Equipment and Calibration History

History for Raspberry Pi RPI0W RPI0W-005

Rec No.DateLoc FromTitleLoc ToNotes
6840 2024-08-29 East End Camera Removed Lab none Removed from EE after tower was raised and we decided to end the intercomparison with RPI0W-006
6715 2024-05-01 East End Camera Notes East End Camera Changed file name from "EE_picam_" to "old_EE_picam_"
4624 2020-07-21 Lab none Installed East End Camera Installed at EE to replace the Canon camera that was stolen in June.
4618 2020-07-15 Lab none Tested Lab none This RTC clock does not work, keep resetting the clock to 2017-12-10, which is strange because usually the clock resets back to 12-31-1999 (especially if the battery is dead). I'm borrowing the RTC clock from RPIW-003, which is still in the lab. We should order a new RTC to replace it.

I set up the access network as RPI0W-005.