Equipment and Calibration History

History for Campbell Sci. CR10X 31307

Rec No.DateLoc FromTitleLoc ToNotes
2535 2016-11-17 Lab none Installed Vaira Pond Installed at the main pond at Varia. This will collect water level data.
2524 2016-11-15 Lab none Maintenance Lab none The internal lithium battery was dead. I replaced the battery.
377 2011-06-18 Lab none Loaned Siyan Loaned to Siyan for her work at Teakettle Forest.
371 2011-06-01 Factory Returned Lab none Returned from repair at Campbell. Campbell says, "Unit would not respond when received. Replaced PLD chip and installed OS Rev 23. Tested unit on the bench. Ran unit in the environmental chamber. Retested unit and checked calibration. Verified unit would work with SDI12 sensors."
Calibration good until May 25, 2013.
361 2011-05-17 Lab none Repair Factory Sent to Campbell Scientific for evaluation and repair on RMA 13443
358 2011-05-13 Sherman Island Data Logger Fast Rad Removed Lab none Removed from Sherman diffuse radiation because I could not connect to it. It seemed to function at night (cool temperatures?) but did not work during the day.
38 2010-02-05 Sherman Island Data Logger Fast Rad Location Sherman Island Data Logger Fast Rad Currently used to collect the fast radiation data from a CNR1 and diffuse PAR at Sherman. Has wiring panel #26593
359 2002-07-22 Factory Calibration Factory Calibrated at Campbell. due 2003.