Field Notes

<--2000-10-12 00:00:00 | 2000-10-22 00:00:00-->
Phenocam link: Searching...

Vaira: 2000-10-20 00:00:00 (DOY 294)
Author: Dennis Baldocchi

Oct 20.

Recompiled md9_2 and MD9_3. Need to compile in windows not character mode so it will run in background. Otherwise it was interrupting flux program.

Original Data Logger Program

;| G_Soil.csi
;| Datalogger type: CR10X with AM25T
;| Date: 10-6-00
;| Programed by: Henry Lin
;| Description of program:
;| Sensors used: - 3 Soil Thermal Couple Probe (V, VI, VII)
;| - 5 Soil Moisture Sensor Probe ()
;| - 3 Heat Flux Plate (137, 141, 143)
;| Modified by:

*Table 1 Program
01: 1 Execution Interval (seconds)

; Configure Control Ports for 1 millisecond pulse
1: Set Port(s) (P20)
1: 9999 C8..C5 = nc/nc/nc/nc
2: 9933 C4..C1 = nc/nc/1ms/1ms

; Measure the battery voltage
2: Batt Voltage (P10)
1: 32 Loc [ Bat_Volt ]

3: Signature (P19)
1: 33 Loc [ PROG_SIG ]

; Turns on the switched 12V, which powers the soil moisture probes
4: Do (P86)
1: 46 Set Port 6 High

;Differntial 1: AM25T *******************************************************************

; Turn On AM25T
5: Do (P86)
1: 42 Set Port 2 High

; Measure the output of the reference temp. full bridge
6: Full Bridge (P6)
1: 1 Reps
2: 23 25 mV 60 Hz Rejection Range
3: 1 DIFF Channel
4: 1 Excite all reps w/Exchan 1
5: 1200 mV Excitation
6: 1 Loc [ RefTemp_c ]
7: -0.001 Mult
8: 0.09707 Offset

; Calculate RTD resistance R/R0
7: BR Transform Rf[X/(1-X)] (P59)
1: 1 Reps
2: 1 Loc [ RefTemp_c ]
3: 10.025 Multiplier (Rf)

; Calculate reference temperature
8: Temperature RTD (P16)
1: 1 Reps
2: 1 R/R0 Loc [ RefTemp_c ]
3: 1 Loc [ RefTemp_c ]
4: 1.0 Mult
5: 0.0 Offset

; Loop through 3 TC probe = 15 channels
9: Beginning of Loop (P87)
1: 0 Delay
2: 15 Loop Count

;Clock the AM25T twice to get to the first channel
10: Do (P86)
1: 71 Pulse Port 1

11: Do (P86)
1: 71 Pulse Port 1

;Measure the connected TC
12: Thermocouple Temp (DIFF) (P14)
1: 1 Reps
2: 21 2.5 mV 60 Hz Rejection Range
3: 1 DIFF Channel
4: 1 Type T (Copper-Constantan)
5: 1 Ref Temp (Deg. C) Loc [ RefTemp_c ]
6: 2 -- Loc [ TC_1_1 ]
7: 1.0 Mult
8: 0.0 Offset

; End loop
13: End (P95)

; Clock to Channel 16 of AM25T
14: Do (P86)
1: 71 Pulse Port 1

15: Do (P86)
1: 71 Pulse Port 1

; Measure heat flux plate # 1(137)
16: Volt (Diff) (P2)
1: 1 Reps
2: 25 2500 mV 60 Hz Rejection Range
3: 1 DIFF Channel
4: 17 Loc [ HFlux_1 ]
5: 0.01667 Mult
6: 0.0 Offset

; Clock to Channel 17 of AM25T
17: Do (P86)
1: 71 Pulse Port 1

18: Do (P86)
1: 71 Pulse Port 1

; Measure heat flux plate #2 (141)
19: Volt (Diff) (P2)
1: 1 Reps
2: 25 2500 mV 60 Hz Rejection Range
3: 1 DIFF Channel
4: 18 Loc [ HFlux_2 ]
5: 0.01695 Mult
6: 0.0 Offset

; Clock to CHannel 18 of AM25T
20: Do (P86)
1: 71 Pulse Port 1

21: Do (P86)
1: 71 Pulse Port 1

; Measrue Heat flux plate #3 (143)
22: Volt (Diff) (P2)
1: 1 Reps
2: 25 2500 mV 60 Hz Rejection Range
3: 1 DIFF Channel
4: 19 Loc [ HFlux_3 ]
5: 0.01706 Mult
6: 0.0 Offset

; Turn off AM25T
23: Do (P86)
1: 52 Set Port 2 Low

; Differential 2 - 5: Theta probes (soil moisture) *****************************************
24: Volt (Diff) (P2)
1: 4 Reps
2: 25 2500 mV 60 Hz Rejection Range
3: 2 DIFF Channel
4: 20 Loc [ smoist_1 ]
5: 1 Mult
6: 60.0 Offset

; Ouput************************************************************************************

25: Serial Out (P96)
1: 71 SM192/SM716/CSM1

26: If time is (P92)
1: 0000 Minutes (Seconds --) into a
2: 30 Interval (same units as above)
3: 10 Set Output Flag High (Flag 0)

27: Set Active Storage Area (P80)
1: 1 Final Storage Area 1
2: 101 Array ID

28: Real Time (P77)
1: 220 Day,Hour/Minute (midnight = 2400)

29: Sample (P70)
1: 2 Reps
2: 32 Loc [ Bat_Volt ]

30: Average (P71)
1: 23 Reps
2: 2 Loc [ TC_1_1 ]

*Table 2 Program
02: 0.0000 Execution Interval (seconds)

*Table 3 Subroutines

End Program

-Input Locations-
1 RefTemp_c 5 3 3
2 TC_1_1 1 1 0
3 TC_1_2 1 0 0
4 TC_1_3 1 0 0
5 TC_1_4 1 0 0
6 TC_1_5 1 0 0
7 TC_2_1 1 0 0
8 TC_2_2 1 0 0
9 TC_2_3 1 0 0
10 TC_2_4 1 0 0
11 TC_2_5 1 0 0
12 TC_3_1 1 0 0
13 TC_3_2 1 0 0
14 TC_3_3 1 0 0
15 TC_3_4 1 0 0
16 TC_3_5 1 0 0
17 HFlux_1 1 0 0
18 HFlux_2 1 0 0
19 HFlux_3 1 0 0
20 smoist_1 5 0 1
21 smoist_2 9 0 1
22 smoist_3 9 0 1
23 smoist_4 9 0 1
24 smoist_5 9 0 1
25 smoist_6 9 0 1
26 smoist_7 9 0 1
27 smoist_8 9 0 1
28 smoist_9 9 0 1
29 smoist_10 9 0 1
30 smoist_11 9 0 1
31 smoist_12 9 0 1
32 Bat_Volt 13 1 1
33 PROG_SIG 9 0 1
34 smoist_15 1 0 0
35 smoist_16 1 0 0
36 smoist_17 1 0 0
37 smoist_18 1 0 0
38 smoist_19 1 0 0
39 smoist_20 1 0 0
40 smoist_21 1 0 0
41 smoist_22 1 0 0
42 smoist_23 1 0 0

;| G_Met.csi
;| Datalogger type: CR23X
;| Date: 10-12-00
;| Programed by: Henry Lin
;| Description of program:
;| This program is made to take grass land measurement at Vaira Ranch
;| Sensors used: - 1 KZ pyranometer (996980) @ Diff 1
;| - 1 KZ net radiometer (990353) @ Diff 2
;| - 2 par senors: up (990021) @ Diff 3
:| Down (990031) @ Diff 4
;| - 1 Vaisala Rh/Tair sensor (u3030032) @ Diff 5, 6
;| - 1 Wetness sensor ( ) @ Diff 7
;| - 1 Precipitation ( ) @ Pulse 1
;| - 1 Vaisala barometer (U3220015) @ Diff 8
;| - 1 Line Quantum Sensor ( ) @ Diff 9
;| Modified by:

*Table 1 Program
01: 1 Execution Interval (seconds)

1: Serial Out (P96)
1: 71 Destination Output

2: Batt Voltage (P10)
1: 11 Loc [ Bat_Volt ]

3: Signature (P19)
1: 12 Loc [ PROG_SIG ]

;********Differential 1 - Pyranometer ********************************************

4: Volt (Diff) (P2)
1: 1 Reps
2: 41 10 mV, 60 Hz Reject, Fast Range
3: 01 DIFF Channel
4: 1 Loc [ Pyra_rad ]
5: 192.678 Mult
6: 0.0 Offset

;********Differential 2 - Net Radiometer********************************************

5: Volt (Diff) (P2)
1: 1 Reps
2: 42 50 mV, 60 Hz Reject, Fast Range
3: 02 DIFF Channel
4: 2 Loc [ Net_rad ]
5: 81.3008 Mult
6: 0.0 Offset

;********Differential 3 - Par up****************************************************

6: Volt (Diff) (P2)
1: 1 Reps
2: 42 50 mV, 60 Hz Reject, Fast Range
3: 03 DIFF Channel
4: 3 Loc [ Par_up ]
5: 195.313 Mult
6: 0.0 Offset

;*******Differential 4 - Par down***************************************************

7: Volt (Diff) (P2)
1: 1 Reps
2: 42 50 mV, 60 Hz Reject, Fast Range
3: 04 DIFF Channel
4: 4 Loc [ Par_down ]
5: 196.850 Mult
6: 0.0 Offset

;*******Differential 5 and 6- HMP45C (5)Temperature and (6)RH probe***************************
;Turn on the HMP45C
8: Do (P86)
1: 41 Set Port 1 High

;Pause 150mSec, before making measurements, so the probe can stabilize on true readings.
9: Delay w/Opt Excitation (P22)
1: 1 Ex Channel
2: 0 Delay W/Ex (units = 0.01 sec)
3: 15 Delay After Ex (units = 0.01 sec)
4: 0 mV Excitation

;Measure the HMP45C temperature at DIFF Channel 5.
10: Volt (Diff) (P2)
1: 1 Reps
2: 14 1000 mV, Fast Range
3: 05 DIFF Channel
4: 5 Loc [ Tair ]
5: 0.1 Mult
6: -40 Offset

;Measure the HMP45C relative humidity at DIFF Channel 6.
11: Volt (Diff) (P2)
1: 1 Reps
2: 14 1000 mV, Fast Range
3: 6 DIFF Channel
4: 6 Loc [ RH_pct ]
5: 0.1 Mult
6: 0.0 Offset

;Trun the HMP45C off.
12: Do (P86)
1: 51 Set Port 1 Low

;*****Differential 7 - 237 Leaf Wetness sensor********************************************

13: AC Half Bridge (P5)
1: 1 Reps
2: 13 200 mV, Fast Range
3: 13 SE Channel
4: 2 Excite all reps w/Exchan 2
5: 2500 mV Excitation
6: 9 Loc [ X ]
7: 1.0 Mult
8: 0.0 Offset

;invert VS/VX
14: Z=1/X (P42)
1: 9 X Loc [ X ]
2: 10 Z Loc [ Z ]

;Add -101.0 to get Res.
15: Z=X+F (P34)
1: 10 X Loc [ Z ]
2: -101 F
3: 8 Z Loc [ Wetness ]

;Every 24 hours, outputs fraction of time wet for that day
; This is the part that still need calibration.
;18: If time is (P92)
; 1: 0000 Minutes (Seconds --) into a
; 2: 1440 Interval (same units as above)
; 3: 10 Set Output Flag High (Flag 0)

;18: Real Time (P77)
; 1: 220 Day,Hour/Minute (midnight = 2400)

;18: Histogram (P75)
; 1: 1 Reps
; 2: 1 No. of Bins
; 3: 1 Closed Form
; 4: 0000 Bin Select Value Loc [ _________ ]
; 5: 0000 WV Loc Option [ _________ ]
; 6: 0.0 Low Limit
; 7: 0.0 High Limit

;***********Differential 8 - Vaisala Pressure Sensor**********************************
;units in (kPa)

16: Volt (Diff) (P2)
1: 1 Reps
2: 23 200 mV, 60 Hz Reject, Slow Range
3: 8 DIFF Channel
4: 13 Loc [ Pressure ]
5: 0.0184 Mult
6: 60.0 Offset

;************Differential 9 - Line Quantum Sensor *************************************
;units in (

17: Volt (Diff) (P2)
1: 1 Reps
2: 21 10 mV, 60 Hz Reject, Slow Range
3: 9 DIFF Channel
4: 14 Loc [ L_quant ]
5: 0.25989 Mult
6: 0.0 Offset

;*****Pulse Channel - Tipping Bucket Rain Gage **************************************
; in inches
18: Pulse (P3)
1: 1 Reps
2: 1 Pulse Channel 1
3: 2 Switch Closure, All Counts
4: 7 Loc [ Rain_mm ]
5: 0.254 Mult
6: 0.0 Offset

: Output **********************************************

19: If time is (P92)
1: 0000 Minutes (Seconds --) into a
2: 30 Interval (same units as above)
3: 10 Set Output Flag High (Flag 0)

20: Set Active Storage Area (P80)
1: 1 Final Storage Area 1
2: 102 Array ID

21: Real Time (P77)
1: 220 Day,Hour/Minute (midnight = 2400)

22: Sample (P70)
1: 1 Reps
2: 11 Loc [ Bat_Volt ]

23: Average (P71)
1: 6 Reps
2: 1 Loc [ Pyra_rad ]

24: Totalize (P72)
1: 1 Reps
2: 7 Loc [ Rain mm ]

25: Average (P71)
1: 1 Reps
2: 8 Loc [ Wetness ]

26: Average (P71)
1: 2 Reps
2: 13 Loc [ Pressure ]

*Table 2 Program
02: 0.0000 Execution Interval (seconds)

*Table 3 Subroutines

End Program

-Input Locations-
1 Pyra_rad 1 1 1
2 Net_rad 1 1 1
3 Par_up 1 1 1
4 Par_down 1 1 1
5 Tair 1 1 1
6 RH_pct 1 1 1
7 Rain_mm 1 1 1
8 Wetness 1 0 1
9 X 1 1 1
10 Z 1 1 1
11 Bat_Volt 1 1 1
12 PROG_SIG 1 0 1
13 Pressure 1 1 1
14 L_quant 1 1 1

Field Data

No tank data

No VR Well data found

No TZ Moisture Point data found

No VR Moisture Point data found

No TZ grass heigth found

No VR grass heigth found

No VR Tree DBH found

No water potential data found

No VR Grass Biomass data found

No VR OakLeaves Biomass data found

No VR PineNeedles Biomass data found

0 photos found

Graphs display:
9 sets found

No data found for VR_met.
No data found for VR_flux.
No data found for VR_soilco2.
No data found for VR_pond.
Can't check TZVR_mixed
No data found for VR_fd.
No data found for VR_processed.
No data found for VR_arable.
No data found for VR_soilvue.