Field Notes
<--2004-04-30 13:30:00 | 2004-05-18 10:00:00-->Other sites visited today: Vaira
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Tonzi: 2004-05-06 09:40:00 (DOY 127)
Author: Dennis Baldocchi
Others: Siyan
Summary: Siyan's first visit, Little green grass remains, new co2 cal tank for tower co2 profile. clip plots
Where: Tonzi When: May 6, 2004 Who: Dennis Baldocchi and Siyan Ma Arrived at the Tonzi ranch around 940 PST. Mild day, light winds. Teaching Siyan the ropes. Little green grass remains. Tonzi pc, aok W: -.19, u: 1.7; v: 2.0; T: 25.2; q: 1.9; C 1.7v. Downloaded data and reset PC208. System is up and running Checked power generation system. 4.2 amp load, 13.5 v Batt volt CR 10x Checked soil TC data system. All seem ok. Tc soil about 19C, Tair 21C, RH 34% and P 99.1 kPa CR 23x Soil moisture sensors are on scale and drying down., ~0.4 v. Floor system checked. Power 2.3 amp, 14.0 batt volt, 15.0 amp solar generation Floor 1016 W: 0.38; u: 0.35; v: 1.3; T: 25.9; q: 2.2; C: 1.6 CR 10x2 Noticed that loc 23 and 24 had same value (2.0152) Noticed that loc 25 and 26 had same value ( 0.67173) Downloaded data Installed new CO2 calibration tank on the profile system 2000 psi, 425.93 ppm Changed flow from 30 to 18 psi Took LAI (64.4,65.2, 47.1 cm2)/400 cm2 |
Field Data
No tank data
No TZ Well data found
No TZ Moisture Point data found
No VR Moisture Point data found
No TZ grass heigth found
No VR grass heigth found
No TZ Tree DBH found
No water potential data found
No TZ Grass Biomass data found
No TZ OakLeaves Biomass data found
No TZ PineNeedles Biomass data found
0 photos found
16 sets found
No data found for TZ_Fenergy.
11 TZ_tmet graphs found
No data found for TZ_soilco2.
Can't check TZ_mixed
3 TZ_mixed graphs found
No data found for TZ_fflux.
8 TZ_fmet graphs found
No data found for TZ_tram.
No data found for TZ_co2prof.
No data found for TZ_irt.
1 TZ_windprof graphs found
No data found for TZ_tflux.
2 TZ_sm graphs found
Can't check TZ_met
1 TZ_met graphs found
Can't check TZVR_mixed
No data found for TZ_osu.
No data found for TZ_fd.
Tonzi Z-cam data