Equipment and Calibration History

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View history entry 3599 for Licor LI-6400 sn: PSC-0785

Date: 2018-07-16
From: Lab - none
To: Lab - none
Title: Calibration
Notes: Elke Eichelmann & Katrina Cone The 6400 had not been zeroed and spanned for a while. We checked the zero with the chemicals and they were very off, so we set the zero and the span using cal gas and dewpoint generator. Then I zeroed and spanned: Zero: Chemicals: CO2_S: 34.0 CO2_R: 25.4 H2O_S: 13.7 H2O_R: 14.1 Cal Gas (zero air): Before: CO2_S:41.0 CO2_R: 24.3 H2O_S: 3.5 H2O_R: 2.3 After: *All fluctuating around zero. Span with 408.97ppm cal gas: Before: CO2_R: 399.9 CO2_S: 397.1 After: *Fluctuating around 409 Span with 16.0C dew point: Before: H2O_R: 14.69C H2O_S:13.23C After: H2O_R: 16.01C H2O_S: 15.99C **Note: we had to override the maximum slope parameter for the H2O_S to be able to set the slope above 1.100 and to set the correct dewpoint. 'Shift' + 'J' will allow you to override the maximum slope.
Entered by: Katrina Cone