Equipment and Calibration History

History for YSI EXO fDOM 21K102592

Rec No.DateLoc FromTitleLoc ToNotes
6190 2023-02-15 Lab none Returned Returned none Returned to Adina during our Elkhorn Slough visit
6194 2023-01-25 Gilbert Tract none Removed Lab none USGS removed this EXO from the Gilbert Tract channel and stashed it on the bank. Joe retrieved it from the site at the end of the day and brought it back to the lab.
6061 2022-11-03 Gilbert Tract Calibration Gilbert Tract fDOM (QSU and RFU), Last cal: 10/31/2022 4:14:35 PM
EXO sn 22C100485
EXO/Sensor Firmware: 1.0.86/3.0.0
UCSC sensors sn 591 and sn 592 were really off even though calibrated recently. Will accept calibration and just run them at the GT channel for a week to see if they drift.
Pt1,0.00 QSU,1.87 QSU,0.00 QSU,0.00 QSU,16.796 °C
Pt2,316.50 QSU,218.07 QSU,316.49 QSU,0.00 QSU,10.735 °C

Pt1,0.00 RFU,0.20 RFU,0.00 RFU,0.00 RFU,15.801 °C
Pt2,105.50 RFU,71.69 RFU,105.50 RFU,0.00 RFU,11.214 °C