Field Notes
<--2018-06-14 13:02:00 | 2018-06-28 11:15:00-->Phenocam link: Searching...
West Pond: 2018-06-20 10:00:00 (DOY 171)
Author: Elke Eichelmann
Others: Katrina Cone, Kyle Hemes
Summary: Leaf level gas exchange measurements with LI-6400
We arrived around 10am, it was a sunny and clear day with a light breeze. We took light response curves with the LI6400 for cattail and tule at West Pond wetland. The Baldocchi lab 6400 with the opaque 2x3 broadleaf chamber with the LED light source was set up on the boardwalk just North-West of the tower to measure light response curves for cattail. Measurements were taken 1/3 or the length of the leaf down from the tip (total length measured from where the leaf splits off from the base of the plant). Curves were measured on three different leafs. The chambers were sealed with additional putty after closing to ensure they are completely sealed. Leaf temperature was controlled to 30 degree Celsius and reference CO2 was set to 400ppm. H2O was not controlled. Measurements on tule plants were taken on the platform right by the tower with the Silver lab 6400 and the clear conifer chamber. Light levels inside the chamber were controlled by wrapping layers of mosquito window screen around the chamber. Up to 8 layers of mosquito screen were added. The final layer was a layer of blackout curtain to get light levels down to darkness inside the chamber. Measurements were taken on 3 different tule plants. Leaf temperature was controlled to 30 degree Celsius, incoming CO2 and H2O were not controlled. We left around 3pm. |
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