Equipment and Calibration History

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View history entry 6555 for YSI EXO2 sn: 22C103416

Date: 2024-01-23
From: Lab - none
To: Lab - none
Title: Tested
Notes: The wiper sn 22E103340 hasn't worked properly since being installed in mid-December. When we pulled the sonde last week, the brush was parked over the pH sensor and all the sensors were dirty. I brought the sonde back to the lab for routine calibration and tested the brush. The brush did work smoothly as first, but then it became intermittent. Sometimes it didn't work at all and sometimes it worked only in spurts (and the EXO would disconnect from the laptop right before the brush moved). The wiper did not show up under the Sensors or Calibration tab. Nothing changed when I tried plugging the wiper into a different port. I talked to Matt at YSI who thinks something is messed up electronically inside the wiper--it can receive commands (to wipe) but is not talking back to the sonde. I will send the wiper back to YSI for repair.
Entered by: Daphne Szutu