Equipment and Calibration History

History for Campbell Sci. CR10X 27930

Rec No.DateLoc FromTitleLoc ToNotes
6886 2024-09-16 Lab none Tested Lab none Tested in the lab for possible use at GT. OS is version 22, the internal battery was 0.28V and the clock was 2060. I replaced the internal battery but that was all. No communication problems
4091 2019-08-19 Bouldin Alfalfa-ReleaseEx Data Logger Near Removed Lab none Removed from the closer (day time) CH4 release point. The secondary tower and farther release point will continue.
4080 2019-08-16 Lab none Installed Bouldin Alfalfa-ReleaseEx Data Logger Near Installed for CH4 release experiment. This unit was part of the closer (day time) release point.