Equipment and Calibration History

History for METER Group HYDROS21 H21G200002263

Rec No.DateLoc FromTitleLoc ToNotes
6668 2024-04-23 Lab none Installed Mayberry none Installed on the MB floating boom
6663 2024-04-18 Lab none Tested Lab none This sensors was removed from the field because the depth was bad but the salinity and temperature were okay. Hooked it up to a CR1000 in the lab and changed it's address from 3 to 6 to match the program I had. Seemed to work just fine up to 800mm.
6662 2024-04-16 Mayberry Water Level Removed Lab none Removed from MB and brought back to the lab. Its depth is not working and I want to see if I can send it back to the factory for a warranty replacement.
6486 2023-12-08 Lab none Installed Mayberry Water Level Installed on the northeastern corner of the Mayberry scaffolding. There's not much water right now, but I tried to install it right above the muck.