Equipment and Calibration

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View History for Bouldin Alfalfa
SELECT * from equiplist WHERE 1 AND curloc LIKE :LL1 ORDER BY FIELD(curloc, 'Returned', 'Disposed'), recno DESC
Array ( [:LL1] => Bouldin Alfalfa% )

43 rows returned

IDSMAP LocModelSerial No.Last EntryCurrent Location Project Description
952 Weather Station B LCJ Capteurs SONIC-ANEMO-SPE10 022365394 2024-02-14Bouldin Alfalfa CalVal 3 of 4 received from Arable to be connected to a Mark 3 for CalVal project, Arable sn 23230022
948 Weather Station B Arable Mark 3 D006812 2024-02-14Bouldin Alfalfa CalVal 3 of 4 received from Arable for calval project, includes a separate 2D sonic
931 Battery Bank Fabricated BB-Fab BB-BA-edge 2022-11-02Lab Carlos Two brand new grp27 deep cycle marine Duracell 90Ahr SLI27MDC with with 04/22 tags
930 Battery Bank Fabricated BB-Fab BB-BA-bncr 2022-11-02Lab Carlos Two brand new grp27 deep cycle marine Duracell 90Ahr SLI27MDC with 04/22 tags
920 Weather Station C Arable Mark II C013311 2022-10-18Bouldin Alfalfa CalVal Arable sent this unit to replace C003240 at BA that has failed Tair/RH.
919 Camera StarDot SD500BN-NL 0030f4d0b0b3 2023-08-24Bouldin Alfalfa UCSC No lens replacement body replacement for sn 0030F4D214A4 that was broken by power surge on the ethernet port. Will take the 4.0mm lens from the broken one.
901 Heat Flux Plate TE Technology HP-127-1.0-1.3-71P PC4 2022-11-02Lab CDFW Potted (water proof) peltier chip, aka sn P09
900 Heat Flux Plate TE Technology HP-127-1.0-1.3-71P PC3 2022-11-02Lab CDFW Potted (water proof) peltier chip, aka sn P08
899 Heat Flux Plate TE Technology HP-127-1.0-1.3-71P PC2 2022-11-02Lab CDFW Potted (water proof) peltier chip, aka sn P07
898 Heat Flux Plate TE Technology HP-127-1.0-1.3-71P PC1 2022-11-02Lab CDFW Potted (water proof) peltier chip, aka sn P06
865 Soil Moisture Probe Delta-T ML3 M001972 2022-11-02Lab Joe found this in the basement at some point. Today I found it in the sensor closet. There is a spare cable in the sensor closet as well. Needs to be tested before we deploy it.
827 RH & Temp Vaisala HMP155 S3420870 2021-04-15Bouldin Alfalfa
820 Solar Controller MorningStar PS-30 19391162 2022-11-02Lab 3rd generation, 30A, 12/24V, PWM, no LCD. This was given to us by Patty in exchange for one given to her for Eden Landing.
811 Camera Raspberry Pi RPI0W RPI0W-002 2025-01-15Bouldin Alfalfa Raspberry pi camera module. Consists of a Raspberry Pi Zero W, Raspberry Pi Camera v2, Raspberry Pi camera cable, a real-time clock PCF8523, and a microSD card. Code is written by Ingo Jaeckel here: The pi is running Raspbian Jessie Lite. This camera has a fisheye lens.
583 Battery Bank Fabricated BB-Fab BB-BA 2016-08-19Bouldin Alfalfa CDFW Assembled on site from a Midnite Solar battery box MNBE-A and six EnergyCell-106RE AGM, 106Ahr, 12V, group 31 batteries.
566 Solar Controller Midnite Solar MNKID-B KB04511 2016-08-12Bouldin Alfalfa CDFW MPPT Charge controller, 30A, 12-48V battery bank
538 Solar Panel B Kyosera KU265-6MCA 158APW4M0000191 2016-08-12Bouldin Alfalfa CDFW 265W, 31.0V, 8.55A
534 Solar Panel A Kyosera KU265-6MCA 158APW4M0000187 2016-08-12Bouldin Alfalfa CDFW 265W, 31.0V, 8.55A
526 PAR Sensor Incoming Kipp & Zonen PQS 1 140452 2016-08-12Bouldin Alfalfa CDFW Initial factory calibration: 8.48 uV/(umol/m2/s), 470 Ohm
525 PAR Sensor Reflected Kipp & Zonen PQS 1 140451 2016-08-12Bouldin Alfalfa CDFW Initial factory calibration: 8.51 uV/(umol/m2/s), 470 Ohm
511 Narrow Band NDVI Incoming Decagon-METER SRS-Ni NDVI 877203409 2016-08-12Bouldin Alfalfa CDFW Cosine correcting Teflon diffuser, hemispherical field of view
509 Narrow Band NDVI Reflected Decagon-METER SRS-Ni NDVI 882103021 2017-02-01Bouldin Alfalfa CDFW Cosine correcting Teflon diffuser, hemispherical field of view
504 Soil Moisture Probe Delta-T ML3 M003371 2022-11-02Lab CDFW
502 Soil Moisture Probe Theta Delta-T ML3 M003369 2024-10-24Bouldin Alfalfa CDFW
501 Soil Moisture Probe B Campbell Sci. CS655 17135 2024-10-24Bouldin Alfalfa CDFW 12cm tines
498 Soil Moisture Probe C Campbell Sci. CS655 17132 2024-10-24Bouldin Alfalfa CDFW 12cm tines
493 Soil Moisture Probe A Campbell Sci. CS655 17127 2024-10-24Bouldin Alfalfa CDFW 12cm tines
487 Net Radiometer 4-way Hukseflux NR01 2418 2016-08-12Bouldin Alfalfa CDFW
486 Heat Flux Plate B Hukseflux HFP01 11334 2024-10-24Bouldin Alfalfa CDFW Wht = +sig, Grn = -sig, Blk = shield
485 Heat Flux Plate C Hukseflux HFP01 11332 2024-10-24Bouldin Alfalfa CDFW Wht = +sig, Grn = -sig, Blk = shield
479 Heat Flux Plate A Hukseflux HFP01 10866 2024-10-24Bouldin Alfalfa CDFW Wht = +sig, Grn = -sig, Blk = shield
477 Precipitation Texas Electronics TE525MM 65560-615 2021-12-01Bouldin Alfalfa CDFW
464 Multiplexer Thermocouple Campbell Sci. AM25T 7907 2016-08-12Bouldin Alfalfa CDFW
461 Multiplexer Met Campbell Sci. AM16/32B 21688 2016-08-12Bouldin Alfalfa CDFW
459 Data Logger Campbell Sci. CR6 2114 2025-01-30Bouldin Alfalfa CDFW
450 Gas Analyzer Licor LI-7500A 75H-2669 2025-01-30Bouldin Alfalfa CDFW GHG-1 package comprised of: sn TG1-0424, sn 75H-2669, sn AIU-1570
389 Data Logger Met Campbell Sci. CR1000 66252 2020-09-10Bouldin Alfalfa DOE-TCP Wiring panel sn 65556 Initial factory calibration done on 2014-06-21
330 Interface Campbell Sci. NL115 9774 2016-08-12Bouldin Alfalfa DOE-TCP
323 PAR Sensor Under-A Kipp & Zonen PAR-LITE 030380 2020-04-17Bouldin Alfalfa DOE-TCP Field calibration 5.26 uV/(umol/m2/s) 2019-06-18
313 Data Logger Main Flux Campbell Sci. CR1000 23865 2022-04-25Bouldin Alfalfa-ADEX NSF-Methane Initial factory calibration 2009-03-30, wiring panel sn 20447.
200 Anemometer Gill WM 1590 074417 2021-07-20Bouldin Alfalfa NULL 20Hz model, Firmware version 2329-116-01
91 Net Radiometer Kipp & Zonen NR-LITE 990350 2022-11-02Lab Field calibration 13.0 uV/(W/m2) 2019-10-01
38 Net Radiometer Kipp & Zonen NR-LITE 990353 2022-11-02Lab NULL Field calibration 12.6 uV/(W/m2) 2019-10-01