Equipment and Calibration

Equipment history at Gilbert Tract

| ALL | | Anemometer || Barometer || Battery Bank || Camera || CH4 Probe || CO2 Probe || Conductivity Sensor || Data Logger || DO Sensor || Flowmeter || Fluorometer || Gas Analyzer || Heat Flux Plate || Infrared Temperature || Interface || Multiplexer || Narrow Band || Net Radiometer || PAR Sensor || pH ORP || Precipitation || Range Finder || RH & Temp || Solar Controller || Solar Panel || Water Level || Weather Station || Wiper |

SELECT a.recno, a.eh_date, a.eh_loc1, a.eh_loc2, IF(a.eh_loc2=:loc, a.eh_locref2, a.eh_locref1) AS ref, a.eh_locref2, a.eh_title, a.eh_notes, a.eh_id, b.serialno, b.equip, b.modelno FROM equiphist a INNER JOIN equiplist b ON a.eh_id=b.recno WHERE (a.eh_loc1=:loc1 OR a.eh_loc2=:loc2) ORDER BY b.equip, a.eh_date, field(a.eh_title,'Calibration', 'Removed', 'Installed')

DateSerial No.ModelActionRefNotes
2021-09-02 120906 WM 1590 Moved Anemometer Moved from SW to GT with the decomissioning of SW and the beginning of GT
2024-03-07 022365359 SONIC-ANEMO-SPE10 Installed Weather Station Installed as an accessory to the Arable Mark 3 sn D006946
2021-09-02 L2510774 PTB110 Moved Barometer Moved from SW to GT with the decomissioning of SW and the beginning of GT
Battery Bank
2024-09-26 BB-GT BB-Fab Installed none Joe installed four new batteries with improved security. The batteries are secured with a metal bar to the box/boardwalk with all-thread on each side of the bar. The all-thread is attached to the bar with security nuts. The ActionPacker box has a lock on it and it's now on a lower level of the scaffolding so it's less visible from the road.
2021-09-02 0030F4D214A5 SD130BN Moved Camera Moved from SW to GT with the decomissioning of SW and the beginning of GT
CH4 Probe
2025-01-15 38-573-25 MiniCH4 Installed none Installed on a floating frame with an external battery pack on top so that the CH4 probe is horizontal just below the surface and the battery pack is horizontal just above the water. It's connected to the boardwalk with a yellow plastic chain. Should be collecting an average of 5 readings every 15 minutes.
CO2 Probe
2021-09-09 GP20200089 GP-001 Installed CO2 Probe Installed at Gilbert Tract but the cable was too short - not hooked up until 2021-09-15
2023-03-23 GP20200089 GP-001 Removed CO2 Probe Removed from Gilbert Tract (was installed by the staff gauge) and brought back to the lab for testing. I think this sensor is dead.
2023-03-23 GP20210002 GP-001 Installed CO2 Probe Installed at Gilbert Tract on a post (just off the far end of the boardwalk) with the other water quality sensors. Should be at the same height as before (about 5cm above the soil)
2023-11-28 GP20210002 GP-001 Removed CO2 Probe Removed from GT because of noisy data. Replaced by GP20160117.
2023-11-28 GP20160117 GP-001 Installed CO2 Probe Installed at GT to replace GP20210002, which was removed b/c of noisy data.
Conductivity Sensor
2021-09-02 5688 CS547A Moved Conductivity Sensor Moved from SW to GT with the decomissioning of SW and the beginning of GT. Not installed until 09/09
2024-08-16 24F100050 EXO Wiped Cond/Temp Installed Conductivity Sensor Channel Installed with EXO3s in Gilbert Tract channel, co-located with the ADCP and channel miniDOT
2024-10-17 24F100050 EXO Wiped Cond/Temp Removed Conductivity Sensor Channel Removed from GT channel and brought back to the lab for calibration
2024-10-23 24F100050 EXO Wiped Cond/Temp Installed Conductivity Sensor Channel Installed in the GT channel after calibration
Data Logger
2021-09-02 38211 CR1000 Moved Data Logger Met Moved from SW to GT with the decomissioning of SW and the beginning of GT
2021-09-02 25799 CR10X Moved Data Logger Diffuse PAR Moved from SW to GT with the decomissioning of SW and the beginning of GT
2024-08-16 2115 CR6 Installed Data Logger Channel Installed in the box at the channel to collect SDI-12 data from the EXO3S
2024-09-19 13214 CR10X Installed none Installed at the Gilbert Tract "northside" station for Robert's temperature campaign
2024-09-19 3501 CR10X Installed none Installed at the Gilbert Tract "southside" station for Robert's temperature campaign
2024-09-19 19481 CR10X Installed none Installed at the Gilbert Tract "upland" station for Robert's temperature campaign
2024-10-23 13214 CR10X Removed Removed from "Northside" station in Gilbert Tract at the conclusion of Robert's thermocouple experiment
2024-10-23 3501 CR10X Removed Removed from "Southside" station in Gilbert Tract at the conclusion of Robert's thermocouple experiment
2024-10-23 19481 CR10X Removed Removed from "Upland" station in Gilbert Tract at the conclusion of Robert's thermocouple experiment
DO Sensor
2021-09-09 906606 miniDOT-usb Installed DO Sensor Installed at Gilbert Tract on a yellow chain that just barely meets the water. When the site becomes tidal we will have to have a longer chain or more likely a boardwalk to reach deeper water.
2022-05-06 1221 miniDOT Installed none Mckenna from USGS installed this at the GT breach site next to the other USGS water sensors in the channel. They plan to service the sensors every 3 months.
2024-01-18 180871 miniDOT-usb Installed DO Sensor Channel Installed on the back of the ADCP mount to measure the channel's DO. Channel DO was previously measured with miniDOT sn 1221 co-located with the USGS EXO, but that miniDOT stopped working last August.
2024-07-23 1221 miniDOT Removed Returned to us from USGS. Was co-located with their EXO in the Gilbert Tract channel, but the data wasn't good since August 2023.
2024-09-19 180871 miniDOT-usb Moved none Temporarily moved from the Gilbert Tract channel to Robert's "upland" thermocouple profiles west of the tower
2024-09-19 899502 miniDOT-usb Moved none Temporarily moved from the Mayberry floating boom to Gilbert Tract to Robert's "northside" thermocouple profiles west of the tower
2024-09-25 906606 miniDOT-usb Adjusted DO Sensor Set clock in the field -578 seconds (-9.6 minutes) to match internet time (used my cell phone hotspot to connect the laptop to the internet)
2024-10-17 413106 miniDOT-usb Installed DO Sensor Channel Installed in the GT channel, co located with the ADCP and EXO. The previous miniDOT was removed to use with Robert/Kuno's thermocouple profile experiment.
2024-10-23 899502 miniDOT-usb Removed Removed from "Northside" station in Gilbert Tract at the conclusion of Robert's thermocouple experiment
2024-10-23 180871 miniDOT-usb Removed Removed from "Upland" station in Gilbert Tract at the conclusion of Robert's thermocouple experiment
2025-01-15 899502 miniDOT-usb Installed none Installed in a block of floating foam at the end of the boardwalk to get DO near the surface. It's connected to a yellow plastic chain to keep it from floating away.
2022-02-18 SL2149007 SL1500 Installed Flowmeter ADCP Installed near the Gilbert Tract breach to measure tidal current
2024-10-10 SL2149007 SL1500 Removed Flowmeter ADCP Removed ADCP, cable, and output adapter from the GT channel. The cable had been chewed underwater.
2024-10-23 SL2149007 SL1500 Installed Flowmeter ADCP Installed in the GT channel after cable repair
2022-05-06 22C100780 EXO fDOM Installed none Mckenna from USGS installed this at the GT breach site next to the other USGS water sensors in the channel. They plan to service the sensors every 3 months.
2022-11-03 22C100780 EXO fDOM Calibration fDOM (QSU and RFU), Last cal: 10/24/2022 8:08:51 AM EXO sn 22C100485 EXO/Sensor Firmware: 1.0.86/3.0.0 UCSC sensors sn 591 and sn 592 were really off even though calibrated recently. Will accept calibration and just run them at the GT channel for a week to see if they drift. ,Standard,PreCal,PostCal,RawValue,Temp Pt1,0.00 QSU,-1.28 QSU,0.00 QSU,0.00 QSU,16.696 °C Pt2,316.50 QSU,315.87 QSU,316.54 QSU,0.00 QSU,10.444 °C ,Standard,PreCal,PostCal,RawValue,Temp Pt1,0.00 RFU,0.11 RFU,0.00 RFU,0.00 RFU,10.610 °C Pt2,105.50 RFU,92.32 RFU,105.51 RFU,0.00 RFU,11.275 °C
2022-11-03 21K102592 EXO fDOM Calibration fDOM (QSU and RFU), Last cal: 10/31/2022 4:14:35 PM EXO sn 22C100485 EXO/Sensor Firmware: 1.0.86/3.0.0 UCSC sensors sn 591 and sn 592 were really off even though calibrated recently. Will accept calibration and just run them at the GT channel for a week to see if they drift. ,Standard,PreCal,PostCal,RawValue,Temp Pt1,0.00 QSU,1.87 QSU,0.00 QSU,0.00 QSU,16.796 °C Pt2,316.50 QSU,218.07 QSU,316.49 QSU,0.00 QSU,10.735 °C ,Standard,PreCal,PostCal,RawValue,Temp Pt1,0.00 RFU,0.20 RFU,0.00 RFU,0.00 RFU,15.801 °C Pt2,105.50 RFU,71.69 RFU,105.50 RFU,0.00 RFU,11.214 °C
2022-11-03 21K102591 EXO fDOM Calibration fDOM (QSU and RFU), Last cal: 10/31/2022 4:14:35 PM EXO sn 22C100485 EXO/Sensor Firmware: 1.0.86/3.0.0 UCSC sensors sn 591 and sn 592 were really off even though calibrated recently. Will accept calibration and just run them at the GT channel for a week to see if they drift. ,Standard,PreCal,PostCal,RawValue,Temp Pt1,0.00 QSU,0.51 QSU,0.01 QSU,0.00 QSU,16.967 °C Pt2,316.50 QSU,219.51 QSU,316.49 QSU,0.00 QSU,10.855 °C ,Standard,PreCal,PostCal,RawValue,Temp Pt1,0.00 RFU,0.12 RFU,0.00 RFU,0.00 RFU,15.878 °C Pt2,105.50 RFU,74.86 RFU,105.50 RFU,0.00 RFU,11.257 °C
2023-01-25 21K102592 EXO fDOM Removed none USGS removed this EXO from the Gilbert Tract channel and stashed it on the bank. Joe retrieved it from the site at the end of the day and brought it back to the lab.
2023-01-25 21K102591 EXO fDOM Removed none USGS removed this EXO from the Gilbert Tract channel and stashed it on the bank. Joe retrieved it from the site at the end of the day and brought it back to the lab.
2023-01-25 22C100485 EXO Turbidity Removed none USGS removed this EXO from the Gilbert Tract channel and stashed it on the bank. Joe retrieved it from the site at the end of the day and brought it back to the lab.
2024-07-23 22C100780 EXO fDOM Removed Returned to us from USGS. Was deployed with their EXO in the Gilbert Tract channel.
2024-08-16 24F102410 EXO Turbidity Installed Turbidity Installed with EXO3s in Gilbert Tract channel, co-located with the ADCP and channel miniDOT
2024-08-16 22C100780 EXO fDOM Installed fDOM Installed with EXO3s in Gilbert Tract channel, co-located with the ADCP and channel miniDOT
2024-10-17 24F102410 EXO Turbidity Removed Turbidity Removed from GT channel and brought back to the lab for calibration
2024-10-17 22C100780 EXO fDOM Removed fDOM Removed from GT channel and brought back to the lab for calibration
2024-10-23 24F102410 EXO Turbidity Installed Turbidity Installed in the GT channel after calibration
2024-10-23 22C100780 EXO fDOM Installed fDOM Installed in the GT channel after calibration
Gas Analyzer
2021-09-02 TG1-0424 LI-7700 Moved Gas Analyzer CH4 Moved from SW to GT with the decomissioning of SW and the beginning of GT
2021-09-02 0041 LI-7500A Moved Interface LI-7550 Moved from SW to GT with the decomissioning of SW and the beginning of GT
2021-09-21 0041 LI-7500A Calibration Lab Last calibration: 2021-05-25 AGC=98 SDM= DAC1= DAC2= Ambient P=100.3kPa, Tair=26.6C, Tdew=11.3C Zero Air at 1700psi, AMP CA04119 524.77 at 1700 Tdewspan=20.00 CO2 zero 0.9966 -> .9667 Offset: .29ppm CO2 span 1.0137 -> 1.0145 Offset: -.44ppm H2O zero 0.8206 -> .8224 Offset: 10.9ppm H2O span 1.0266 -> 1.0228 Offset: .09ppm Notes: Calibrated zero and CO2 span on 9/20. There was an issue with the dew point generator where it was producing a dewpoint ~16C when the temp switch was set to 20.00C. I calibrated the H2O span the next day on 9/21. We fixed the problem by adding more water in the condenser block on the back of the machine. The water level looked ok while the cap was on and the machine was running, but once I turned the machine off and took the cap off, the water level dropped to below the "Min" line. After I added water and turned it back on, the dewpoint generator got to a reasonable dewpoint and it seemed stable.
2021-09-15 0041 LI-7500A Removed Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed from Gilbert Tract for calibration. Replaced by sn 0065.
2021-09-21 0041 LI-7500A Calibration Lab Last calibration: 2021-05-25 AGC=98 SDM= DAC1= DAC2= Ambient P=100.3kPa, Tair=26.6C, Tdew=11.3C Zero Air at 1700psi, AMP CA04119 524.77 at 1700 Tdewspan=20.00 CO2 zero 0.9966 -> .9667 Offset: .29ppm CO2 span 1.0137 -> 1.0145 Offset: -.44ppm H2O zero 0.8206 -> .8224 Offset: 10.9ppm H2O span 1.0266 -> 1.0228 Offset: .09ppm Notes: Calibrated zero and CO2 span on 9/20. There was an issue with the dew point generator where it was producing a dewpoint ~16C when the temp switch was set to 20.00C. I calibrated the H2O span the next day on 9/21. We fixed the problem by adding more water in the condenser block on the back of the machine. The water level looked ok while the cap was on and the machine was running, but once I turned the machine off and took the cap off, the water level dropped to below the "Min" line. After I added water and turned it back on, the dewpoint generator got to a reasonable dewpoint and it seemed stable.
2021-09-15 0065 LI-7500A Installed Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed at Gilbert Tract to replace sn 0041 for calibration.
2022-01-11 0065 LI-7500A Calibration Lab Last calibration: 2021-09-08 AGC=101.6 SDM= DAC1= DAC2= Ambient P=101.7kPa, Tair=28.1C, Tdew=7.9C Zero Air at 1000psi, AMP CA04119 524.77 at 1675 Tdewspan=20.00 CO2 zero 0.8911 -> .8912 Offset: .48ppm CO2 span 1.0211 -> 1.0205 Offset: .53ppm H2O zero 0.7313 -> .7314 Offset: .8ppm H2O span 1.0143 -> 1.0259 Offset: -.27ppm Notes:
2021-10-21 0065 LI-7500A Adjusted Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Reset signal strength from 108 to 100
2022-01-11 0065 LI-7500A Calibration Lab Last calibration: 2021-09-08 AGC=101.6 SDM= DAC1= DAC2= Ambient P=101.7kPa, Tair=28.1C, Tdew=7.9C Zero Air at 1000psi, AMP CA04119 524.77 at 1675 Tdewspan=20.00 CO2 zero 0.8911 -> .8912 Offset: .48ppm CO2 span 1.0211 -> 1.0205 Offset: .53ppm H2O zero 0.7313 -> .7314 Offset: .8ppm H2O span 1.0143 -> 1.0259 Offset: -.27ppm Notes:
2021-11-30 TG1-0424 LI-7700 Calibration Gas Analyzer CH4 Calibration Location: Gilbert Tract Last calibration: 2021-06-01 RSSI=85%, Optical RH=22% Ambient P=102.1kPa, Tair=15.2C Zero Air at 100psi, AMP CA04396 1.9317 at 1800 CH4 Zero Offset: .032ppm CH4 Span Offset: -.0197ppm Notes: Relatively still day with a lot of visitors to the site. The zero air tank pressure may have been >100psi, but the regulator was wonky. Zero was stable for 2min after applying zero. Swapped out the desiccant one for one with new drierite after calibration. I didn't flush out the headspace because I wanted to preserve the zero air for more calibrations that day.
2022-01-02 0065 LI-7500A Removed Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed from Gilbert Tract for calibration. Replaced by sn 0041.
2022-01-11 0065 LI-7500A Calibration Lab Last calibration: 2021-09-08 AGC=101.6 SDM= DAC1= DAC2= Ambient P=101.7kPa, Tair=28.1C, Tdew=7.9C Zero Air at 1000psi, AMP CA04119 524.77 at 1675 Tdewspan=20.00 CO2 zero 0.8911 -> .8912 Offset: .48ppm CO2 span 1.0211 -> 1.0205 Offset: .53ppm H2O zero 0.7313 -> .7314 Offset: .8ppm H2O span 1.0143 -> 1.0259 Offset: -.27ppm Notes:
2022-01-02 0041 LI-7500A Installed Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed at Gilbert Tract to replace sn 0065 for calibration.
2022-03-30 0041 LI-7500A Calibration Lab Last calibration: 2021-12-16 AGC=100.2 SDM= DAC1= DAC2= Ambient P=100.8kPa, Tair=20.9C, Tdew=8.9C Zero Air at 850psi, AMP CA04119 524.77 at 1600 Tdewspan=20.00 CO2 zero 0.996 -> .9969 Offset: 2.92ppm CO2 span 1.0172 -> 1.0189 Offset: 1.16ppm H2O zero 0.8227 -> .8214 Offset: -7.4ppm H2O span 1.0335 -> 1.0337 Offset: -.02ppm Notes: H2O span took about 40-50 minutes to stabilize. Dewpoint temp had a range of ~0.2C when setting the H2O span point.
2022-03-23 0041 LI-7500A Removed Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed from Gilbert Tract for calibration. Replaced by sn 75H-2182.
2022-03-30 0041 LI-7500A Calibration Lab Last calibration: 2021-12-16 AGC=100.2 SDM= DAC1= DAC2= Ambient P=100.8kPa, Tair=20.9C, Tdew=8.9C Zero Air at 850psi, AMP CA04119 524.77 at 1600 Tdewspan=20.00 CO2 zero 0.996 -> .9969 Offset: 2.92ppm CO2 span 1.0172 -> 1.0189 Offset: 1.16ppm H2O zero 0.8227 -> .8214 Offset: -7.4ppm H2O span 1.0335 -> 1.0337 Offset: -.02ppm Notes: H2O span took about 40-50 minutes to stabilize. Dewpoint temp had a range of ~0.2C when setting the H2O span point.
2022-03-23 75H-2182 LI-7500A Installed Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed at Gilbert Tract to replace sn 0041 for calibration.
2023-02-09 75H-2182 LI-7500A Calibration Lab Last calibration: 2022-03-22 AGC= SDM= DAC1= DAC2= Ambient P=kPa, Tair=C, Tdew=C at psi, 750 at Tdewspan=12.00 CO2 zero 0.8849 -> .8849 Offset: ppm CO2 span 1.0222 -> 1.0030 Offset: ppm H2O zero 0.8483 -> .8262 Offset: ppm H2O span 1.0312 -> 1.0144 Offset: ppm Notes: Calibrated at Licor after repair. Source lens, chopper motor, and source were replaced.
2022-06-09 TG1-0424 LI-7700 Calibration Calibration Location: Gilbert Tract Last calibration: 2021-11-30 RSSI=74%, Optical RH=16% Ambient P=101kPa, Tair=21.6C Zero Air at 450psi, AMP CA04119 4.2238 at 1450 CH4 Zero Offset: -.01ppm CH4 Span Offset: .0698ppm Notes: Breezy day. Did not change drierite or flush headspace with zero air.
2022-08-16 75H-2182 LI-7500A Removed Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed from GT because it was reading **.** and brought back to the lab for further testing.
2023-02-09 75H-2182 LI-7500A Calibration Lab Last calibration: 2022-03-22 AGC= SDM= DAC1= DAC2= Ambient P=kPa, Tair=C, Tdew=C at psi, 750 at Tdewspan=12.00 CO2 zero 0.8849 -> .8849 Offset: ppm CO2 span 1.0222 -> 1.0030 Offset: ppm H2O zero 0.8483 -> .8262 Offset: ppm H2O span 1.0312 -> 1.0144 Offset: ppm Notes: Calibrated at Licor after repair. Source lens, chopper motor, and source were replaced.
2022-08-18 75H-2418 LI-7500A Installed Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed on the GT tower to replace the one that failed a few days ago and was removed.
2023-01-19 TG1-0424 LI-7700 Calibration Calibration Location: Gilbert Tract Last calibration: 2022-06-09 RSSI=86%, Optical RH=23% Ambient P=102.3kPa, Tair=8.0C Zero Air at 1350psi, AMP CA04396 1.9317 at 1250 CH4 Zero Offset: .001ppm CH4 Span Offset: .0017ppm Notes: I wanted to flush the headspace with zero air, but the tubing did not quite reach. I swapped the desiccant.
2023-01-19 75H-2418 LI-7500A Removed Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed from Gilbert Tract for calibration. Replaced by sn 75H-2667.
2023-01-19 75H-2667 LI-7500A Installed Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed at Gilbert Tract to replace sn 75H-2418 for calibration.
2023-04-13 75H-2667 LI-7500A Calibration Lab Last calibration: 2023-01-13 AGC=101 SDM=0 DAC1=- DAC2=- Ambient P=100.2kPa, Tair=23.1C, Tdew=-1.99C Zero Air at 1200psi, AMP CA04119 524.77 at 1150 Tdewspan=16.0 CO2 zero 0.9418 -> 0.9417 Offset: -0.2ppm CO2 span 1.0233 -> 1.0213 Offset: 1.43ppm H2O zero 0.8421 -> 0.8141 Offset: -4.1ppm H2O span 1.0314 -> 1.0317 Offset: 0.0ppm Notes:
2023-04-11 75H-2667 LI-7500A Removed Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed from Gilbert Tract for calibration. Replaced by sn 0065.
2023-04-13 75H-2667 LI-7500A Calibration Lab Last calibration: 2023-01-13 AGC=101 SDM=0 DAC1=- DAC2=- Ambient P=100.2kPa, Tair=23.1C, Tdew=-1.99C Zero Air at 1200psi, AMP CA04119 524.77 at 1150 Tdewspan=16.0 CO2 zero 0.9418 -> 0.9417 Offset: -0.2ppm CO2 span 1.0233 -> 1.0213 Offset: 1.43ppm H2O zero 0.8421 -> 0.8141 Offset: -4.1ppm H2O span 1.0314 -> 1.0317 Offset: 0.0ppm Notes:
2023-04-11 0065 LI-7500A Installed Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed at Gilbert Tract to replace sn 75H-2667 for calibration.
2023-09-18 0065 LI-7500A Calibration Lab Last calibration: 2023-04-10 AGC=101.1 SDM=0 DAC1=- DAC2=- AIU sn AIU-1569, Presure A0=58.004, A1=15.479 Ambient P=100.6kPa, Tair=22.4C, Tdew=14.9C Zero Air at 1750psi, AMP CA04119 524.77 at 1800 Tdewspan=16.0 CO2 zero 0.8918 -> 0.8919 Offset: 0.2ppm CO2 span 1.0217 -> 1.0240 Offset: -1.47ppm H2O zero 0.7295 -> 0.7322 Offset: 21.1ppm H2O span 1.0128 -> 1.0226 Offset: -0.2ppm Notes: After calibration I painted some dings with white nail polish.
2023-08-08 0065 LI-7500A Removed Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed from Gilbert Tract for calibration. Replaced by sn 75H-2669.
2023-09-18 0065 LI-7500A Calibration Lab Last calibration: 2023-04-10 AGC=101.1 SDM=0 DAC1=- DAC2=- AIU sn AIU-1569, Presure A0=58.004, A1=15.479 Ambient P=100.6kPa, Tair=22.4C, Tdew=14.9C Zero Air at 1750psi, AMP CA04119 524.77 at 1800 Tdewspan=16.0 CO2 zero 0.8918 -> 0.8919 Offset: 0.2ppm CO2 span 1.0217 -> 1.0240 Offset: -1.47ppm H2O zero 0.7295 -> 0.7322 Offset: 21.1ppm H2O span 1.0128 -> 1.0226 Offset: -0.2ppm Notes: After calibration I painted some dings with white nail polish.
2023-08-08 TG1-0424 LI-7700 Removed Gas Analyzer CH4 Removed from Gilbert Tract for calibration. Replaced by sn TG1-0223.
2023-08-08 75H-2669 LI-7500A Installed Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed at Gilbert Tract to replace sn 0065 for calibration.
2023-12-20 75H-2669 LI-7500A Calibration Lab Last calibration: 2023-08-04 AGC=100.0 SDM=0 DAC1=- DAC2=- AIU sn AIU-1866, Presure A0=58.31, A1=15.48 Ambient P=99.6kPa, Tair=22.4C, Tdew=15.48C Zero Air at 550psi, AMP CA04119 524.77 at 750 Tdewspan=18.0 CO2 zero 0.9195 -> 0.9187 Offset: -3.0ppm CO2 span 1.0167 -> 1.0167 Offset: -0.02ppm H2O zero 0.9009 -> 0.9027 Offset: 10.9ppm H2O span 1.0163 -> 1.0206 Offset: -0.09ppm Notes: Reset SS from 102.6
2023-08-08 TG1-0223 LI-7700 Installed Gas Analyzer CH4 Installed at Gilbert Tract to replace sn TG1-0424 for calibration.
2023-11-06 75H-2669 LI-7500A Removed Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed from Gilbert Tract for calibration. Replaced by sn 75H-2176.
2023-12-20 75H-2669 LI-7500A Calibration Lab Last calibration: 2023-08-04 AGC=100.0 SDM=0 DAC1=- DAC2=- AIU sn AIU-1866, Presure A0=58.31, A1=15.48 Ambient P=99.6kPa, Tair=22.4C, Tdew=15.48C Zero Air at 550psi, AMP CA04119 524.77 at 750 Tdewspan=18.0 CO2 zero 0.9195 -> 0.9187 Offset: -3.0ppm CO2 span 1.0167 -> 1.0167 Offset: -0.02ppm H2O zero 0.9009 -> 0.9027 Offset: 10.9ppm H2O span 1.0163 -> 1.0206 Offset: -0.09ppm Notes: Reset SS from 102.6
2023-11-06 75H-2176 LI-7500A Installed Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed at Gilbert Tract to replace sn 75H-2669 for calibration.
2024-03-23 75H-2176 LI-7500A Calibration Lab Last calibration: 2023-11-03 AGC=102.1 SDM= DAC1= DAC2= AIU sn AIU-1866, Presure A0=58.31, A1=15.48 Ambient P=100.1kPa, Tair=25.05C, Tdew=10.57C Zero Air at 300psi, AMP CA04119 524.77 at 550 Tdewspan=20.00 CO2 zero 0.8678 -> .8682 Offset: 1.94ppm CO2 span 1.0116 -> 1.0079 Offset: 2.58ppm H2O zero 0.8552 -> .8494 Offset: -33.2ppm H2O span .9231 -> .9236 Offset: -.01ppm Notes: Larger H2O zero offset than usual
2024-01-11 TG1-0223 LI-7700 Calibration Calibration Location: Gilbert Tract Last calibration: 2023-08-07 RSSI=82%, Optical RH=3% Ambient P=101.8kPa, Tair=9.7C Zero Air at 1850psi, AMP CA03923 3.3865 at 1750 CH4 Zero Offset: .002ppm CH4 Span Offset: -.0225ppm Notes: Breezy
2024-02-12 75H-2176 LI-7500A Removed Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed from Gilbert Tract for calibration. Replaced by sn 0418.
2024-03-23 75H-2176 LI-7500A Calibration Lab Last calibration: 2023-11-03 AGC=102.1 SDM= DAC1= DAC2= AIU sn AIU-1866, Presure A0=58.31, A1=15.48 Ambient P=100.1kPa, Tair=25.05C, Tdew=10.57C Zero Air at 300psi, AMP CA04119 524.77 at 550 Tdewspan=20.00 CO2 zero 0.8678 -> .8682 Offset: 1.94ppm CO2 span 1.0116 -> 1.0079 Offset: 2.58ppm H2O zero 0.8552 -> .8494 Offset: -33.2ppm H2O span .9231 -> .9236 Offset: -.01ppm Notes: Larger H2O zero offset than usual
2024-02-12 0418 LI-7500A Installed Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed at Gilbert Tract to replace sn 75H-2176 for calibration.
2024-06-17 0418 LI-7500A Calibration Lab Last calibration: 2024-02-09 AGC=100.0 SDM=0 DAC1=- DAC2=- AIU sn AIU-1866, Presure A0=58.31, A1=15.48 Ambient P=100.0kPa, Tair=19.2C, Tdew=9.51C Zero Air at 1800psi, AMP CA04119 524.77 at 400 Tdewspan=16.0 CO2 zero 0.9075 -> 0.9064 Offset: -4.76ppm CO2 span 1.0063 -> 1.0047 Offset: 1.03ppm H2O zero 0.9317 -> 0.9346 Offset: 15.6ppm H2O span 1.002 -> 1.0084 Offset: -0.13ppm Notes: Reset SS from 102.9. Slightly larger then usual zero offsets
2024-05-07 0418 LI-7500A Removed Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed from Gilbert Tract for calibration. Replaced by sn 75H-2514.
2024-06-17 0418 LI-7500A Calibration Lab Last calibration: 2024-02-09 AGC=100.0 SDM=0 DAC1=- DAC2=- AIU sn AIU-1866, Presure A0=58.31, A1=15.48 Ambient P=100.0kPa, Tair=19.2C, Tdew=9.51C Zero Air at 1800psi, AMP CA04119 524.77 at 400 Tdewspan=16.0 CO2 zero 0.9075 -> 0.9064 Offset: -4.76ppm CO2 span 1.0063 -> 1.0047 Offset: 1.03ppm H2O zero 0.9317 -> 0.9346 Offset: 15.6ppm H2O span 1.002 -> 1.0084 Offset: -0.13ppm Notes: Reset SS from 102.9. Slightly larger then usual zero offsets
2024-05-07 75H-2514 LI-7500A Installed Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed at Gilbert Tract to replace sn 0418 for calibration.
2024-07-22 75H-2514 LI-7500A Calibration Lab Last calibration: 2024-05-06 AGC=97.8 SDM= DAC1= DAC2= AIU sn AIU-1866, Presure A0=58.31, A1=15.48 Ambient P=99.79kPa, Tair=22.1C, Tdew=13.18C Zero Air at 1650psi, AMP CA04119 524.77 at 350 Tdewspan=20.00 CO2 zero 0.91 -> .9086 Offset: -5.85ppm CO2 span 1.0009 -> .9880 Offset: 9.33ppm H2O zero 0.846 -> .8457 Offset: -2.0ppm H2O span 0.9936 -> .9823 Offset: .26ppm Notes: Larger CO2 zero (-5.85ppm offset) and CO2 span (9.33ppm offset) than expected. Checked CO2 span again after calibrating everything else and it read 524.52ppm (offset=-0.25ppm). That looks ok so I left the calibration as is.
2024-07-22 75H-2514 LI-7500A Removed Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed from Gilbert Tract for calibration. Replaced by sn 75H-2176.
2024-10-22 75H-2514 LI-7500A Calibration Lab Last calibration: 2024-07-23 AGC=99.9 SDM= DAC1= DAC2= AIU sn AIU-1866, Presure A0=58.31, A1=15.48 Ambient P=100.6kPa, Tair=25.4C, Tdew=11.9C Zero Air at 1100psi, AMP FB04319 514.07 at 850 Tdewspan=20.00 CO2 zero 0.9086 -> .9089 Offset: .9ppm CO2 span 0.988 -> .9962 Offset: -5.71ppm H2O zero 0.8457 -> .8476 Offset: 12.5ppm H2O span 0.9823 -> .9936 Offset: -.26ppm Notes:
2024-07-22 75H-2176 LI-7500A Installed Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed at Gilbert Tract to replace sn 75H-2514 for calibration.
2024-10-29 75H-2176 LI-7500A Calibration Lab Last calibration: 2024-07-21 AGC=102.7 SDM= DAC1= DAC2= AIU sn AIU-1866, Presure A0=58.31, A1=15.48 Ambient P=100.4kPa, Tair=24.6C, Tdew=6.22C Zero Air at 975psi, AMP FB04319 514.07 at 450 Tdewspan=20.00 CO2 zero 0.8676 -> .8681 Offset: 2.22ppm CO2 span 1.0116 -> 1.0094 Offset: 1.54ppm H2O zero 0.8573 -> .8559 Offset: -8.1ppm H2O span 0.9357 -> .9250 Offset: .26ppm Notes:
2024-08-07 TG1-0223 LI-7700 Calibration Calibration Location: Gilbert Tract Last calibration: 2024-01-11 RSSI=85%, Optical RH=7% Ambient P=100.5kPa, Tair=30.7C Zero Air at 1600psi, AMP CA03923 3.3865 at 1800 CH4 Zero Offset: -.011ppm CH4 Span Offset: -.0085ppm Notes: Warm, breezy
2024-10-23 75H-2176 LI-7500A Removed Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed from Gilbert Tract for calibration. Replaced by sn 75H-2514.
2024-10-29 75H-2176 LI-7500A Calibration Lab Last calibration: 2024-07-21 AGC=102.7 SDM= DAC1= DAC2= AIU sn AIU-1866, Presure A0=58.31, A1=15.48 Ambient P=100.4kPa, Tair=24.6C, Tdew=6.22C Zero Air at 975psi, AMP FB04319 514.07 at 450 Tdewspan=20.00 CO2 zero 0.8676 -> .8681 Offset: 2.22ppm CO2 span 1.0116 -> 1.0094 Offset: 1.54ppm H2O zero 0.8573 -> .8559 Offset: -8.1ppm H2O span 0.9357 -> .9250 Offset: .26ppm Notes:
2024-10-23 75H-2514 LI-7500A Installed Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed at Gilbert Tract to replace sn 75H-2176 for calibration.
2025-01-28 75H-2514 LI-7500A Calibration Lab Last calibration: 2024-10-22 AGC=99.0 SDM= DAC1= DAC2= AIU sn AIU-1866, Presure A0=58.31, A1=15.48 Ambient P=100.8kPa, Tair=21.1C, Tdew=6.72C Zero Air at 800psi, AMP FB04319 514.07 at 300 Tdewspan=16.00 CO2 zero 0.9089 -> .9083 Offset: -2.75ppm CO2 span 0.9962 -> .9983 Offset: -1.45ppm H2O zero 0.8476 -> .8498 Offset: 15.4ppm H2O span 0.9936 -> .97 Offset: .53ppm Notes: Set dew point generator to 20.00C initially which led to a dew point reading of ~20.5C, seemed like a big offset. I thought the set point was too close to the room temp (then at 23.4C), so I reset the generator to 16.00C. While it stabilized, I saved the config file w/ CO2 zero/span and H2O zero only and started calibrating the zero for the next 7500A in the queue. After coming back to this sensor and reloading the partial config file, the H2O dew point was still ~0.5C above the set point of 16.00C so I decided the H2O span was just that far off.
2025-01-15 75H-2514 LI-7500A Removed Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed from Gilbert Tract for calibration. Replaced by sn 75H-2180.
2025-01-28 75H-2514 LI-7500A Calibration Lab Last calibration: 2024-10-22 AGC=99.0 SDM= DAC1= DAC2= AIU sn AIU-1866, Presure A0=58.31, A1=15.48 Ambient P=100.8kPa, Tair=21.1C, Tdew=6.72C Zero Air at 800psi, AMP FB04319 514.07 at 300 Tdewspan=16.00 CO2 zero 0.9089 -> .9083 Offset: -2.75ppm CO2 span 0.9962 -> .9983 Offset: -1.45ppm H2O zero 0.8476 -> .8498 Offset: 15.4ppm H2O span 0.9936 -> .97 Offset: .53ppm Notes: Set dew point generator to 20.00C initially which led to a dew point reading of ~20.5C, seemed like a big offset. I thought the set point was too close to the room temp (then at 23.4C), so I reset the generator to 16.00C. While it stabilized, I saved the config file w/ CO2 zero/span and H2O zero only and started calibrating the zero for the next 7500A in the queue. After coming back to this sensor and reloading the partial config file, the H2O dew point was still ~0.5C above the set point of 16.00C so I decided the H2O span was just that far off.
2025-01-15 75H-2180 LI-7500A Installed Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed at Gilbert Tract to replace sn 75H-2514 for calibration.
Heat Flux Plate
2021-09-09 11325 HFP01 Installed Heat Flux Plate A Installed at Gilbert Tract at -2cm to the southwest of the tower
2021-09-09 11328 HFP01 Installed Heat Flux Plate B Installed at Gilbert Tract at -2cm to the northwest of the tower
2021-09-09 11329 HFP01 Installed Heat Flux Plate C Installed at Gilbert Tract at -2cm to the west of the tower
Infrared Temperature
2024-09-19 7385 SI-131 Installed none Installed at the Gilbert Tract "northside" station for Robert's temperature campaign
2024-09-19 7638 SI-131 Installed none Installed at the Gilbert Tract "southside" station for Robert's temperature campaign
2024-09-19 1624 SI-121 Installed none Installed at the Gilbert Tract "upland" station for Robert's temperature campaign
2024-10-23 7385 SI-131 Removed Removed from "Northside" station in Gilbert Tract at the conclusion of Robert's thermocouple experiment
2024-10-23 7638 SI-131 Removed Removed from "Southside" station in Gilbert Tract at the conclusion of Robert's thermocouple experiment
2024-10-23 1624 SI-121 Removed Removed from "Upland" station in Gilbert Tract at the conclusion of Robert's thermocouple experiment
2021-09-02 AIU-1569 LI-7550 Moved Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Moved from SW to GT with the decomissioning of SW and the beginning of GT
2021-09-02 13054 NL115 Moved Interface NL115 Moved from SW to GT with the decomissioning of SW and the beginning of GT
2023-01-03 AIU-1569 LI-7550 Removed Interface LI-7550 Removed from Gilbert Tract because it was acting funny (took a long time to eject/mount USB, consistent 7700 time sync error) and there was some corrosion inside from being left open last month. it was replaced with AMP box AIU-1039.
2023-01-03 AIU-1039 LI-7550 Installed Interface LI-7550 Installed at Gilbert Tract to replace sn AIU-1569, which had some corrosion inside and was acting funny.
2023-01-25 ADINAEXO1 EXO2 Removed none USGS removed this EXO from the Gilbert Tract channel and stashed it on the bank. Joe retrieved it from the site at the end of the day and brought it back to the lab.
2023-05-17 AIU-1039 LI-7550 Removed Interface LI-7550 This AMP 7550 was removed from GT tower and replaced with out 7550 sn AIU-1866 which is back from the factory.
2023-05-17 AIU-1866 LI-7550 Installed Interface LI-7550 Installed at GT after factory repair to replace sn AIU-1039, the AMP 7550.
2023-10-26 AIU-1866 LI-7550 Removed Interface LI-7550 Removed because of a blown fuse. We tried replacing the fuse, but it blew immediately.
2023-10-27 AIU-1569 LI-7550 Installed Interface LI-7550 Installed with wood screws to 2x4 to replace the broken box removed yesterday
2024-08-16 23H107001 EXO3S Installed EXO Installed in Gilbert Tract channel, co-located with the ADCP and channel miniDOT
2024-10-17 23H107001 EXO3S Removed EXO Removed from GT channel and brought back to the lab for calibration
2024-10-23 23H107001 EXO3S Installed EXO Installed in the GT channel
2021-09-02 7909 AM25T Moved Multiplexer Thermocouple Moved from SW to GT with the decomissioning of SW and the beginning of GT
2021-09-02 21689 AM16/32B Moved Multiplexer Met Moved from SW to GT with the decomissioning of SW and the beginning of GT
2022-03-07 21689 AM16/32B Tested Multiplexer Met Mux channel 10 has a lot of noise. Do not use this channel. Problem seems to have started in August 2021.
Narrow Band
2021-09-02 912903006 SRS-Pi PRI Moved Narrow Band PRI Incoming Moved from SW to GT with the decomissioning of SW and the beginning of GT
2021-09-02 930203026 SRS-Pr PRI Moved Narrow Band PRI Reflected Moved from SW to GT with the decomissioning of SW and the beginning of GT
2021-09-02 882103059 SRS-Ni NDVI Moved Narrow Band NDVI Incoming Moved from SW to GT with the decomissioning of SW and the beginning of GT
2021-09-02 2046503404 SRS-Ni NDVI Moved Narrow Band NDVI Reflected Moved from SW to GT with the decomissioning of SW and the beginning of GT
2022-08-16 1049 S2-411 Installed none Installed at GT in the incoming position and data collected in a separate data table for an NDVI intercomparison.
2022-08-16 1050 S2-411 Installed none Installed at GT in the reflected position and data collected in a separate data table for an NDVI intercomparison.
2022-09-15 1049 S2-411 Removed Removed from GT tower after 1 month of intercomparison with the SRS NDVI sensors
2022-09-15 1050 S2-411 Removed Removed from GT tower after 1 month of intercomparison with the SRS NDVI sensors
2024-02-28 2046503404 SRS-Ni NDVI Removed Narrow Band NDVI Reflected Removed from GT tower because most of the SRS NDVI sensors have been drifting in the past few years
2024-02-28 882103059 SRS-Ni NDVI Removed Narrow Band NDVI Incoming Removed from GT tower because most of the SRS NDVI sensors have been drifting in the past few years
Net Radiometer
2021-09-02 2466 NR01 Moved Net Radiometer 4-way Moved from SW to GT with the decomissioning of SW and the beginning of GT
2021-09-15 121038 CNR4 Moved none Moved from MB to the new Gilbert Tract site to continue the radiometer intercomparison there.
PAR Sensor
2021-09-02 140457 PQS 1 Moved PAR Sensor Diffuse Moved from SW to GT with the decomissioning of SW and the beginning of GT
2021-09-02 140454 PQS 1 Moved PAR Sensor Incoming Moved from SW to GT with the decomissioning of SW and the beginning of GT
2021-09-02 140450 PQS 1 Moved PAR Sensor Reflected Moved from SW to GT with the decomissioning of SW and the beginning of GT
2022-02-02 990031 PAR-LITE Moved PAR Sensor Incoming Removed from lower location south of the tower at East End. This sensor was disconnected from the data logger two weeks before. This sensor was moved to GT to replace the incoming PAR there that was having negative values at night.
2022-02-02 140454 PQS 1 Removed PAR Sensor Incoming Removed from Gilbert Tract due to nighttime negative values. Replaced by sn 990031 last used at East End under canopy PAR
2024-08-16 24G102326 EXO pH-ORP Installed pH ORP Installed with EXO3s in Gilbert Tract channel, co-located with the ADCP and channel miniDOT
2024-10-17 24G102326 EXO pH-ORP Removed pH ORP Removed from GT channel and brought back to the lab for calibration
2024-10-23 24G102326 EXO pH-ORP Installed pH ORP Installed in the GT channel after calibration
2021-09-15 65552-615 TE525MM Installed Precipitation Installed at Gilbert Tract on the northeast corn of the scaffolding.
Range Finder
2024-09-25 68574-1 MB7389-100 Installed Range Finder It was mounted on a aluminum L-shaped bracket hose clamped to the top on the staff gauge post. It was about 74cm above the water when the staff gauge read 87.5cm
RH & Temp
2021-09-02 W0730036 HMP45AC Moved RH & Temp Moved from SW to GT with the decomissioning of SW and the beginning of GT
2023-02-14 W0730036 HMP45AC Removed RH & Temp Removed from GT tower because RH has been maxing out last winter. Replaced by Hygrovue10 sn E3452
2023-02-14 E3452 HygroVUE10 Installed RH & Temp Installed on GT tower to replace HMP45 W0730036, which was removed for railing RH
Solar Controller
2021-09-02 KB15214 MNKID-B Moved Solar Controller Moved from SW to GT with the decomissioning of SW and the beginning of GT
2022-02-18 03220377 PS-15 Installed Solar Controller ADCP Installed near the Gilbert Tract breach to measure tidal current
2022-04-13 03220377 PS-15 Removed Solar Controller ADCP Removed from the ADCP enclosure and brought back to the lab because we want this higher capacity 15A for the advection experiment. It was replaced with a 6A controller sn 21501243.
2022-04-13 21501243 SS-6L-12V Installed Solar Controller ADCP Installed for the Gilbert Tract ADCP near the breach. This 6A controller replaced sn 03220377 (15A), which was brought back to the lab so we can use it for the advection set up this summer.
Solar Panel
2021-09-02 158APW4M0000193 KU265-6MCA Moved Solar Panel B Moved from SW to GT with the decomissioning of SW and the beginning of GT
2021-09-02 158APW4M0000190 KU265-6MCA Moved Solar Panel A Moved from SW to GT with the decomissioning of SW and the beginning of GT
2022-02-18 T21009229B43579 SX350J Installed Solar Panel ADCP Installed near the Gilbert Tract breach to measure tidal current
Water Level
2021-09-02 20010026 CS450 Moved Water Level Moved from SW to GT with the decomissioning of SW and the beginning of GT. Not installed until 09/09
2021-12-15 1782303006 CTD-10 Installed none Installed at GT in the wetland. it is just laying on its side on the ground for now. We will hang it properly after installing a boardwalk on site.
2022-02-02 20010026 CS450 Removed Water Level Removed from Gilbert Tract as its measurements are now redundant with the HYDROS21 water level sensor.
2022-08-24 1782303006 CTD-10 Removed Removed from GT and brought back to the lab. The depth data is bad but temperature and conductivity seemed reasonable.
2022-10-19 H21G20001202 HYDROS21 Installed Water Level Installed at GT off of the boardwalk where it is co-located with the eosGP and Campbell conductivity sensor. When the staff gauge read 21cm, the bottom of the sensors was 19cm below the water.
2024-04-16 H21G200002433 HYDROS21 Moved Water Level Boardwalk Removed for temporary use at GT, EXO should have the same data.
2024-04-16 H21G20001202 HYDROS21 Removed Water Level Removed from GT and brought back to the lab. Its cable was chewed and totally broken in at least 2 places.
2024-08-29 H21G200002433 HYDROS21 Removed Water Level Boardwalk Removed from GT (off of boardwalk) because water level data was not working. Brought back to the lab for further testing.
2024-10-10 H21G00003238 HYDROS21 Installed Water Level Boardwalk Installed on the fence post just off of the boardwalk walkway. It is co-located with the Campbell conductivity sensor.
Weather Station
2021-09-15 A001911 Mark I Installed Weather Station Installed on the radiation boom pointing south
2022-12-13 A001911 Mark I Removed Weather Station Removed from the GT tower. This unit has not be sending reliable data for a long time and Arable no longer supports this model. To be disposed of.
2024-03-07 D006946 Mark 3 Installed Weather Station Installed at Gilbert Tract on the radiometer boom.
2024-08-16 24F104086 EXO Central Wiper Installed none Installed with EXO3s in Gilbert Tract channel, co-located with the ADCP and channel miniDOT
2024-10-17 24F104086 EXO Central Wiper Removed Removed from GT channel and brought back to the lab for calibration
2024-10-23 24F104086 EXO Central Wiper Installed none Installed in the GT channel
Export to BADM