Equipment and Calibration

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Equipment Entry

Instrument:CO2 Probe
Model No:GMT221
Serial No:G0150034
Tag No:
Acquisition Date:2011-01-19
Location on 2014-01-23:Sherman,
Notes: 0-1% range


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Rec No.DateLoc FromTitleLoc ToNotes
2082 2014-01-23 Sherman Island Location Sherman Island Sherman Profile A -8cm
1390 2011-10-06 Lab none Calibration Lab none Trueppm = Probeppm*1.014 + 23.21; linear relationship between the ppm reported by the probe and the known ppm of the calibration tanks. Tanks: zero air (0ppm), 406ppm, 2238ppm, and 10000ppm (N2 bal). Ta=26.2C, P=101.4kPa. Because the lab conditions were close to factory conditions, no temperature or pressure corrections were applied. Done by: Sara.
1381 2011-02-10 Lab none Calibration Lab none Trueppm = Probeppm*1.055 + 27.37; linear relationship between the ppm reported by the probe and the known ppm of the calibration tanks. Tanks: zero air (0ppm), 597ppm, 2238ppm, and 10000ppm (N2 bal). Ta=25.5C, P=102.4kPa. Because the lab conditions were close to factory conditions, no temperature or pressure corrections were applied. Done by: Melanie.