Field Notes
<--2017-01-31 11:25:00 | 2017-02-23 13:20:00-->Phenocam link: Searching...
West Pond: 2017-02-13 13:05:00 (DOY 44)
Author: Daphne Szutu
Others: Sam Chamberlain
Summary: regular data collection/cleaning, pulled eosense CO2 probe
We arrived at 13:05. It was sunny, mild, some thin clouds. The grassy road leading to the tower is quite muddy (it was worse than it looked). We should park further back, where the grassy road turns off from the gravel road. Sam cleaned the radiation, 7500, and 7700 sensors. I refilled the wash reservoir. It was 3/4 empty. I ran out of water so it was still 1/4 empty when we left. The Eosense CO2 probe sn GP20150100 has been giving bad readings. It was pulled with its cable for testing in the lab. I collected the met, camera, and USB GHG data. The 7500 read: CO2 420.83 ppm H2O 520.9 mmol/m3 T 17.49 C P 101.6 kPa SS 106.4 --> 107.5 after cleaning The 7700 read: CH4 2.24 ppm RSSI 43.0 --> 82.0 after cleaning We left at 13:30. |
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