Equipment and Calibration History

History for SonTek SL1500 SL2149007

Rec No.DateLoc FromTitleLoc ToNotes
6940 2024-10-23 Lab none Installed Gilbert Tract Flowmeter ADCP Installed in the GT channel after cable repair
6920 2024-10-16 Lab none Adjusted Lab none The ADCP was complaining about too many files, so I downloaded the last 2 files and deleted all of the files by formatting the sensor.

The configuration is not affected by the reformat, but I made 3 changes to the configuration so we don't have to "re-calculate flow" before exporting the data.

Use SNR to adjust sample volume: Enabled --> Disabled
Instrument z (m): -2.220 --> -2.280
Initialize volume: Continuous --> Reset
6919 2024-10-15 Lab none Repair Lab none Joe repaired the break in the cable. He also re-repaired an old break that was previously soldered in the field. Both breaks are now covered with adhesive-lined heatshrink. The entire cable is now protected with flexible metal conduit.
6916 2024-10-10 Gilbert Tract Flowmeter ADCP Removed Lab none Removed ADCP, cable, and output adapter from the GT channel. The cable had been chewed underwater.
5700 2022-02-18 Lab none Installed Gilbert Tract Flowmeter ADCP Installed near the Gilbert Tract breach to measure tidal current