Equipment and Calibration History

History for Kipp & Zonen NR-LITE 021029

Rec No.DateLoc FromTitleLoc ToNotes
4054 2019-06-18 Lab none Calibration Lab none New calibration factor of 13.1 uV/(W/m2). Tested this sensor at Oxford Tract against AMP 4-band radiometer CNR4 sn 16084. See RT Report "Oxford Tract Radiometer Comparison - 06/2018" for details.
3088 2017-09-26 East End-Temp2 Net Radiometer Removed Lab none Brought back to the lab with the decommissioning of the East End closed canopy temporary tower 2. Th cable is rotten and needs to be replaced.
2869 2017-06-14 Lab none Installed East End-Temp2 Net Radiometer Installed on the East End Temporary Tower #2 Closed Canpoy location with the initial tower set up.
1833 2015-05-12 Sherman Island Net Radiometer Removed Lab none Removed with the decommissioning of the Sherman Cow Pasture site.
46 2002-05-27 Factory none Calibration Factory none cal coefficient 14.1