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Field Notes

<--2020-05-29 11:00:00 | 2020-06-09 12:50:00-->

Bouldin Corn: 2020-06-04 08:00:00 (DOY 156)
Author: Joe Verfaillie

Summary: Installed Arables, measured LAI, took biomass samples, measured planting density, shadow band motor dead - needs swap

Bouldin Corn

I arrived at about 8AM. It was clear sunny and hot with a typical breeze. I saw two tractors working corn fields to the east and west but no evidence that our field had had recent work. Tyler has done a good job defining some rows through the corn forest where his chambers are but still way more dense there.

Because there may yet be tractors in our field I decided to put the pair of Arable Mark IIs in the northwest corner of the area that Tyler has marked off for his chambers. I had put them all together in the lab so at the field I just needed to boot them. At first I tried to do one at a time. The first one sn C003771 was taking a long time so I cleared some weeds while I waited – the crop dusting did a good job as nearly all the weeds near the tower are dead and dying. The first Mark unit failed to boot and stopped searching for a cell connection. I gave both units a three second press. The second one booted up quickly and the first one was still acting weird. I did a 15 second reset and it finally booted. I installed them in the field 17.6m at 280 deg from the northwest corner of the scaffolding: sn C003771 is to the east and sn C004318 is to the west. It’s 3.26m to the top of the post – I need to measure the distance to the senor areas.

I took single wand LAI measurements. The light was very uniform and the corn is still only about thigh high. I made some measurements near the z-cams and under canopy PAR. Then a couple “above” measurements before making a bunch of measurements across rows of normal density corn. I finished with a few more “above” measurements. After computing the file, the result was about 0.86 LAI.

I measured planting density and took six individual plans for biomass and scanned LAI. In three locations with normal planting density I laid out the tape measure perpendicular to the rows and measured the row separation. Then I laid the tape parallel to a row and counted the number of plants in 4m. Then I took two plants from that row for biomass measuring the heights.
Row separation: 79,71,80,76,77,77,80,76,73,88,76,77,79,76,76,75,80 = 77.4cm on average
Plants in 4m: 25, 25 23 = 6 plants per meter.

I cleaned the windows on the z-cams.

Just before I left I notice that the shadow band didn’t seem to be spinning. It had power but was frozen in place. We will need to swap the motor next time.

I went to check on the Alfalfa field and they had just started mowing it. I would have trimmed the areas around the tower and checked on an Arable device if it was already mowed. I decide to stay out of the way and deal with it next Tuesday.

I left at about 11:00

1 photos found

A pair of Arable Mark IIs were installed for the Planet Labs project
20200604BC_ArablesInstalled.jpg ( 2020-06-04 00:00:00 ) Full size: 1920x1440
A pair of Arable Mark IIs were installed for the Planet Labs project

Graphs display:
6 sets found

17 BC_met graphs found

Battery Voltage

Soil Heat Flux


Solar Radiation

Air Pressure and RH

Soil Moisture

Bouldin Corn PAR

NDVI channels

PRI Channels

Soil Temperatures Set A

Soil Temperatures Set B

Soil Temperatures Set C


Surface Temperature

Forced Diffusion CO2

Forced Diffusion Soil CO2 Flux

Surface Temperature

5 BC_flux graphs found

LI-7500 CO2 and H2O

7700 CH4 and RSSI



CO2 in ppm

Can't check TATWBABCSB_cam
No data found for BC_pa.
1 BC_arable graphs found



Select Notes:

This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation and US Department of Energy. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in the material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the supporters.