Equipment and Calibration History

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View history entry 3894 for Licor LI-6400 sn: PSC-2474

Date: 2019-03-25
From: Lab - none
To: Lab - none
Title: Calibration
Notes: Camilo Rey-Sanchez and Daphne Szutu Camilo attached a leaf chamber with a transparent top. He cleaned the chamber, but it wasn't as dusty as he suspected. I changed the time from 15:26 to 13:38. We connected the reference and sample inlet to the cal gases/dewpoint generator with a y-junction. We checked the zero using the chemicals and they seemed ok, but we decided to calibrate zero/spans using the the cal gases and dewpoint generator anyways. Zero: Checked using chemicals: CO2_S: 1.4 CO2_R: -0.1 H2O_S: 0.55 H2O_R: 1.4 Set zero using cal gas: Cal gas = zero air, 1100 psi, 1 SCFH flow Before: CO2_S:-0.9 CO2_R: 4.2 H2O_S: -0.043 H2O_R: -0.592 After: *All fluctuating around zero. Span with 408.97ppm cal gas from AMP: Cal gas = AMP cal gas at 408.97ppm, 800 psi, 1 SCFH flow Before: CO2_R: 408.7 CO2_S: 407.3 After: CO2_R: Did not adjust CO2_S: 409.0 Span with 16.0C dew point: Before: H2O_R: ?? C H2O_S:?? C After: ??
Entered by: Daphne Szutu