Equipment and Calibration

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Equipment Entry

Manufacture:Ocean Optics
Model No:USB2000-VIS-NIR
Serial No:USB2G4461
Acquisition Date:2007-07-09
Location on 2014-12-22:Lab, NULL
Notes: Grating: 600 Lines Blazed at 500nm, Bandwidth: 350-1000nm, Detector: OFLV-3 25um slit, Resolution ~1.3nm


Calibration: cal_OceanOptics_USB2000_snUSB2G4461_20140630.pdf


Rec No.DateLoc FromTitleLoc ToNotes
3908 2016-10-11 East End Calibration East End Calibration Location: East End
Last calibration: 2016-04-13
RSSI=82%, Optical RH=21%
Ambient P=101.6kPa, Tair=21.1C
zero air at 800psi, AMP CH4 4.03 at 1400
CH4 Zero Offset: 0.02ppm
CH4 Span Offset: 0.01ppm
Notes: Breezy
1645 2014-12-22 Factory Returned Lab none Returned from Ocean Optics for repair of USB connector on RMA 1416394. They did a general Level 1 service that included a Wavelength Calibration and Linearity Test.
1644 2014-11-24 Lab none Shipped Factory Sent to Ocean Optics to repair broken USB connector on RMA 1416394.
1469 2014-07-08 Factory Returned Lab none Returned from Ocean Optics. They fixed the coax connector where the fiber optics connects to the box. They did a "level two repair" which seems to include a calibration (document on file).
1468 2014-06-13 Lab none Shipped Factory Sent to Ocean Optics for repair on RMA 1415292. The coax connector where the fiber optics connects to the box broke off.
1101 2013-11-08 Factory Returned Lab none Returned from calibration at Ocean Optics. Calibration sheets on file in the lab. This calibration looks as good or better than the last done in July of 2007.
1100 2013-10-21 Lab none Shipped Factory Sent to the Ocean Optics factory for calibration on RMA 1413725. The dark current had jumped up to about 200 counts over the last few months. It was a relative even offset at all wavelengths and did not seem to affect the measurements.
2463 2007-07-16 Factory Returned Lab none Returned from factory repair
34 2007-07-09 Factory Repair Factory Order number: 93838, Level one repair. optic fiber connector on box has snapped off.