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Site: East Pond (EP) aka US-Tw5

2018-04-17 - 2020-01-30

Nice sunset
More photos
The Twitchell Wetland site is a 6.5 acre restored wetland on Twitchell Island, that is managed by the California Department of Water Resources (DWR) and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). In the fall of 1997, the site was permanently flooded to a depth of approximately 55 cm. The wetland remained fairly unvegetated in patches increasing in size towards the east. The site underwent a major disturbance in 2013 when the vegetation was removed to seed a nearby restored wetland. A flux tower equipped to analyze energy, H2O, CO2, and CH4 fluxes was installed on April 17, 2018.

Ameriflux BADM Site Info

Last field site visit: more fieldnotes

2020-01-30 09:30:00 Decommissioning of the site. All sensors and equipment removed and taken to Sherman Wetland.

Latest data processing: more processing notes

2020-03-25 Last L3 processing for dates: 2020-01-01 - 2020-01-30

Processor of record:
2018-05-24 - Alex Valach
Ameriflux Author:
20161200 - Daphne Szutu
20180417 - Joseph Verfaillie
20180417 - Dennis Baldocchi
20180524 - Alex Valach
20190000 - Kuno Kasak

Data Digital Object Identifier (DOI)

Equipment Locations more details

EquipmentStart DateEnd DateXYZNotes
Anemometer 2018-04-17 2018-06-28 0 0 5.82 Heading=0deg
2018-06-28 - 0 0 6.08 Heading=0deg
Barometer 2018-04-17 -
Battery Bank 2018-04-17 -
Camera Pi-cam 2018-09-05 - -0.17 -0.18 5.4
CO2 Probe 2018-09-18 2019-09-18
Conductivity Sensor 2018-04-24 2019-08-07
Data Logger 2018-04-17 -
DO Sensor 2018-04-17 -
Gas Analyzer CH4 2018-04-17 - -0.2 -0.1 5.76
Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O 2018-04-17 - -0.27 0.11 5.82
Heat Flux Plate A 2018-04-17 - -3.65 1.45 -2
Heat Flux Plate B 2018-04-17 - -7.45 -1.51 -2
Heat Flux Plate C 2018-04-17 - -2.56 -5.43 -2
Interface LI-7550 2018-04-17 2020-01-30
Multiplexer Met 2018-04-17 -
Multiplexer Thermocouple 2018-04-17 -
Narrow Band NDVI Incoming 2018-05-16 - -0.17 -2.38 4.44
Narrow Band NDVI Reflected 2018-05-16 - -0.17 -2.38 4.44
Net Radiometer 4-way 2018-04-17 - -0.12 -2.94 4.41
PAR Sensor Incoming 2018-04-17 - -0.17 -2.5 4.48
PAR Sensor Reflected 2018-04-17 - -0.17 -2.5 4.41
RH & Temp 2018-04-17 - -0.32 0.23 5.47
Soil Moisture Probe B 2018-04-17 - -7.45 -1.51 0
Soil Moisture Probe C 2018-04-17 - -2.56 -5.43 0
Solar Controller 2018-04-17 -
Solar Controller Secondary 2018-04-17 2018-05-10
Solar Panel A 2018-04-17 -
Solar Panel B 2018-04-17 -
Solar Panel C 2018-04-17 -
Thermocouple A Soil-0.02m 2018-04-17 - -3.65 1.45 -0.02
Thermocouple A Soil-0.08m 2018-04-17 - -3.65 1.45 -0.08
Thermocouple A Soil-0.16m 2018-04-17 - -3.65 1.45 -0.16
Thermocouple A Water-0.02m 2018-04-17 - -3.65 1.45 -0.02 Floating
Thermocouple A Water-0.10m 2018-04-17 - -3.65 1.45 -0.1 Floating
Thermocouple A Water-0.25m 2018-04-17 - -3.65 1.45 -0.25 Floating
Thermocouple A Water-0.40m 2018-04-17 - -3.65 1.45 -0.4 Floating
Thermocouple B Soil-0.02m 2018-04-17 - -7.45 -1.51 -0.02
Thermocouple B Soil-0.08m 2018-04-17 - -7.45 -1.51 -0.08
Thermocouple B Soil-0.16m 2018-04-17 - -7.45 -1.51 -0.16
Thermocouple B Water-0.02m 2018-04-17 - -7.45 -1.51 -0.02 Floating - Z from water surface
Thermocouple B Water-0.10m 2018-04-17 - -7.45 -1.51 -0.1 Floating
Thermocouple B Water-0.25m 2018-04-17 - -7.45 -1.51 -0.25 Floating
Thermocouple B Water-0.40m 2018-04-17 - -7.45 -1.51 -0.4 Floating
Thermocouple C Soil-0.02m 2018-04-17 - -2.56 -5.43 -0.02
Thermocouple C Soil-0.08m 2018-04-17 - -2.56 -5.43 -0.08
Thermocouple C Soil-0.16m 2018-04-17 - -2.56 -5.43 -0.16
Thermocouple C Water-0.02m 2018-04-17 - -2.56 -5.43 -0.02 Floating
Thermocouple C Water-0.10m 2018-04-17 - -2.56 -5.43 -0.1 Floating
Thermocouple C Water-0.25m 2018-04-17 - -2.56 -5.43 -0.25 Floating
Thermocouple C Water-0.40m 2018-04-17 - -2.56 -5.43 -0.4 Floating
Water Level 2018-04-17 - -0.589 Calibrated against staff gauge n=45 R2=97

Data Streams: more data

CodeFirst DayLast DayDescription
EP_cam 2018-09-05 2020-01-30 Digital number data from autocam imagery (raspberry pi zero w) Phenocam archive
EP_flux 2018-04-17 2020-01-30 30 minute averages of the 20Hz flux data.
EP_hobo 2018-04-24 2019-05-23 Water conductivity from Hobo logger
EP_met 2018-04-17 2020-01-30 Met data from micro-met sensors at East Pond collected with a CR1000 data logger
EP_minidot 2018-04-17 2020-01-30 Dissolved oxygen from the minidot sensor from the tower
EP_processed 2018-04-17 2020-01-30 Initial fluxes - no filtering or gap filling
EP_processed3 2018-04-17 2020-01-30 Gap filling and partitioned date from Level 3 processing

Metadata and Data Sets: more data

IdTypeSiteDates FrequencyTitle Description
3 Lidar BA, BC, WP, EP, EE, TA, TW, MB, SB, SW 2018-09-20 Once NCALM Lidar Flight Lidar flight data collection from Kyle Hemes NCAL project: Ecosystem Structure as a Driver of Climatic, Habitat, and Hydrological Services in Heterogeneous Restored Wetlands. Point clouds (*.las files), 1m resolution DEM and DSM (arcgis GridFloat files), visible imagery (*.tif files) of Sherman, Twitchel and Bouldin Islands. UTM Zone 10N, meters, NAD83(2011) epoch 2010.00 / NAVD88 (GEOID12B)
25 Soils SB, BC, EP, EE, BA, SW, MB 2018-08-27 - 2018-08-28 Once Soil cores for C:N and microbial community Soil samples were collected to be analyzed for soil moisture, bulk density, C:N, and microbial community. Generally at each site, two transects were sampled (T1 to the north, T2 south), starting near the tower and going to the west. Each transect had 5 sampling locations each (P1-P5), each location about 5m apart. At wetland locations (SW, MB, EE, EP, WP), soils were collected at 0-15cm depth. At agricultural locations (BA, BC, SB), soils were collected at 3 depths: 0-15cm, 15-30cm, and 30-60cm. For more information, see the field notes from each day.
-Sherman Barn: The water table was around 50-60cm.
-Bouldin Corn: Transects starting from the first corn rows running parallel away from the tower. Dry peat layer around 60 cm.
-Bouldin Alfalfa: Transects starting roughly 5m from the tower. A smaller subsample was taken for microbial analysis.
-East End: Transects starting 5-10m from the tower, going west/southwest through dense veg with the T2P4 and T2P5 taken from veg near the open water section. A smaller subsample was taken for microbial analysis.
-East Pond: Transects starting about 7m from tower to the west (T1) and southwest (T2). (i.e. after the big open pond section by the solar panels). A smaller subsample was taken for microbial analysis. T2P5 was taken from the more uniformly vegetated area to the west. Other samples were mostly from fairly open water areas near clusters of veg.
-Mayberry: Two transects (T1 in veg, T2 near the open water) each going northwest of the tower and took microbial subsamples from each core.
-Sherman Wetland: We took two transects (T1 to the north, T2 south) going west from the tower starting where the water was about 20 cm deep and following the low vegetation.
2 Water Level EP 2018-04-17 - Present Approx. bi-weekly with field visit Water Level from Staff Gauge Manual reading of water level from the staff gauge. The staff gauge is bolted to the tower scaffolding and should not move. It was inserted into the water column until resistance was encountered. There are about 40cm of muck and vegetation in the water column above the bottom on the staff gauge.
UCB_LI7700Testing.pdf - Report on the testing of the LI-7700 in the Delta
PilotPondsProjectInfo.pdf -
PondMap.png - Diagram of West Pond and East Pond including boardwalks, inlets and outlets - Time lapse video of 11:15 PST images from the picam at East Pond. January 19 through August 19 at 8 days per second.
GCC comparision - Midday vs. Whole-day
Water Level sensor calibration with staff gauge
East Pond - NDVI (SRS, Planet)