Equipment and Calibration

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Equipment Entry

Model No:WM 1590
Serial No:170523
Acquisition Date:2017-04-28
Location on 2017-05-11:Tonzi Tower, NULL
Notes: 20 Hz, Firmware 2329-701.
Ameriflux management program (AMP). One of three Gill WindMasters they provided for upgrading Tonzi/Vaira instrumentation.


No documents found

Report: Sonic Comparison - 2021-02-10
Report: Tonzi Tower Eddy System Compare - 2017-05-11


Rec No.DateLoc FromTitleLoc ToNotes
2767 2017-05-11 Lab none Installed Tonzi-Tower Installed on the Tower top replacing original sonic which was moved to temporary mount for inter-comparison.
2739 2017-05-02 Lab none Initial settings Lab none All Checksum fields report PASS. Anemometer Firmware Version: 2329-701

Config file below. If there are two entries in a field, the first entry is the old setting and the second entry is the new setting.



Output Message Format : M2 Polar
Output Message Format : M1 UV(W)
Resolution settings : Normal resolution
Resolution settings : High resolution
Output rate : P1 1 Hz
Output rate : P8 20 Hz
SOS and Sonic Temperature display : Neither
SOS and Sonic Temperature display : SOS
Output Channel 1 : Polar angle (wrap mode = 360 degree wrap)
Output Channel 1 : U output (full range = 30m/s)
Output Channel 2 : Polar Magnitude (full range = 5m/s)
Output Channel 2 : V output (full range = 30m/s)
Output Channel 4 : Status (status mode = Good signal high, bad signal low)
Output Channel 4 : Speed of Sound


==== DETAILS OF DETECTED ANEMOMETER ========================

Serial Number : W170523

---- SW VERSION --------------------------------------------
Anemometer Firmware Version: 2329-701

---- HW DETAILS OF ANEMOMETER ------------------------------
Detected Anemometer Class : WindMaster 20Mhz
Number of AXIS on this unit : 3
DAC resolution of attached unit : 14
Number of DAC channels : 4
Maximum sampling rate : (8) P8 20 Hz

---- USER CONFIGURATION OF ANEMOMETER ----------------------
Baud Rate : 19200
Output Message Format : M2 Polar
Output Message Format : M1 UV(W)
Output Message Velocity Units : m/s
Output Message Terminator :
Retries : ON
Instantaneous Sampling : OFF
Factory Calibration : ON
Physical Communications : Auto
Resolution settings : Normal resolution
Resolution settings : High resolution
Alignment settings : North to spar
Averaging settings : Averaging inactive
Output rate : P1 1 Hz
Output rate : P8 20 Hz
Polar angle minimum magnitude: 0.050 m/s
Power-On Message : Display Power On Message
ASCII Format : Comma Separated (CSV)
SOS and Sonic Temperature display : Neither
SOS and Sonic Temperature display : SOS
Analogue output mode : -5V to 5V
Unit Identifier : 'Q'
Output Channel 1 : Polar angle (wrap mode = 360 degree wrap)
Output Channel 1 : U output (full range = 30m/s)
Output Channel 2 : Polar Magnitude (full range = 5m/s)
Output Channel 2 : V output (full range = 30m/s)
Output Channel 3 : W output (full range = 5m/s)
Output Channel 4 : Status (status mode = Good signal high, bad signal low)
Output Channel 4 : Speed of Sound
Synchronised Polling : Off