Equipment and Calibration History

History for Campbell Sci. CR10X 3501

Rec No.DateLoc FromTitleLoc ToNotes
6980 2024-10-29 Lab none Installed Tonzi Data Logger StemFlux West Installed west of the Floor tower to measure tree trunk temperatures for Kuno's stem flux experiment
6950 2024-10-23 Gilbert Tract Removed Lab none Removed from "Southside" station in Gilbert Tract at the conclusion of Robert's thermocouple experiment
6858 2024-09-19 Lab none Installed Gilbert Tract none Installed at the Gilbert Tract "southside" station for Robert's temperature campaign
6887 2024-09-16 Lab none Tested Lab none Tested in the lab for possible use at GT. The clock was ok, the OS is v 23 and the internal battery was 3.07V. Good to go.
6472 2023-11-14 Lab none Maintenance Lab none Put in a new internal lithium battery and testing in the lab. May use this datalogger for the PAR/RNET sensors on the BWW roof because I was having trouble connecting to the Goldstein lab CR10X.
4112 2019-09-27 Lab none Upgrade Lab none I upgraded the OS from v4 to v23. All seems well. The internal lithium battery is dead and needs to be replaced before deployment.