=100.9kPa, Tair=26.2C, Tdew=2.35C Zero Air at 900psi, AMP FB04319 514.07 at 400 Tdewspan=20.00 CO2 zero 0.9482 -> .9479 Offset: -.96ppm CO2 span 1.0114 -> 1.0101 Offset: .74ppm H2O zero 0.8455 -> .8463 Offset: 5.4ppm H2O span 1.0264 -> 1.0236 Offset: .06ppm Notes: Used "514.00" as CO2 span point in the 7550 software. Touched up outside with white nail polish and glued the spike mounting disk back on.
2024-11-06 75H-2176 LI-7500A Installed Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed at Hill Slough to replace sn 0042 for calibration.
2025-01-30 75H-2176 LI-7500A Removed Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed from Hill Slough for calibration. Replaced by sn 75H-2514.
2025-01-30 75H-2514 LI-7500A Installed Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed at Hill Slough to replace sn 75H-2176 for calibration.
Heat Flux Plate
2021-03-11 00245 HFP01SC Installed Heat Flux Plate A Installed at Hill Slough with site setup.
2021-03-11 10809 HFP01 Installed Heat Flux Plate B Installed at Hill Slough with site setup.
2021-03-11 AIU-0650 LI-7550 Installed Interface LI-7550 Installed at Hill Slough with site setup. Renamed from SWTT-0650 to HS-0650.
2021-03-25 AIU-0650 LI-7550 Upgrade Interface LI-7550 The firmware was upgraded from v8.5.5 to v8.8.32. No problems noticed.
2022-07-13 22C103416 EXO2 Installed Water Level Installed at HS in the channel off of the boardwalk, about 30m east of the tower. We installed the sonde near low tide to ensure it would stay underwater at all times.
2022-09-16 22C103416 EXO2 Removed Removed from the channel at Hill Slough. It was brought back to the lab for cleaning, calibration, and to convert its output to SDI-12 so we can wire it to the channel CR23X.
2022-09-29 22C103416 EXO2 Installed Water Level Installed in the channel at Hill Slough. The sonde is now wired to the CR23X, which queries it for data every 10sec. The sonde is measureing and storing data internally every 5min.
2023-01-03 22C103416 EXO2 Removed Removed from Hill Slough channel and brought back to the lab for calibration.
2023-01-06 22C103416 EXO2 Installed Water Level Installed in the channel at Hill Slough (same height as before) after calibrating in the lab yesterday. Installed without batteries in the sonde.
2023-04-25 22C103416 EXO2 Removed Removed from HS channel for routine calibration
2023-05-09 22C103416 EXO2 Installed Water Level Installed in the channel at Hill Slough (same height as before)
2023-08-24 22C103416 EXO2 Installed Water Level Reinstalled after quarterly cleaning and calibration
2023-10-11 22C103416 EXO2 Removed Removed for inspection in the lab because turbidy/fDOM/ph/ORP look weird
2023-10-18 22C103416 EXO2 Installed Water Level Installed in the Hill Slough channel after calibration in the lab. The whole sonde was raised about 20cm to keep it out of the mud.
2024-01-18 22C103416 EXO2 Removed Water Level Removed from HS channel and brought back to the lab for routine calibration
2024-01-25 22C103416 EXO2 Installed Water Level Installed in the Hill Slough channel after calibration
2024-04-04 22C103416 EXO2 Removed Water Level Removed from the Hill Slough channel and brought back to the lab for calibration (and to install the new auto wiper that arrived)
2024-04-10 22C103416 EXO2 Installed Interface EXO Reinstalled at the HS channel after regular lab cleaning and calibration
2024-07-16 22C103416 EXO2 Removed Interface EXO Removed from the HS channel and brought back to the lab for routine calibration
2024-07-23 22C103416 EXO2 Installed Interface EXO Installed in the Hill Slough channel after calibration. Sonde is in the air during low tide.
2024-10-17 22C103416 EXO2 Removed Interface EXO Removed from the Hill Slough channel and brought back to the lab for routine calibration
2024-10-24 22C103416 EXO2 Installed Interface EXO Installed in the HS channel after calibration
2021-03-11 2856 AM25T Installed Multiplexer Thermocouple Installed at Hill Slough with site setup.
Narrow Band
2021-03-11 2046503368 SRS-Ni NDVI Installed Narrow Band NDVI Incoming Installed at Hill Slough with site setup.
2021-03-11 2046503402 SRS-Ni NDVI Installed Narrow Band NDVI Reflected Installed at Hill Slough with site setup.
Net Radiometer
2021-03-11 990350 NR-LITE Installed Net Radiometer Installed at Hill Slough with site setup. Temporary Rnet measurement until we have finished testing the 4-way radiometer.
2021-03-25 2420 NR01 Installed Net Radiometer 4-way Installed at Hill Slough at the end of the radiation boom. The NR-LITE was moved back along the boom.
2021-06-22 121038 CNR4 Moved Moved from HS to WP as part of the radiometer calibration kit at the conclusion of the 2-week intercomparison at HS.
2022-03-31 990350 NR-LITE Removed Net Radiometer Removed from HS because we are done comparing the NR01 data to it. Planning to use this sensor for the advection setup this summer.
PAR Sensor
2021-03-11 050597 PAR-LITE Installed PAR Sensor Incoming Installed at Hill Slough with site setup in incoming position
2021-03-11 050596 PAR-LITE Installed PAR Sensor Reflected Installed at Hill Slough with site setup in reflected position
2021-04-27 Q100420 LI-190/R Installed PAR Sensor Diffuse Installed at HS as part of the rotating shadow band diffuse PAR setup. This senor has a Licor supplied 604 Ohm resistor to convert from uA to mV.
2021-08-25 Q100420 LI-190/R Removed PAR Sensor Diffuse Removed from Hill Slough dfPAR and brought back to the lab for testing because it was mostly NAN or 0 with some sporadic data. It was replaced by sn Q100421.
2021-08-25 Q100421 LI-190/R Installed PAR Sensor Diffuse Installed at Hill Slough as part of the rotating shadow band for dfPAR. It replaced sn Q100420.
2022-07-13 22D102641 EXO pH-ORP Installed pH-ORP Channel Installed as part of the EXO2 sonde at HS in the channel off of the boardwalk, about 30m east of the tower.
2022-09-16 22D102641 EXO pH-ORP Removed pH-ORP Channel Removed as part of the EXO2 channel deployed in the channel at HS. Brought back to the lab for cleaning and calibration.
2022-09-29 22D102641 EXO pH-ORP Installed pH-ORP Channel Installed as part of the EXO2 sonde in the channel at Hill Slough.
2023-01-03 22D102641 EXO pH-ORP Removed pH-ORP Removed from Hill Slough channel and brought back to the lab for calibration.
2023-01-06 22D102641 EXO pH-ORP Installed pH-ORP Installed in the channel at Hill Slough (same height as before) after calibrating in the lab yesterday.
2023-04-25 22D102641 EXO pH-ORP Removed pH-ORP Removed from HS channel for routine calibration
2023-06-14 22D102641 EXO pH-ORP Installed pH-ORP Installed new tip on pH/ORP probe
2023-08-24 22D102641 EXO pH-ORP Installed pH-ORP Reinstalled after quarterly cleaning and calibration
2023-10-11 22D102641 EXO pH-ORP Removed pH-ORP Removed for inspection in the lab because turbidy/fDOM/ph/ORP look weird
2023-10-18 22D102641 EXO pH-ORP Installed pH-ORP Installed in the Hill Slough channel after calibration in the lab. The whole sonde was raised about 20cm to keep it out of the mud.
2024-01-18 22D102641 EXO pH-ORP Removed pH-ORP Removed from HS channel and brought back to the lab for routine calibration
2024-01-25 22D102641 EXO pH-ORP Installed pH-ORP Installed in the Hill Slough channel after calibration
2024-04-04 22D102641 EXO pH-ORP Removed pH-ORP Removed from the Hill Slough channel and brought back to the lab for calibration (and to install the new auto wiper that arrived)
2024-04-10 22D102641 EXO pH-ORP Installed pH-ORP Reinstalled at the HS channel after regular lab cleaning and calibration
2024-07-16 22D102641 EXO pH-ORP Removed pH-ORP Removed from the HS channel and brought back to the lab for routine calibration
2024-07-23 22D102641 EXO pH-ORP Installed pH-ORP Installed in the Hill Slough channel after calibration. Sonde is in the air during low tide.
2024-09-11 22D102641 EXO pH-ORP Removed pH-ORP Removed from the HS channel EXO because it is in the air for several hours every day. This probe should remain inundated (or at least humid) for ideal electrolyte longevity.
2021-03-16 48130-611 TE525 Installed Precipitation Installed on the SE corner of the scaffolding
2021-10-26 48130-611 TE525 Tested Precipitation Got 53/50 tips. I meant to turn the screws 1 turn CCW but I think I may have turned them 2 turns CCW. Needs a retest next time anyways.
2021-11-04 48130-611 TE525 Adjusted Precipitation The screws were adjusted 1/2 turn in (CW) before testing. The test got 51/50 tips - okay.
Range Finder
2024-05-16 76294-1 MB7389-100 Installed Water Level Installed at the HS channel as a back-up water level sensor. The sensor is attached to the bottom of the boardwalk.
RH & Temp
2021-03-11 S3410851 HMP155 Installed RH & Temp Installed at Hill Slough with site setup.
Soil Moisture Probe
2021-03-11 17131 CS655 Installed none Installed at Hill Slough with site setup. Not sure of sensor depth yet (either -8cm or -16cm).
2021-03-11 17130 CS655 Installed none Installed at Hill Slough with site setup. Not sure of sensor depth yet (either -8cm or -16cm).
2022-02-03 17130 CS655 Removed Soil Moisture Probe A Removed from Hill Slough because we weren't getting any interesting data from it--soils were staying saturated though the tidal cycle
2022-02-03 17131 CS655 Removed Soil Moisture Probe B Removed from Hill Slough because we weren't getting any interesting data from it--soils were staying saturated though the tidal cycle
Solar Controller
2021-03-11 11400080 PS-30M Installed Solar Controller Installed at Hill Slough with site setup.
Solar Panel
2021-02-26 11ZV0M0855 KD140SX-UFBS Moved Solar Panel C Removed from the decommissioned temporary location for use at Hill Slough
2021-02-26 11ZV0M0836 KD140SX-UFBS Moved Solar Panel B Removed from the decommissioned temporary location for use at Hill Slough
2021-02-26 11ZV0M0829 KD140SX-UFBS Moved Solar Panel A Removed from the decommissioned temporary location for use at Hill Slough
2021-03-11 11ZV0M0836 KD140SX-UFBS Removed Solar Panel C This panel was removed from the lowest position at Hill Slough because its glass face is broken. It was replaced by sn 11ZV0M0828
2021-03-11 11ZV0M0828 KD140SX-UFBS Installed Solar Panel C Installed at Hill Slough with site setup. This panel replaces panel sn 11ZV0M0836 which was removed because of damage when it fell over.
2022-08-24 C1031127-2306254 SX20U Installed none Installed with a CR23X and lithium battery at the Hill Slough channel to collect data from water sensors installed in the channel
Water Level
2021-03-11 20010770 CS450 Installed Water Level Installed at Hill Slough with site setup. In a well pipe about 1 m from the SW corner of the scaffolding.
2021-12-14 1782503941 CTD-10 Installed none Installed in the well pipe at Hill Slough.
2022-03-31 20010770 CS450 Removed Water Level Removed from HS tower because it was replaced with the HYDRO21 CTD sensor.
2022-08-24 1782503941 CTD-10 Moved Water Level Moved from the Hill Slough main tower to the channel about 40m east of the main tower. At the tower, the sensor was above water during low tide so we moved the sensor into deeper water where it will remain submerged during low tide.
2023-09-12 1782503941 CTD-10 Removed Water Level Removed from the HS channel because it was shorting out the other sensors connected to the CR23x (EXO, eosGP). Unfortunately METER no longer services the CTD-10, so we will need to replace it with a new HYDROS21.
2023-12-22 H21G200002433 HYDROS21 Installed Water Level Installed at the channel to replace the one that failed and was removed a while ago.
2024-04-16 H21G200002433 HYDROS21 Moved Water Level Removed for temporary use at GT, EXO should have the same data.
2024-05-16 H21G20001202 HYDROS21 Installed Water Level Installed at the HS channel to replace CTD sn H21G200002433 that was removed previously. Tied to the same hook as the eosGP and I tried to match the eosGP height.
2024-04-10 24A100660 EXO Central Wiper Installed Wiper EXO Reinstalled at the HS channel after regular lab cleaning and calibration
2024-10-17 24A100660 EXO Central Wiper Removed Wiper EXO Removed from the Hill Slough channel and brought back to the lab for routine calibration
2024-10-24 24A100660 EXO Central Wiper Installed Wiper EXO Installed in the HS channel after calibration
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