Equipment and Calibration History

History for Forerunner-Eosense GP-001 GP20140018

Rec No.DateLoc FromTitleLoc ToNotes
4854 2020-10-08 Lab none Shipped Factory none Sent to Eosense for inspection
3794 2018-11-06 Lab none Tested Lab none Connected to a CR6 and recorded 10s data. The sensor was maxing out (reading ~5V) on both 0-2% and 0-6% ranges. The connection between sensor and cable seemed secure and clean. The sensor should go back to the factory.
3790 2018-10-25 West Pond CO2 Probe B Removed Lab none Removed from WP because of high readings. It was replaced by sn GP20140026 two weeks later.
3161 2017-08-16 Lab none Installed West Pond CO2 Probe B Installed at WP to replace a previous bad eosGP