Equipment and Calibration History

History for Campbell Sci. CS547A 6097

Rec No.DateLoc FromTitleLoc ToNotes
6563 2024-02-13 Disposed none Notes Disposed none Found this sensor in the dead sensor box in the lab! We were able to find the Kc (cell constant) on its label. This was not previously recorded in the equipment entry, and Campbell did not have any record of it either. Incontrovertible proof that we should never throw anything away.
2436 2016-08-30 Lab none Disposed Disposed Put in dead sensor box in lab.
2435 2016-08-24 Factory Returned Lab none Returned from Campbell on RMA 24692 - unrepariable
2449 2016-07-18 Factory Tested Factory Campbell says, "Tested and inspected sensor. Sensor show 'NAN' readings for cond and temp. Sensor is damaged internally. Sensor is beyond repair."
2355 2016-07-13 Lab none Shipped Factory Sent to Campbell on RMA 24692 to be evaluated.
2232 2016-04-13 Mayberry Conductivity Sensor Removed Lab none Removed from Mayberry tower together with interface module since it was giving bad readings.
1338 2013-12-06 Lab none Installed Mayberry Conductivity Sensor A installed conductivity probe at Mayberry tule tower scaffold crossbar, about 50 cm below water surface.