Equipment and Calibration History

History for Delta-T ML3 M003369

Rec No.DateLoc FromTitleLoc ToNotes
6965 2024-10-24 Bouldin Alfalfa Soil Moisture Probe Theta Moved Bouldin Alfalfa Soil Moisture Probe Theta Moved from under the tower into the field after wheat was planted
6912 2024-10-09 Bouldin Alfalfa Soil Moisture Probe Theta Moved Bouldin Alfalfa Soil Moisture Probe Theta BA tower was moved temporarily to the edge of the field by the ditch to make way for plowing/planting. This sensor was removed from the field and reinstalled under the temporary tower location.
2400 2016-08-12 Lab none Installed Bouldin Alfalfa Soil Moisture Probe Theta Installed with the initial set up of the site.