Field Notes
<--2002-10-24 12:00:00 | 2002-11-06 15:25:00-->Phenocam link: Searching...
Tonzi/Vaira: 2002-11-05 00:00:00 (DOY 309)
Author: Dennis Baldocchi
Others: Mattias
Summary: Rain coming, Vaira clocks fast - reset, swapped IRGAS, Floor PC not running - restarted, smoke in the area
When: Nov 5, 2002, D309 Arrived 09:30 at Vaira ranch. Mild day, light winds, high cirrus. The rangeland is very dry and rain is expected in two days. No cows are present. Flux system was operating aok. All signals in range. Due to the dry nature of the ecosystem little structure in q and c turbulence W: -.5 Forgot to bring T/RH calib standard and check instruments. Checked Campbell data loggers. They communicate with the system and data are in range. Solar system 10:32 Swapped irgas. sn 0042 came down and sn 0418 went up, the new one. The one out in the field was clean. Bird crap was on the sonic transducer and I cleaned it. Washed off dust on pyranometer with squirt bottle, but could not reach Rnet and PAR. We need ladder at the site for better radiometer maintenance. Before cleaning Rg it read 598 W m-2. After washing it read 610 W m-2. So there may have been a 10 Wm-2 bias. Check Rg vs Par for data before and after washing! And Rain to come. Downloaded data, raw, met and flux. Moved data to sub. We need to check storage and soon remove raw data from 2000 and 2001 to save space and be ready for 2003. Read Moisture Point Sensors
11:30 off to Tonzi ranch
Flux system W: 0.64 All data on scale. 13:24 Checking Tower system. Rebooted and set clock to gps. It was 4 minutes fast. Down loaded data. sn 0041 came down and sn 0035 went up We need new screws for mounting the licor head to its mount. One dropped and I had to cannibalize the floor system 14:00 Lots of smoke in the area. Check signals. Downloaded soil moisture points systems and read dendrometers |
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11 TZ_tmet graphs found
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3 TZ_mixed graphs found
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8 TZ_fmet graphs found
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2 TZ_sm graphs found
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1 TZ_met graphs found
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